Topic: List of characters in favorites list?

Posted under Tag/Wiki Projects and Questions

I'm curious if there is any way that I can see a list of all the characters I've added to my favorites list?

Finally decided to check out one of the e6 downloaders and I'd like to sort the characters into separate folders.

Updated by savageorange

fav:Mdf chartags:1 will list all posts with a character count of one, and you can replace 1 with other numbers to include instances of more on a single post. All you'd have to do then is count all the individual character names, ignoring repeats.

Or so this is what I interpret. If I am wrong, may you clarify what you meant?

Updated by anonymous

Siral_Exan said:
fav:Mdf chartags:1 will list all posts with a character count of one, and you can replace 1 with other numbers to include instances of more on a single post. All you'd have to do then is count all the individual character names, ignoring repeats.

Or so this is what I interpret. If I am wrong, may you clarify what you meant?

In text what you said sounds correct, but now looking at the results I'll have to go through and open each post to retrieve its character tag, and some tags have multiple posts. I could filter them by -tag but members are only limited to six tags, one of which is already being used.

Other than that, I was hoping for a text format but I got time to burn so that's more a non-issue. This alone cuts my page count in half so that's helpful!

Updated by anonymous

hsauq said:
I think if you know how to use the API to rip tags then, assuming information relating to tag types is retained, you could write a simple program to add a single instance of each character tag to a list. I never bothered learning how to do the former, but doing the latter would be extremely simple with the appropriate information.

There's probably a far simpler solution than what I've come up with, though.

This isn't a bad idea, though. Aside from making my own booru, this would be a great way to organize my images.

I dread the idea of coding. On the outside it's probably really simple, knowing my luck however, it will never go as planned. With that in mind, I've never honestly looked at the API before. I remember back when I was a kid, one of my favorite sites had an API but that just turned out to be a link to a chatroom. Before posting this query, I did take a quick swim through the forums looking for such a tool or answers, no beans.

I used to be an extremely organized person but over the years, heh, that's kind of fallen by the wayside as I grew into adulthood.

Updated by anonymous

hsauq said:
Don't forget about the range syntax. fav:mdf chartags:>0 would give them every single post with at least one character tag.

I actually didn't know that there was a range syntax. Thank you for showing me.

Updated by anonymous

Mdf said:
On the outside it's probably really simple, knowing my luck however, it will never go as planned.

Programming is like that. If you just assume from the start you'll be wrong many times, it doesn't have to be a big deal.

API is documented here . Found via the sitemap ('»' link at top).

Updated by anonymous