Topic: Tag Implication: team_pose -> group

Posted under Tag Alias and Implication Suggestions

You can have a team of two. A team of two can perform a team pose.

Updated by anonymous

BlueDingo said:
You can have a team of two. A team of two can perform a team pose.

I think that'd be known as duo_pose, though, IE the Dynamic Duo Batman and his sidekick Robin (the singular instance, as they (plural) usually become heroes in time).

I believe is instance here is being a team (which would imply a group of people all doing individual roles, supporting one another), or acting like a team (where at least two people are put into a situation where teamwork is at least necessary). And, truth be told, I was tempted to make a Ginyu Force joke at this, but that is actually very apt. I mean, there are not many more iconic teams that the Power Rangers, the Planeteers from Captain Planet, the Sailor Team (or so fandom suggests) from Sailor Moon, et cetera.

Updated by anonymous