Topic: Advertising: Bidding against Bad-Dragon Conflict of Interest

Posted under General

So I'm interested in advertising on e621 but absolutely hate how your company advertises itself on e621 since it is a bidding system.

So DragonFruit can say they're bidding $500/month to advertise Bad Dragon and there is no actual money changing hands and their ads are guaranteed to show the most often.

Now if Bad Dragon ads only showed when no other ads were available that would be fine but that doesn't seem to be the case.

Also I really really hate that you all allow sites that use fake personal ads to try to scam money from furs like FurFling. Screw them. Even FA stands up against them.

Updated by hsauq

Nativus said:
So I'm interested in advertising on e621 but absolutely hate how your company advertises itself on e621 since it is a bidding system.

So DragonFruit can say they're bidding $500/month to advertise Bad Dragon and there is no actual money changing hands and their ads are guaranteed to show the most often.

Now if Bad Dragon ads only showed when no other ads were available that would be fine but that doesn't seem to be the case.

Also I really really hate that you all allow sites that use fake personal ads to try to scam money from furs like FurFling. Screw them. Even FA stands up against them.

Why bring this up all of a sudden?

Updated by anonymous

HypnoBitch said:
Why bring this up all of a sudden?

Why not? What alternative do you suggest?

Never bringing up anything that hasn't already been brought up before?

I know nothing of advertising on e621, but if they have a grievance, seems reasonable to voice it and get a response.

Updated by anonymous

It's the tone, I guess. Omitting the final paragraph (which is related to advertising, but not to the topic line AFAICS) would have come across clearer and as less of a 'nonsequitur general complaint topic', IMO.

So maybe we could pretend that final paragraph isn't there until the main complaint is dealt with?

Updated by anonymous

HypnoBitch said:
Why bring this up all of a sudden?

Because I purchase advertising for my furry company and interested in potentially advertising on e621.

Updated by anonymous

Nativus said:
Because I purchase advertising for my furry company and interested in potentially advertising on e621.

It felt like you had an agenda against Bad Dragon or something. Keep in mind that I only skimmed your post from earlier.

Updated by anonymous

There is no bidding against bad dragon, as bad dragon ads are literally filler ads.

Our advertising works that you buy a specific set of impressions which are shown daily once to all visitors. For example you buy 20,000 impressions, and you're the only one who bought an ad. Those 20k impressions will be shown once daily to every unique visitor until no more impressions are left. If we have 5k visitors daily, and only your ad, then everybody will see your ad first, afterwards only BD ads for the rest of the day. The next day it repeats until no more impressions are left.
Obviously you aren't the only one advertising so it's randomly selected which ad will be shown of the paid ones, but only after all paid ads have been shown once the BD ads will show up. I believe the only exception to this are ads for new releases, which are treated as paid and additionally are part of the backup ads, so they show once between other paid ads for a week or two and also have chance of showing up after no more ads are left.

As for furfling, I'm not aware of drama surrounding them, do you have a reputable source for that?
Also, where did you even read that it's a bidding system for our ads? Our thread makes it rather clear that you don't bid against anyone.

Updated by anonymous

NotMeNotYou said:

As for furfling, I'm not aware of drama surrounding them, do you have a reputable source for that?

Let's be totally honest, here.

It's a furry dating site that makes you pay for usage? In terms of sketchiness, it's somewhere between links and North Korean propaganda on concept alone.

Updated by anonymous

I actually made a non-serious account on FurFling and named myself Crispybaconandcheese with a burger as my profile pic lol. Not happy that you can't view your messages unless pay whatever dollars a month. That is ridiculous. That's like paying 50 cents for each dmail you receive/send

Updated by anonymous

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