Topic: Tag Alias: looking_to_side -> looking_aside

Posted under Tag Alias and Implication Suggestions

I thought the tag was looking_away not looking_aside?

ETA: Note that looking_ring and looking_left are already aliased to that tag, making it unlikely that looking_to_the(right|left) wouldn't go the same way.

Updated by anonymous

That sounds like an odd choice, since looking_away makes it sound a character is actually looking away from something. If they are in fact looking at something that is beside them, it make it hard to claim they're looking away. looking_aside would be more accurate as it would literally mean looking to one side.

Updated by anonymous

Looking aside sounds like it's for when their head is turned away, looking away for their eyes looking away from their head's direction.

Updated by anonymous

Standard policy on looking_to_the_(left|right) would be simply to edit the posts in question, as they have less than 3 taggings each. Same applies to looking_to_side.

^ Head is turned away? Can't a character who is looking directly over their shoulder at viewer be looking_aside|looking_to_side? 'Head is noticably facing in different direction than torso' might be better.

Updated by anonymous