Topic: Favorite science fiction weapon?

Posted under Off Topic

There are a few really off topic threads like this. Anyway what fictional weapon would you want to see become a reality it can be anything from whatever you want from personal weapons like a lightsaber, gauss rifle or power armor to something huge like a planet sized ship.

Personally I love mechs ( I've been playing titanfall a lot ) I've always thought those were cool especially ones that are really agile like metal gear ray or the gekkos. Although I have no idea how practical or advantageous something like the ones from titanfall would be in real life I don't care I want those to be real.

I should probably clarify that this isn't a competition to see who could pick the most powerful weapon I thought it might be fun to talk about fictional weapons.

Updated by Lekkiyo

i would like to see androids/gynoids shaped like little children
they would seduce pedos and then snap their necks

Updated by anonymous

Speaking of swords I like lighting's swords from final fantasy XIII the blazefire saber is awesome and I love the swords like the crimson blitz from lightings return which to me look like futuristic macuahuitl.

Updated by anonymous

I really like collapsible/telescoping weapons, the best example I can think of would be the weapons from the Ratchet & Clank series, where guns the size of a rocket launcher would all extend out of a small part like the grip.

I also like retracting or folding weapons like the hidden blade from Assassin's Creed or the sword from Dishonoured which folds into the hilt. I just love seeing a machine with moving parts that seamlessly operates. If I actually owned a gun, I would probably spend more time disassembling and working the action than actually firing it at a range.

The HF blades from Metal Gear are really cool too. Especially Jetstream Sam, who has a gun-sheath that shoots out his sword for extra speed. The Red Queen from DMC4 is nice too, especially the hilt which you can rev up like an motorcylce throttle for extra power.

Updated by anonymous

tfkcex said:
neo armstrong jet cyclone Armstrong cannon


JAKXXX3 said:
I really like collapsible/telescoping weapons, the best example I can think of would be the weapons from the Ratchet & Clank series, where guns the size of a rocket launcher would all extend out of a small part like the grip.

I also like retracting or folding weapons like the hidden blade from Assassin's Creed or the sword from Dishonoured which folds into the hilt.

I just love seeing a machine with moving parts that seamlessly operates. If I actually owned a gun, I would probably spend more time disassembling and working the action than actually firing it at a range.

Me too, did you ever play bloodborne? Every weapon in the game either folds up or transforms in someway they were fun to use.

I also bought a smith & wesson collapsible baton just so I could have something like that in real life.

Updated by anonymous

Well I first just want to say I believe Power Armor and Gauss weapons probably aren't that far off right now. Well the Power armor shouldn't be that far off anyway. I can provide YT source for why I believe this if you'd like.

As for fictional weapons I'd like to see. Well I've actually got kind of a list lol. And its hard to pick just 1 favorite. I'll to to limit though so hope that's okay.
Of course there is always the mecha, easily 3 to 10 times the size of a human and kitted out with more weapons then a human or a tank, if applicable can change out equipment and in some cases more armored as well. Like you pointed out though the practicality and adventurousness of them are in question though.

Pretty much anything from RWBY since transforming weapons were brought up. They are all very much interesting, so much so that I wish there was an animation to show their transforming process in a reasonable speed.

And lastly. Living weapons. While sometimes cruel(Especially when it comes to animal or humanoid types) yes, it is a fascinating thing, as to me its one of those things where you need to prove worthy enough to command such a weapon. Also depending on personality type(If it has one) of the weapon, its generally easy to tell a pretty despicable user from a respectable one. And that's all I'm going to get into about this topic as there is so much to it I could easily talk about it for a couple of days straight. And I just ain't got the time for that.

Lol sorry about the overly long post. Hope I didn't bore you with reading it even though you asked.

Updated by anonymous

While some of mine aren't weaponry, I'd still like to see them implemented realistically.
- Invisibility: Although it is awesome to be an unseen assailant, being invisible would actually render you blind. However, you can always use cameras and projectors.
- Bullets in space: Seeing as there's no atmosphere, a physical round would have to rely upon the oxygen stored in it's casing, severely limiting its overall velocity. As such only energy weapons and rail weapons are feasible for space.
Explosives in space: In order to properly reach a moving target, a missile would need air resistance to redirect its course. This can be rectified using stabilizers similar to those on space rockets. Also, any explosive device would need oxygen for you to be safe. Air resistance is what keeps shrapnel from flying off forever.
- Bio-weapons: I would enjoy seeing this actually, however such a weapon would have a relatively short lifespan.
- Integrated weapons/prosthetic: Just imagine being able to fend off predators with your fake appendages. Stuff like collapsible blades, concealed cannons, etc.
- Antimatter/Positron weaponry: Although highly radioactive [even more so than a normal atomic bomb], a weapon incorporating antimatter would be awesome to use.
- Interdimensional/rift weapons: While being unrealistic in a sense, being able to bridge long distances using such device would be fun... even quite messy.
- One of my personal favorites, the Mega Blade: Few blades in general have the capacity for sniping applications, the Mega Blade [being highly unrealistic and realitic at once] generates this giant beam of pure energy and can make conventional snipers look like morons.

By the way, we already have mecha available. Google search 'Kuratas' or 'Megabot'.

Updated by anonymous

United_Gamers said:
Pretty much anything from RWBY since transforming weapons were brought up. They are all very much interesting, so much so that I wish there was an animation to show their transforming process in a reasonable speed.

Ah, I forget about RWBY, they have pretty cool transforming weapons. It's a shame they often move so fast that you barely see how they transition between different forms.

Do the biomechanical Synths from Half Life 2 count as living weapons? Synths are basically alien races that the Combine have bioengineered to be weapons. Most of them have thick exoskeletons and a bunch of cybernetic implants, so its easy to mistake them for robots, but they are definitely organic.

Updated by anonymous

I want the Fat Man or MIRV from Fallout, nothing beats having a hand-held nuke launcher.

Updated by anonymous

United_Gamers said:
Well I first just want to say I believe Power Armor and Gauss weapons probably aren't that far off right now. Well the Power armor shouldn't be that far off anyway. I can provide YT source for why I believe this if you'd like.

As for fictional weapons I'd like to see. Well I've actually got kind of a list lol. And its hard to pick just 1 favorite. I'll to to limit though so hope that's okay.

If you want to make a list I say go for it. Also I thought it would be fun to talk about the finer details and feasibility of whatever we thought of.

TheGreatWolfgang said:
I want the Fat Man or MIRV from Fallout, nothing beats having a hand-held nuke launcher.

The davy Crockett was a real thing.

Updated by anonymous

United_Gamers said:
Well I first just want to say I believe Power Armor and Gauss weapons probably aren't that far off right now. Well the Power armor shouldn't be that far off anyway.

Not as soon as you might think, if you're looking for something out of Fallout. Electromagnetic weapons already exist in a real capacity, they just wreck themselves whenever they're fired. I think it's because they compress the air in the barrel so greatly that it melts the inside. If they could solve that one issue, which the Navy is spending a lot of money to fix, they could mount the weapon on ships before you know it. Power armor, on the other hand, is only at its most basic stages, and it's honestly hard to say whether it would even be worth it with any kind of existing technology. At this point, the most promising applications are pretty benign, like loading munitions onto aircraft without the need for a vehicle, which would save a lot of room on aircraft carriers. Though it's pretty generous to call those systems "power armor" instead of "exoskeleton" or something.

Doomguy666 said:
The davy Crockett was a real thing.

Colonel Volgin upvotes.
Its maximum range put the operators within the fallout radius, so they canned it pretty quick.

I always liked the Falcon. One of Halo's few sensible vehicle designs.

Updated by anonymous

JAKXXX3 said:
Do the biomechanical Synths from Half Life 2 count as living weapons? Synths are basically alien races that the Combine have bioengineered to be weapons. Most of them have thick exoskeletons and a bunch of cybernetic implants, so its easy to mistake them for robots, but they are definitely organic.

Yes I would say they are. The very base of them is alien, which is alive. And as you mention heavily bio-engineered, and given cybernetics. This would or should make them loyal, as well as give them ever single physical and mental upgrade possible, making it easier to hunt and kill/capture the enemy.

N08L3553-5UPPL1C3 said:
- Invisibility: Although it is awesome to be an unseen assailant, being invisible would actually render you blind. However, you can always use cameras and projectors.

Well if we're talking about refracting around the person or object in question(Which in most things I see about invisibility is the explanation) Then the effect should be the same as if were standing in darkness looking at a lite area only this time the only thing shrouded in pure darkness is you.

As for cameras and projectors It could possibly work but I figure what happens is similar to the stealth suit in the GI Joe movie where the projection is always flicking trying to keep up with the environment shifting.

- Bio-weapons: I would enjoy seeing this actually, however such a weapon would have a relatively short lifespan.

Only if made to have a short lifespan. Though Germ weapon generally should have a very short lifespan, if that is what you are talking about. Other wise other forms of bio weapons could have any life span you want.

Fenrick said:
Not as soon as you might think, if you're looking for something out of Fallout. Electromagnetic weapons already exist in a real capacity, they just wreck themselves whenever they're fired. I think it's because they compress the air in the barrel so greatly that it melts the inside. If they could solve that one issue, which the Navy is spending a lot of money to fix, they could mount the weapon on ships before you know it.

If the issue is the barrel keeps getting ripped apart then I think the simple answer is to do away with it and use a pair of arms instead with a some bracers to keep them from collapsing into each other and spreading apart, like most concept real or fictional railgun designs I've seen.

Power armor, on the other hand, is only at its most basic stages, and it's honestly hard to say whether it would even be worth it with any kind of existing technology. At this point, the most promising applications are pretty benign, like loading munitions onto aircraft without the need for a vehicle, which would save a lot of room on aircraft carriers. Though it's pretty generous to call those systems "power armor" instead of "exoskeleton" or something.

A fair point, In all honesty power armor may not go father then an exosuit. But you never know once Exo's are common place someone may get the bright idea to armor one up and add typically vehicle mounted weapons on it. Who knows if it will ever happen but the idea is always there.

I always liked the Falcon. One of Halo's few sensible vehicle designs.

I couldn't agree more.

Doomguy666 said:
If you want to make a list I say go for it. Also I thought it would be fun to talk about the finer details and feasibility of whatever we thought of.

Lol well in that case XD

Updated by anonymous

Handheld railguns (the one from GTA V is a great example).

The portability of an assault rifle, the power of a tank cannon, propeling a round to over 3 kilometers a second, making that solid metal round explode on impact simply with kinetic energy, that's a super deadly point-and-click right there.

Iron out all the design flaws like the inefficient energy supply and constant degradation of the rails and this would be a very overpowered weapon.

Updated by anonymous

Fenrick said:
Not as soon as you might think, if you're looking for something out of Fallout. Electromagnetic weapons already exist in a real capacity, they just wreck themselves whenever they're fired. I think it's because they compress the air in the barrel so greatly that it melts the inside. If they could solve that one issue, which the Navy is spending a lot of money to fix, they could mount the weapon on ships before you know it. Power armor, on the other hand, is only at its most basic stages, and it's honestly hard to say whether it would even be worth it with any kind of existing technology. At this point, the most promising applications are pretty benign, like loading munitions onto aircraft without the need for a vehicle, which would save a lot of room on aircraft carriers. Though it's pretty generous to call those systems "power armor" instead of "exoskeleton" or something.

Colonel Volgin upvotes.
Its maximum range put the operators within the fallout radius, so they canned it pretty quick.

I always liked the Falcon. One of Halo's few sensible vehicle designs.

I remember seeing an electromagnetic weapon on tv but I didn't know about them destroying themselves when they're fired, fascinating.

As for the powered exoskeleton the military is developing I saw that on tv as well, I watch a lot of tv. That one reminds me more of the one in aliens (it even has the same job) than it does something like fallout so it hardly seems like power armor.

Also I was curious to see what aircraft you'd pick.

Updated by anonymous

N08L3553-5UPPL1C3 said:
- Invisibility: Although it is awesome to be an unseen assailant, being invisible would actually render you blind.

how would being invisible make you, the one who is invisible, blind? where does that logic come from?

- Bullets in space: Seeing as there's no atmosphere, a physical round would have to rely upon the oxygen stored in it's casing, severely limiting its overall velocity. As such only energy weapons and rail weapons are feasible for space.

nope... physics might say otherwise. iirc once a bullet has been fired in space it will simply remain in motion until it hits something. it's be no different than if you were to throw a rock with your hand.

what i mean is, in space there is no air or wind so there isn't any wind resistance and thus no velocity decay which would be a result of said resistance.

- Integrated weapons/prosthetic: Just imagine being able to fend off predators with your fake appendages. Stuff like collapsible blades, concealed cannons, etc.

this would quite likely be doable. the prosthetic limb would like need to be strengthened and stabilized a bit more than a non-weaponized model though due to the impacts and quick movements (and recoil if it was a gun) required for combat use however.

- Antimatter/Positron weaponry: Although highly radioactive [even more so than a normal atomic bomb], a weapon incorporating antimatter would be awesome to use.

while neat, you'd have to be careful yourself. if that anntimatter ever came into contact with normal matter...BANG! goodbye antimatter AND whatever it touched.

- Interdimensional/rift weapons: While being unrealistic in a sense, being able to bridge long distances using such device would be fun... even quite messy.

different forms of portal guns/devices could achieve this. just have it able to manually close portals as well as open them. if someone pursuing you is a bit too slow...well, goodbye to some body parts. lol >:)

- One of my personal favorites, the Mega Blade: Few blades in general have the capacity for sniping applications, the Mega Blade [being highly unrealistic and realitic at once] generates this giant beam of pure energy and can make conventional snipers look like morons.

this on a high speed mech such as those in AC: Answerer would be a literal doomsday weapon. also, doesn't the mega blade have...virtually infinite reach?

By the way, we already have mecha available. Google search 'Kuratas' or 'Megabot'.

Kuratas O.O amazing...well, that's japan for you.

megabots... long as it's not a SyFy tier shitfest, i guess it MIGHT be worth watching. >.> those kinds of shows rarely, if ever, leave me impressed. also, they are just 1 letter off from having the name of an anime series: Medabots (or Medarots if your japanese).

as for my favorite. if robots count, then would something like metal sonic count?

edit: hum... mega blade...

now that i think about it a bit more. a weapon like that would have it's range and offensive capabilities largely determined by the amount of energy fed into it. for example: hook up a mini-fusion reactor to it and watch the offensive potential and range go off the charts. heck, do a remote link to a large enough reactor and that blade could probably touch other planets.

you'd just have to adjust and fine tune whatever happened to be wielding/moving the blade so that it doesn't move too fast. that way you'd avoid or at the very least lower the chance of accidents.

Updated by anonymous

treos said:
how would being invisible make you, the one who is invisible, blind? where does that logic come from?

nope... physics might say otherwise. iirc once a bullet has been fired in space it will simply remain in motion until it hits something. it's be no different than if you were to throw a rock with your hand.

what i mean is, in space there is no air or wind so there isn't any wind resistance and thus no velocity decay which would be a result of said resistance.

Assuming that invisibility bends the light around you to camouflage your body, it would follow that the light does not enter your retina. No light in your retina means you are effectively blind.

As for ballistic weapons in space, I think the problem isn't oxygen so much as the temperature. Objects in space near earth will absorb a ton of solar radiation, which could make your gun hot enough for the cartridges explode. Meanwhile, deep space might not have enough energy for the chemical reaction to occur... but I'm not completely sure.

Updated by anonymous

treos said:
how would being invisible make you, the one who is invisible, blind? where does that logic come from?

I think it would be because in most everything invisibility is achieved by bending the light around an object so if a person was made invisible in that way all light would be bent around and away from the persons eyes making it impossible to see anything while invisible.

At least I think that's why.

as for my favorite. if robots count, then would something like metal sonic count?


Updated by anonymous

Doomguy666 said:
I think it would be because in most everything invisibility is achieved by bending the light around an object so if a person was made invisible in that way all light would be bent around and away from the persons eyes making it impossible to see anything while invisible.

At least I think that's why.


unless every photon of incoming light is duplicated
one photon is sent to the person's eye (he's a cyclops)
the other photon is sent on a curved path around the person

Updated by anonymous

treos said:
how would being invisible make you, the one who is invisible, blind? where does that logic come from?

The concept behind invisibility is the manipulation of light, yes? Specifically by rendering the target transparent. If you were to do that, then the light would just pass through any surface in your body, including the back of your eyes, nerve endings, optical rods and cones, etc.
And eyes work similar to a camera, which needs light in order to produce an image.
So, the light would just bypass the retina entirely, without producing an image.

Edit: And in relation to bio-weaponry, most used concepts feature viral interaction to create one, but splicing would also be short-lived thanks to the chaotic nature of the tech [seeing as how some genomes are incompatible].

Edit 2: On the other hand about invisibility, it could happen like in Hollowman, but I'm sure you would go blind from too much light.

Updated by anonymous

@Fenrick , @Treos:

Are you guys talking about Kinetic/Orbital Bombardment?

Updated by anonymous

Munkelzahn said:
unless every photon of incoming light is duplicated
one photon is sent to the person's eye (he's a cyclops)
the other photon is sent on a curved path around the person

Actually I started thinking about that problem after making my "It would be the same as standing in darkness and looking into a well lit area" comment, which at its core I still kind of believe, however alternatives would be good to have. You idea of light duplication would be interesting. but probably impractical. I was thinking more along the lines of goggles with light in them manually adjusted to the light outside the invisibility field. Its a thought and fairly simple solution to an otherwise already complex idea.

Updated by anonymous

N08L3553-5UPPL1C3 said:
The concept behind invisibility is the manipulation of light, yes? Specifically by rendering the target transparent. If you were to do that, then the light would just pass through any surface in your body, including the back of your eyes, nerve endings, optical rods and cones, etc.
And eyes work similar to a camera, which needs light in order to produce an image.
So, the light would just bypass the retina entirely, without producing an image.

While interesting that would ultimately not work. You could make light bend around or possibly be captured something but I doubt you could actually force it to pass through something without imparting something onto the object its supposed to pass through.

However I can't say I know much about the way light works myself so who knows you may have a decent concern.

Updated by anonymous

ElctrcBoogalord said:
@Fenrick , @Treos:

Are you guys talking about Kinetic/Orbital Bombardment?

Nah, the issue is ballistic weaponry, i.e. conventional firearms.

Fun fact: gyrojet weapons would not work in space! Too bad nobody uses gyrojets anymore.

Another fun fact: ballistic firearms would be a nightmare in space even if they could be fired safely. The recoil would spin you every which way since you have no gravitational forces keeping your body rooted.

Updated by anonymous

Fenrick said:
Nah, the issue is ballistic weaponry, i.e. conventional firearms.

Fun fact: gyrojet weapons would not work in space! Too bad nobody uses gyrojets anymore.

Another fun fact: ballistic firearms would be a nightmare in space even if they could be fired safely. The recoil would spin you every which way since you have no gravitational forces keeping your body rooted.

just use

Updated by anonymous

Just thought of another concept...
Shapeshifting: While awesome as it may sound to be able to rearrange your body, the process would consume more energy than you can produce. So, a shapeshifter would have to be consuming large quantities of bioenergy to avoid burning themselves away.
At least, that's what my friend told me, and I'm not going to argue with his logic.

Question of interest to me: Would breaking the sound barrier, say... many times over be fatal to a normal human?

Updated by anonymous

N08L3553-5UPPL1C3 said:
Just thought of another concept...
Shapeshifting: While awesome as it may sound to be able to rearrange your body, the process would consume more energy than you can produce. So, a shapeshifter would have to be consuming large quantities of bioenergy to avoid burning themselves away.
At least, that's what my friend told me, and I'm not going to argue with his logic.

Sounds reasonable actually. Same concept for certain superpowers. Your metabolism would be so high you'd have to consume a lot of high carb food just to keep your power active and you alive.

Updated by anonymous

United_Gamers said:
However I can't say I know much about the way light works myself so who knows you may have a decent concern.

Basically, we are only able to see because our eyes absorb waves of light that bounce off of stuff. If the waves are somehow bent around our bodies and, by extension, our eyes, our eyes will be left with nothing to deal with. It would be like muffling your breathing and heartbeat by wearing a soundproof suit. No one would hear you, but you wouldn't hear anyone else, either.

Maybe you could reduce your sight signature to a floating helmet visor...

Not the only means of active camouflage, though. You could have some sort of projection system that shows what is on the other side via cameras. This would not be practical on humans, since we're pretty small and curvy, but on rigid surfaces like armored vehicles or ships it might have some use.

Munkelzahn said:
just use

Maybe, but hey, you might as well pack a fancy guided missile launcher at that point.

Updated by anonymous

Fenrick said:
Nah, the issue is ballistic weaponry, i.e. conventional firearms.

Fun fact: gyrojet weapons would not work in space! Too bad nobody uses gyrojets anymore.

Another fun fact: ballistic firearms would be a nightmare in space even if they could be fired safely. The recoil would spin you every which way since you have no gravitational forces keeping your body rooted.

I have question about ballistic weaponry in space. I recently got a .357 pcp (pre-charged pneumatic) rifle mostly because I thought it was badass. It has a 3,000 psi air tank and fires a 145 gr pellet at around 800-900 fps with very little recoil. Do you think that could be fired in space?

Additional question why wouldn't gyrojet weapons work in space?

I could probably google that last one but I'm here so I guess I'm asking you instead.

Updated by anonymous

I'd differently want a Gunmen/Lagann from Gurren Lagann, to me this is the best kind of mech to pilot. You don't need extensive knowledge of it, there's no high skill ceiling, and there's no restrictive secondary power source to worry about, you just need the will/strive to pilot it, and the physical/mental energy to operate, which basically boils down to getting enough sleep and eating/drinking, and boom, you control it as if that's your normal body.

Updated by anonymous

Doomguy666 said:
I have question about ballistic weaponry in space. I recently got a .357 pcp (pre-charged pneumatic) rifle mostly because I thought it was badass. It has a 3,000 psi air tank and fires a 145 gr pellet at around 800-900 fps with very little recoil. Do you think that could be fired in space?

Additional question why wouldn't gyrojet weapons work in space?

I could probably google that last one but I'm here so I guess I'm asking you instead.

Gyrojets use rockets-propelled bullets, and the cartridges don't provide their own oxygen.

At least, that's what I thought at first, but apparently some gyrojets were designed so that they did! They were apparently meant to fire underwater. That could actually be a relatively useful space-gun since they have virtually no recoil.

I can't think of any reason that a pneumatic weapon wouldn't work in vacuum, but I'm not the one to ask about pneumatic weapons I'm afraid. Compressed air would be pretty wasteful in space, though. But it would still work, I think.

Updated by anonymous

Fenrick said:
Basically, we are only able to see because our eyes absorb waves of light that bounce off of stuff. If the waves are somehow bent around our bodies and, by extension, our eyes, our eyes will be left with nothing to deal with. It would be like muffling your breathing and heartbeat by wearing a soundproof suit. No one would hear you, but you wouldn't hear anyone else, either.

AH right how could I forget that annoying little tidbit. A very fair point. So indeed you'd need lit goggles/visor then. Or like your idea just have the field not go around the visor. Lmfao thats sure to make some people go "WTF?!"

Not the only means of active camouflage, though. You could have some sort of projection system that shows what is on the other side via cameras. This would not be practical on humans, since we're pretty small and curvy, but on rigid surfaces like armored vehicles or ships it might have some use.

I did make mention of that in a previous post. And I indeed was thinking of only human application. That would be a great thing to have a vehicle, plus you could sneak up pretty close with one as well provided you could muffle the noise and minimize dust kick up and water shift.

SirBrownBear said:
I'd differently want a Gunmen/Lagann from Gurren Lagann, to me this is the best kind of mech to pilot. You don't need extensive knowledge of it, there's no high skill ceiling, and there's no restrictive secondary power source to worry about, you just need the will/strive to pilot it, and the physical/mental energy to operate, which basically boils down to getting enough sleep and eating/drinking, and boom, you control it as if that's your normal body.

Oh hell yes! That would be pretty awesome. Maybe we could eventually figure out a way to make such a thing.

Updated by anonymous

Fenrick said:
Nah, the issue is ballistic weaponry, i.e. conventional firearms.

Fun fact: gyrojet weapons would not work in space! Too bad nobody uses gyrojets anymore.

Another fun fact: ballistic firearms would be a nightmare in space even if they could be fired safely. The recoil would spin you every which way since you have no gravitational forces keeping your body rooted.

Munkelzahn said:
just use

that + magnetic boots if your standing on a metallic surface. but yeah, recoilless or melee weaponry might be best for space (granted melee would be rather difficulty with the who "no gravity" thing but still probably doable).

N08L3553-5UPPL1C3 said:
Question of interest to me: Would breaking the sound barrier, say... many times over be fatal to a normal human?

well, there is the SR71 Blackbird which can reach speeds of Mach 3+ so...i guess not as long as you don't crash into anything.

also, regarding invisibility. iirc doesn't imperfect optical camo have that one flaw where if the user moves it looks akin to a piece of fractured glass moving? heres an example of what i mean. so long as someones paying attention well enough and knows what to look for, that type of optical camo is useless.

edit: stupid "https:" breaking my posts...wish that could be fixed eventually.

Updated by anonymous

treos said:

well, there is the SR71 Blackbird which can reach speeds of Mach 3+ so...i guess not as long as you don't crash into anything.

Indeed, but the SR-71 was an extreme. It crashed pretty hard into the air around it, to the extent that the aircraft actually noticeably increased in length during flights due to the sheer heat.

There was one incident in which one of the aircraft disintegrated, killing one of the crew (amazingly, the pilot survived). When you're at high speeds within the earth's atmosphere, you're in a domain that is generally best left to UAVs these days, which is why the SR-72 will be unmanned. One of the few situations in which I'll concede that the robots have us beaten.

For now...

Si_288 said:
The AR5 series

It reminds me much of the AR-15 because of its modularity.

Don't forget the weapon's ancestors.

Updated by anonymous

Fenrick said:
There was one incident in which one of the aircraft disintegrated, killing one of the crew (amazingly, the pilot survived). When you're at high speeds within the earth's atmosphere, you're in a domain that is generally best left to UAVs these days, which is why the SR-72 will be unmanned. One of the few situations in which I'll concede that the robots have us beaten.

While there is that, I was referring to someone outside of the craft itself. Specifically, I would like to know if it can be used for a possible weapon.

Edit: Just remembered Pile Bunkers. I would love to see that for human use.
There's just something about driving a metal spike into a target. That and the right to say "Penetration."

Updated by anonymous

N08L3553-5UPPL1C3 said:
Question of interest to me: Would breaking the sound barrier, say... many times over be fatal to a normal human?

N08L3553-5UPPL1C3 said:
While there is that, I was referring to someone outside of the craft itself. Specifically, I would like to know if it can be used for a possible weapon.

You mean like this?

Updated by anonymous

N08L3553-5UPPL1C3 said:
While there is that, I was referring to someone outside of the craft itself. Specifically, I would like to know if it can be used for a possible weapon.

Do you mean in general?

In vacuum, absolutely. You can go as fast as you damn well please (at least, as fast as modern technology would allow you to go). The real limitation is rapid acceleration (including acceleration due to collisions), not speed itself. Speed is just relative, after all.

In atmosphere, since you're constantly colliding with the air, things get problematic even at relatively low speeds if you don't have some sort of protection. The human body is not aerodynamic at all. As an example of how badly high-speed air will damage people, ejection seats strap the crews' limbs to their seats. If they did not, the air resistance alone would break their bones. That's one of many reasons ejecting at high speeds is extremely dangerous, and the other problems are not so easily solved.

But once air resistance is no longer an issue, you could have open-canopy spacecraft traveling at ridiculously high speeds and be perfectly safe, so long as you had your own life support.

Updated by anonymous

Cold Fusion or Anti matter Bombs,placed on ICBMs,able to destroy huge cities
Don't get me wrong, I would never like to see someone uses such weapons.
Si vis pacem para bellum. The best weapon is the one that never has to be used.

Or a rail-/gausssystem on a satelite that's able to shoot incoming asteroids with a smart projectile.First part is a missile that ripps the asteroid apart,second part are smaller missiles that hit bigger leftovers detected by the radar in part 3 XD

Fenrick said:
Do you mean in general?

In vacuum, absolutely. You can go as fast as you damn well please (at least, as fast as modern technology would allow you to go). The real limitation is rapid acceleration (including acceleration due to collisions), not speed itself. Speed is just relative, after all.

In atmosphere, since you're constantly colliding with the air, things get problematic even at relatively low speeds if you don't have some sort of protection. The human body is not aerodynamic at all. As an example of how badly high-speed air will damage people, ejection seats strap the crews' limbs to their seats. If they did not, the air resistance alone would break their bones. That's one of many reasons ejecting at high speeds is extremely dangerous, and the other problems are not so easily solved.

But once air resistance is no longer an issue, you could have open-canopy spacecraft traveling at ridiculously high speeds and be perfectly safe, so long as you had your own life support.

All correct, but here's one unmentioned point - collisions with other things.

Without any protection, a pea sized stone would work like a 20mm bullet if the pilot hits or gets hit by it. After all the space isn't empty, everything is just a bit more spread

Updated by anonymous

D4rk said:
Cold Fusion or Anti matter Bombs,placed on ICBMs,able to destroy huge cities
Don't get me wrong, I would never like to see someone uses such weapons.
Si vis pacem para bellum. The best weapon is the one that never has to be used.

Or a rail-/gausssystem on a satelite that's able to shoot incoming asteroids with a smart projectile.First part is a missile that ripps the asteroid apart,second part are smaller missiles that hit bigger leftovers detected by the radar in part 3 XD

All correct, but here's one unmentioned point - collisions with other things.

Without any protection, a pea sized stone would work like a 20mm bullet if the pilot hits or gets hit by it. After all the space isn't empty, everything is just a bit more spread

True, but at that point no amount of protection would really matter in any kind of existing spacecraft. You'd be screwed no matter what.

Updated by anonymous

Fenrick said:
True, but at that point no amount of protection would really matter in any kind of existing spacecraft. You'd be screwed no matter what.

Yeah, problems are the launch weight and the necesary aerodynamical design.

Hard metal, angled with 30 degree would propably give some protection. But bigger rocks would still be a massive problem, unless the armor is very strong. Such ships would need to built outside earth, but in space there's radiation that contaminates the internal ship parts.

Updated by anonymous

look i just want personal FTL-capable spacecraft, laser/plasma rifles and mechs

maybe a combination of all three i dont know

Updated by anonymous

M41A pulse rifle
MA5C assault rifle.

The only ones that matter.

Updated by anonymous

Tie between the BFG9000 from DOOM and the Lancer assault rifle from Gears of War.

Updated by anonymous

RusterFuck said:

MA5C assault rifle.

Again with that gun huh. The most iconic gun in Halo is also the shittiest.

At least 343 gave it a buff but I'm pretty sure you hate them. In Bungie games, the only thing that piece of junk was good for was being dropped for absolutely anything else at the first opportunity, aside from the first game.

Updated by anonymous

Fenrick said:
Again with that gun huh. The most iconic gun in Halo is also the shittiest.

At least 343 gave it a buff but I'm pretty sure you hate them. In Bungie games, the only thing that piece of junk was good for was being dropped for absolutely anything else at the first opportunity, aside from the first game.

True the MA5C is kinda lackluster. Which is funny since the MA5D model is a little bit of an upgrade and does fairly better, at least in my experience It has been a pretty good gun, gotten quite a few good kills with it.

Personally though I perfer the M395 DMR or the BR85 Heavy Barrel Service Rifle. But everyone has their own strengths with certain weapons.

Updated by anonymous

Doomguy666 said:

Additional question why wouldn't gyrojet weapons work in space?

Rocket propulsion is still a combustion and combustion requires four elements in proper balance:

  • Heat
  • Fuel
  • Oxygen
  • Chemical reaction

If any of these elements go out of balance, the fire will burn out. For instance, firefighters sometimes light a second fire to eat up the fuel and oxygen that the first one needs.

Oxygen exists in very high amounts in water, and magnesium and some other metals can thus burn underwater. However, the near-vacuum of space naturally doesn't contain sufficient oxygen for any combustion reaction.

Bringing oxygen-prepped rockets into outer space would be a great way to suffocate the Earth. We're actually losing a lot of helium to outer space because it's lighter than air so it launches itself into the outer atmosphere, and we might run out of it completely in the next decade or two.

Updated by anonymous

Any sort of man-portable railgun/Gauss cannon (yes, there is a difference). I've always been fascinated by electromagnetic weaponry- my friend and I built a homemade Gauss rifle for an 8th grade science project. The Railgun was easily my favorite weapon in Halo 4. I could REKT with that thing. Doom's Gauss Cannon with Siege Mode is pretty overpowered, once you get down the jumpcharge trick. Destiny's Sleeper Simulant fills the same niche (long charge for high-damage precision shot), but is a laser cannon instead.

In Space Engineers, I actually was able to use a series of Gravity Generators to make a pseudo-Gauss Cannon. This actually works better than conventional weapons, as it's far cheaper to build the steel plates it shoots than rockets or torpedoes, and can still punch a hole clean through a capital ship.

The funny thing is, I also have a thing for old-fashioned weapons. In CoD BlOps2, I ran the whole campaign with an M1911 as my secondary. Any sort of M-14 variant is also a go-to in any game. In Destiny, my favorite weapons are all 19-20th century guns- The Last Word (old-west 6 shooter, along with its counterpart The First Curse, and the equally cool Ace of Spades), Chaperone (lever-action Slug shotgun), and No Land Beyond (WWII Bolt-action rifle)

Updated by anonymous

BlueDingo said:
It may not be the most practical, but... The cerebral bore.

wow I haven't seen that game in years, it made me all nostalgic and shit.

Fenrick said:

also damn fenrick you brought the good stuff to this conversation.

Updated by anonymous

RJDodger said:
Any sort of man-portable railgun/Gauss cannon (yes, there is a difference). I've always been fascinated by electromagnetic weaponry- my friend and I built a homemade Gauss rifle for an 8th grade science project. The Railgun was easily my favorite weapon in Halo 4. I could REKT with that thing. Doom's Gauss Cannon with Siege Mode is pretty overpowered, once you get down the jumpcharge trick. Destiny's Sleeper Simulant fills the same niche (long charge for high-damage precision shot), but is a laser cannon instead.

In Space Engineers, I actually was able to use a series of Gravity Generators to make a pseudo-Gauss Cannon. This actually works better than conventional weapons, as it's far cheaper to build the steel plates it shoots than rockets or torpedoes, and can still punch a hole clean through a capital ship.

The funny thing is, I also have a thing for old-fashioned weapons. In CoD BlOps2, I ran the whole campaign with an M1911 as my secondary. Any sort of M-14 variant is also a go-to in any game. In Destiny, my favorite weapons are all 19-20th century guns- The Last Word (old-west 6 shooter, along with its counterpart The First Curse, and the equally cool Ace of Spades), Chaperone (lever-action Slug shotgun), and No Land Beyond (WWII Bolt-action rifle)

I hated the railgun in Halo 4. It had an invisible projectile so it was hard to notice, but it had a ridiculously low projectile velocity, a glaring issue when most bullets were hitscan. So you had the railgun slug being, ironically, one of the slowest projectiles in the game.

Halo 5 absolutely got it right though. That thing is fantastic and I love it.

Also, speaking of Destiny, I just need to throw out that the game awesomely accurately depicts double-action revolvers. Pulling the trigger slightly before firing will cause your character's hand to tense as the hammer is pulled back to actually match your trigger input. Not really relevant but I thought that was very cool (and out of place, given how much else the game ignores about firearms).

BlueDingo said:
It may not be the most practical, but... The cerebral bore.

Oh, that thing. My brother used to forbid the use of that weapon in multiplayer deathmatches in Turok 2 because it was so disgusting. Not to mention overpowered. It sucked outside of multiplayer but the thing was damn hard to avoid in deathmatch, if I remember right.

FibS said:

Bringing oxygen-prepped rockets into outer space would be a great way to suffocate the Earth. We're actually losing a lot of helium to outer space because it's lighter than air so it launches itself into the outer atmosphere, and we might run out of it completely in the next decade or two.

As far as resources go, oxygen deprivation doesn't seem all that likely to me, but maybe it could be an issue in the far future.

As for helium, I know you're completely right. Gonna have to start mining the moon... maybe the balloon companies will provide the kick that space exploration needs!

Doomguy666 said:

also damn fenrick you brought the good stuff to this conversation.

It's the only entertaining thing to happen in the forum in years. At least, the only one that didn't involve several people getting banned (these bans are not necessarily why these things were entertaining).

Updated by anonymous

Fenrick said:
Again with that gun huh. The most iconic gun in Halo is also the shittiest.

At least 343 gave it a buff but I'm pretty sure you hate them. In Bungie games, the only thing that piece of junk was good for was being dropped for absolutely anything else at the first opportunity, aside from the first game.

Battle rifle kiddie spotted.

32round magdump of real fuckin nato+melee is the ultimate close quarters noob slayer. I topped scoreboards with the AR match after match.

Yes we can 1v1 anytime.

Updated by anonymous

Mag Charger from Timesplitters: Future Perfect. It's a foldable/collapsible handgun-sized railgun with thermal scope.

Updated by anonymous

Actually you know what I want that Beta Suit from TimeShift

The ability to stop, slow and reverse time is basically the best power imo

Updated by anonymous

In omnicidal terms, Exalted's Godspear weapon (i think that's what it was called? It doesn't come up much, but you don't forget it when it fires). Baneblade battle cannons, Demolisher cannons -- the Volcano gun (you know something's serious when its damage breaks numeric counting).

The PEPS was a fun tool from Dues Ex - 'less lethal' never meant 'not painful.'

If I play SMAC, I always strive to repeal the Geneva convention so I can field troops toting nerve gas launchers, but in the original version, Hunter-Seeker protocol engages a special sort of supremacy that a 'weapon' in the normal sense would never achieve.
In Mass Effect, the Graal and the Kishock are my go-to 'get shit done' guns.

I feel like I'm forgetting something.
Oh right. The Granzon, of course.

Updated by anonymous

If you want pure destructive power, how about the Ultimate Nullifier from Marvel comics? Apparently it can destroy entire time-lines and universes if you are powerful enough, though it can kill you if you try to use it without the required mental fortitude.

Updated by anonymous

RusterFuck said:
Battle rifle kiddie spotted.

32round magdump of real fuckin nato+melee is the ultimate close quarters noob slayer. I topped scoreboards with the AR match after match.

Yes we can 1v1 anytime.

More like shameless power-weapon/vehicle whore. I wanted to like the assault rifle, I really did. It let me down. If I need to get a melee kill I'm better off with a plasma pistol or even the SMG.
I use the assault rifle all the time in Halo 5, though, since it isn't garbage.

Updated by anonymous

Munkelzahn said:
Yeah, Hollywood should make a BattleTech(tm)(r)(c)(etc) movie instead of more live-action superhero movies
and instead of remaking more old movies

Good luck navigating the IP minefield that is BattleTech, though. I think Microsoft owns the IP TECHNICALLY (because they also own the rights to FASA in general, as dead as it is), but licenses it out to Piranha for their craptastic MWO, and then Harmony Gold occasionally sticks its dick in and waggles it around when then they feel like it (read: whenever one of the Unseen mechs is redesigned/used).

Updated by anonymous

I'll put forward one I don't like: winged spacecraft

Updated by anonymous

hsauq said:
As Darkseid put it:

It will stop working swiftly as both the pain receptors and all the circuitry involving their processing wear down and go numb. Long before then the victim will die from shock / cardiac arrest.

Somehow stopping any of this from occurring requires magic pretending to be science... but that was already a trait of Darkseid.

(Batman once survived his Omega Beam for no explained reason.)

Updated by anonymous

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