Topic: Tagging designs that resemble animals

Posted under Tag/Wiki Projects and Questions

When you tag an animal such as rabbit or whatever, it implicates a range of related animal tags.

What if the animal appears only as a simplified design or talisman and isn't an actual living animal in the image? Is it expected to tag it normally and allow all of the implications?

Updated by Furrin Gok

i would think youd still tag whats visible, simplified designs of birds are likly to still have "landmarks" common to the family of species like a beak or feathered wings. i assume you mean simplified/ abstract forms like these that arnt too literal not aware of any implication that would cause additional things to be added that arnt there sence tags tend to be implicated to others that need to be present for for the initial tag to exist in the image in addition to being related.

Updated by anonymous

An etching of a bird still gets the avian tag as well, yes. A statue of a dog is still a canine.

Updated by anonymous

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