Topic: RoxFox64's e621 Suite (Downloader, Slideshow, Flash Player)

Posted under e621 Tools and Applications

Here are three applications made by me that I tend to use pretty frequently. In fact, they've entirely replaced the site as my main way of browsing e621. All applications are designed for windows and require .NET Framework 3.5+

e621 Downloader

e621 Downloader

This one downloads a maximum of 300 files at a time from a single query and can download multiple queries at once. It will also download pools; type in the pool ID and click on the pool button. It always downloads queries to a location on the base of the C:\ drive(C:\e621 Downloader\[query]\ or C:\e621 Downloader\Pools\[Pool ID]) Included in the archive is a copy of my image slideshow application.

The downloader is very simple, but the slideshow has a few commands:

Z/Left Arrow/Mouse Button 5 or X/Right Arrow/Mouse Button 4 - Move to last and next image respectively.
P - Start slideshow.
R - Reverse slideshow order.
B - Switch between fullscreen and windowed mode.

A Large number of animated gif images will cause it to throw an exception which will make it stop showing images. I have a version that doesn't have this problem, but it'll be a moment before I share it. It's radically different from the original so I figure I'll just merge it with the original first. The only reason I haven't done it yet is because its code is on two different computers.

e621 Slideshow

e621 Slideshow

Gives you a manual slideshow of a query where each image is downloaded as you need them. Has pretty tabs too!
It keeps a history of searches which can be accessed through the options menu, and doesn't show gif images at all. I've been meaning to update this one for a while, but I almost never use it thanks to the downloader/slideshow combo.
Make sure to put this in its own folder. It will download a lot of images if you use it for a while, and be mindful of how much disk space it's occupying.

It's actually rather glitchy, particularly if you screw with the tabs while it's downloading an image.

Z/Left Arrow or X/Right Arrow to browse.

e621 Flash Player

e621 Flash Player

My absolute favorite application to use!
Make sure to put this in its own folder; much like the slideshow. It will download a lot of flashes if you use it for a while, and be mindful of how much disk space it's occupying. It's easy to not pay attention to it and wind up with gigabytes of flashes.

It keeps a history of your searches, and also saves the search lists themselves so you can quickly and easily re-open a search and navigate to the last flash you saw (Also because of the crashing thing below).

No special controls.
I recommend keeping 'Auto-download next Flash' turned off as it's very glitchy. I just simply didn't bother fixing it. Promise I will soon though. Copy Link to Flash doesn't work as intended anymore thanks to a change in the API, just remove the from the beginning of the link it gives you for it to actually work, or just go to the page instead.

It will eventually crash after loading lots of flashes. I'm not quite sure how to fix that since the issue seems to be part of AxFlashPlayer. I'm not certain that it was designed to be used on more than one flash at a time. Relatively few flashes also don't work. Either black screens, or undefined behavior in general. Be sure to update flash player for Internet Explorer if you use any other browser than that as AxFlashPlayer and IE use the same source for Flash Player.

Everything will be getting an update soon. I didn't necessarily design these to be used publically, so they're kinda fine-tuned(or neglected) for my own use. I'll fix the glitches for everyone if people have an actual interest in my stuff.

Updated by AyoKeito

I just tried the downloader and it saved all the pictures to an unknown destination, apparently. The "Pool" button makes it crash.

Am I using this properly?

Updated by anonymous

With the pools you must use the pool ID to download them.
Also, certain pools, those containing an '/' in the name will create another folder within a folder containing part of the original title before the '/'.
What pool were you trying to download?

Updated by anonymous

hmmm...assuming the search bar relies on tags used here on the site...

attempted to search 'zonkpunch' via flashplayer. got a 403 forbidden error in return.

attempted to search 'dreiker' in slideshow. got...program simply crashed in response. tried again and another 403 forbidden error.

Updated by anonymous

The downloader link is broken. Either he removed it, or he failed to format the link properly.

Updated by anonymous

I'm pretty sure this one won't work because it's last update was before e621 admins added user agent requirements to api calls.

Updated by anonymous

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