Topic: Favorite science fiction weapon?

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FibS said:

(Batman once survived his Omega Beam for no explained reason.)

Because he's Batman. :3

Updated by anonymous

You know something I really would like to see is the Chopper its such a fun vehicle.
Also fun little device is Singularity's TMD Seriously this thing is just a container of chaos mounted on your damned wrist. Call me a bit of a sociopath if you want but I really enjoy the devices combat capabilities.

Fenrick said:
I'll put forward one I don't like: winged spacecraft

If its solely for space then agreed. However if its gonna transition from space to planet and back to space it could be potentially useful. Actually I think a good example might be the Pelican from Halo.

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United_Gamers said:

If its solely for space then agreed. However if its gonna transition from space to planet and back to space it could be potentially useful. Actually I think a good example might be the Pelican from Halo.

Don't forget X-Wings.

Updated by anonymous

Fenrick said:
I hated the railgun in Halo 4. It had an invisible projectile so it was hard to notice, but it had a ridiculously low projectile velocity, a glaring issue when most bullets were hitscan. So you had the railgun slug being, ironically, one of the slowest projectiles in the game.

Halo 5 absolutely got it right though. That thing is fantastic and I love it.

Also, speaking of Destiny, I just need to throw out that the game awesomely accurately depicts double-action revolvers. Pulling the trigger slightly before firing will cause your character's hand to tense as the hammer is pulled back to actually match your trigger input. Not really relevant but I thought that was very cool (and out of place, given how much else the game ignores about firearms).

I suppose it's been years since I played Halo 4, but I never had a problem with its travel time. I even used it as a pseudo-sniper by charging and then zooming in. I never got Halo 5, after the disaster that was MCC.

I never noticed that about Hand Cannons in Destiny. Though I didn't really pick them up until Fatebringer, then Fatebringer was left behind, Hand Cannons got the range and accuracy nerf, and I went back to Scouts for serious play.

I think most of the inaccuracies in Destiny's weapons can be chalked up to sci-fi technology and space magic. A prevalent theory is that most guns use batteries charged with programmable matter. The firing process pulls Glimmer from the battery and builds ammunition in the firing chamber, hence why the magwell and action rarely align on most gun types.

FibS said:
It will stop working swiftly as both the pain receptors and all the circuitry involving their processing wear down and go numb. Long before then the victim will die from shock / cardiac arrest.

Somehow stopping any of this from occurring requires magic pretending to be science... but that was already a trait of Darkseid.

(Batman once survived his Omega Beam for no explained reason.)

Lex Luthor as able to dodge the Omega Beam in the series finale of Justice League Unlimited because he's smart or something

Updated by anonymous

United_Gamers said:

If its solely for space then agreed. However if its gonna transition from space to planet and back to space it could be potentially useful. Actually I think a good example might be the Pelican from Halo.

The Pelican, I'll give a free pass to since it's a utility vehicle, not one that's (generally) meant for combat and its primary role is a "Dropship," being meant to be deployed into atmosphere from a mothership. Pretty reasonable. I think it looks way too bulky for something that's supposed to be able to fly into space, but its role makes sense.

Combat vehicles like the X-wing though? Well, you'd be better off having two separate vehicle classes, spacecraft and aircraft, that excel in their own niche than one that could do both, because the one that could do both would face inherent limitations against its more specialized competition. There's a reason they don't use floatplanes as fighters anymore (though they did prove useful in the very early stages of aviation, before carriers had catapults).

What really bothers me about things like the X-wing is the fact that they look and move exactly like planes. And I get that Star Wars is meant to be simple and fun and space travel is an alien concept to the earthbound, but... maybe I'm being too critical.

Updated by anonymous

I don't think I could choose just 1 weapon. There are so many I would LOVE to have.

Seismic Weapon Its a bomb that emits a shock-wave that doesn't do damage by itself, but breaks apart anything it touches.

Disc from Tron I don't really have any words for it its so awesome.

Ima firin my lazar!

The greatest fictional weapon of all time <--- This is a joke. Don't take it seriously.

actually, it really made me laugh. If we had that then the world would be over like Alderaan from Star Wars. ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

Updated by anonymous

Uh...lightsaber? Is that too cliche?

All I can say is that lightsabers are freaking badass. It's like it can do anything. I really loved that part in Episode 1 when they close all those blast doors and Qui-Gon gives zero shits and is still able to melt through them, or he would have if the destroyer droids didn't interrupt him. That really impressed me that a lightsaber can melt through like 4 feet of solid metal. Insane.

Updated by anonymous

Dyrone said:
Uh...lightsaber? Is that too cliche?

All I can say is that lightsabers are freaking badass. It's like it can do anything. I really loved that part in Episode 1 when they close all those blast doors and Qui-Gon gives zero shits and is still able to melt through them, or he would have if the destroyer droids didn't interrupt him. That really impressed me that a lightsaber can melt through like 4 feet of solid metal. Insane.

I'm surprised no one said it sooner my favorite is count dooku's it seemed like a unique one without being absurd.
other things I'm surprised haven't been brought up yet are nanomachines and the zorg ZF-1.

Updated by anonymous

I just thought of this.
I want AS missiles... Think about, being able to blind fire around corners with a missile. Completely automated for our convenience. No more worrying about pesky firing procedures.
Speaking of which, did you know that missiles have timed activation when fired. If you fire one at close range, the missile will bounce until it's armed. They also come with a 'friendly fire' feature. The pilot of an aircraft can actually relay a message to a friendly missile saying "Don't kill me, I'm a blue" [no that is not the exact message, just dumbed down for convenience sake].

Updated by anonymous

N08L3553-5UPPL1C3 said:
I just thought of this.
I want AS missiles... Think about, being able to blind fire around corners with a missile. Completely automated for our convenience. No more worrying about pesky firing procedures.
Speaking of which, did you know that missiles have timed activation when fired. If you fire one at close range, the missile will bounce until it's armed. They also come with a 'friendly fire' feature. The pilot of an aircraft can actually relay a message to a friendly missile saying "Don't kill me, I'm a blue" [no that is not the exact message, just dumbed down for convenience sake].

The distinctive part of the stinger shoulder-mounted missile launcher that looks like a cage is an IFF reader.

Updated by anonymous

Fenrick said:
The distinctive part of the stinger shoulder-mounted missile launcher that looks like a cage is an IFF reader.

I only saw the Stinger in Army of Two and it never explained anything about the guns. 'Why is this gun so useless?'

Ooh... What if we could fill a hollowpoint with Boomslang venom?

Edit: Ignore the prior sentence, I had no idea as to the actual structures of ballistics [aside from the explosive bits]. But my question still stands in a slightly different form. What if we made a true hollow bullet and filled it with chemicals to be released upon hitting the target?

Updated by anonymous

I don't know if it's been done before, but I've always wanted something the size of a tank (probably larger), but armed with multiple barrels like a gatling gun. The barrels rotate and it just spits out tons of tank shells at a target. Like 140 shells per minute or something.

If not that, then definitely the railgun from GTA 5.

Updated by anonymous

WaffleDragon said:
I don't know if it's been done before, but I've always wanted something the size of a tank (probably larger), but armed with multiple barrels like a gatling gun. The barrels rotate and it just spits out tons of tank shells at a target. Like 140 shells per minute or something.

Well, I can make a (slightly) educated guess as to where that would run into issues but I dunno if that would be called for
(I feel like I've been making an ass of myself in this thread)

Updated by anonymous

The advanced sifi bow in shadow warrior 2 is pretty crazy.

Updated by anonymous

Fenrick said:
Well, I can make a (slightly) educated guess as to where that would run into issues but I dunno if that would be called for
(I feel like I've been making an ass of myself in this thread)

I don't know about everyone else but I've been enjoying what you've said, I thought it was all interesting.

Updated by anonymous

Doomguy666 said:
I don't know about everyone else but I've been enjoying what you've said, I thought it was all interesting.


Well, rotary barrels are sensitive and difficult to maintain which is why you usually see them on aircraft which, by nature, don't spend a lot of time in the field and are well-maintained (they are also on ships, but a ship itself can act as a garage). Tanks and other armored vehicles, on the other hand, might need to go a long time without anything but the most rudimentary maintenance, and the added complexity of rotary barrels on something like a 105mm would probably make it unfeasible. I mean, tank barrels are huge. It would take a ton of energy to make them rotate.

The reason rotary cannons have multiple barrels is to prevent overheating, which really isn't an issue with tanks as far as I know, since they have a very low rate of fire (with modern technology, human loaders are generally still faster than mechanical loaders on tanks).

And whenever you add mechanical complexity, you increase the odds of something going wrong. A helicopter's door gunner doesn't need to worry about that since they can just fly back to base if their minigun runs into issues. Something goes wrong in a tank, then it's going to take a while to fix, so they need to focus more on ruggedness.

It would still look pretty cool, though. Maybe a multi-barrel automatic grenade launcher would be more reasonable.

Updated by anonymous

Fenrick said:

Well, rotary barrels are sensitive and difficult to maintain which is why you usually see them on aircraft which, by nature, don't spend a lot of time in the field and are well-maintained (they are also on ships, but a ship itself can act as a garage). Tanks and other armored vehicles, on the other hand, might need to go a long time without anything but the most rudimentary maintenance, and the added complexity of rotary barrels on something like a 105mm would probably make it unfeasible. I mean, tank barrels are huge. It would take a ton of energy to make them rotate.

The reason rotary cannons have multiple barrels is to prevent overheating, which really isn't an issue with tanks as far as I know, since they have a very low rate of fire (with modern technology, human loaders are generally still faster than mechanical loaders on tanks).

And whenever you add mechanical complexity, you increase the odds of something going wrong. A helicopter's door gunner doesn't need to worry about that since they can just fly back to base if their minigun runs into issues. Something goes wrong in a tank, then it's going to take a while to fix, so they need to focus more on ruggedness.

It would still look pretty cool, though. Maybe a multi-barrel automatic grenade launcher would be more reasonable.

Neat, when I made this thread I was hoping someone like you would show up I just didn't know it'd be you. Did you have any thoughts on mechs? like from titanfall or metal gear, I love me some mechs.

Updated by anonymous

Doomguy666 said:
Neat, when I made this thread I was hoping someone like you would show up I just didn't know it'd be you. Did you have any thoughts on mechs? like from titanfall or metal gear, I love me some mechs.

People way smarter than me have discussed the topic, but...

My understanding is that mechs are technically feasible, but they wouldn't provide a lot of use that existing systems don't already. Legs are better for rugged terrain than wheels or treads any day, but when you get into mechs there are a lot of problems.

If something like Rex fell down, that would be it. It's not getting back up. And it would be easy to knock down considering how top-heavy it must be, and that's assuming the thing wouldn't stumble itself if it accidentally tripped over something.

Now, even smaller robots today have a lot of trouble picking themselves up, let alone multi-ton combat vehicles loaded with heavy weapons.

As far as I know we never see the very realistic concern of Titans falling down but considering that they're dropped out of orbit, I think we can accept that this concern has been alleviated. Thing is, a flat, treaded vehicle would have several things going for it: a lower vertical profile (meaning it will be harder to spot and hit by everything from infantry to aircraft), a lower center of gravity (meaning it can carry a heavier armament and armor), and less mechanical complexity (meaning that less can go wrong).

I mean, look at a tank and look at a Titan and consider how thick the armor plating probably is. Especially around the joints.

Updated by anonymous

It makes sense that using anything else but a giant, complicated, expensive, walking target would be better but I can still wish.
I'm curious if it would be possible for it to retain balance automatically I saw a video in which somebody kicked DARPA's LS3 and it was able to stop itself from falling over Granted it uses quadrupedal movement as opposed to bipedal it shows that it can tell it's about to fall over.

I think I heard of the idea of targeting the joints but I can't remember where though it may have been on /k/ I used to go there for a little while but I felt I was getting dumber each time I did but that's just me.

In the blips furballs dc had a link to a nazi massive tank almost like a mech I'd have to find it again though but one of the many problems it could have encountered is it's massive weight would collapse bridges and difficulty transporting it in general.

Also the idea of REX tipping over and that being the end of it is really funny to me.

Updated by anonymous

Doomguy666 said:

In the blips furballs dc had a link to a nazi massive tank almost like a mech I'd have to find it again though but one of the many problems it could have encountered is it's massive weight would collapse bridges and difficulty transporting it in general.

Landkreuzer P. 1000 Ratte


Updated by anonymous

Doomguy666 said:
s dc had a link to a nazi massive tank almost like a mech I'd have to find it again though but one of the many problems it could have encountered is it's massive weight would collapse bridges and difficulty transporting it in general.

Not to mention vulnerability to air strikes, which is only becoming a greater threat to armored warfare as time goes on.

A tank's only means of survival against an air strike is stealth, and the Ratte is probably the least stealthy ground vehicle besides a train. You have to wonder what the hell they expected to do with it.

Though, something similar to this might not be so utterly crazy in a sci-fi story if it were outfitted with point-defense systems , which might make up for the gap between offense and defense that modern missile technology has created.

Updated by anonymous

Wow, this thread got buried fast.

Everyone laughs at railway guns now but they were pretty frightening in their time

Updated by anonymous

Fenrick said:
Wow, this thread got buried fast.

Everyone laughs at railway guns now but they were pretty frightening in their time

Eh, the advent of air power made ultraheavy weapons of all sorts pretty unreliable. Thats why you never see dreadnaught-scale battleships anymore. Schwerer Gustav, the largest railway gun ever used in combat, was simply too large and impractical to have a major outcome on the battles it was deployed in, and it was bombed in transport by aircraft.

Updated by anonymous

Marflebark said:
Chain sword and power armor.


"We are teh spehss mahreens! WE ARE TEH EMPRAHS FUREH!"

On an unrelated note, I've always been a fan of Ace Combat's airborne battleships, the Aigaion in particular. It's one of these things I want to recreate in Space Engineers, but it's so huge and compLex that it would take me months to just build the hull, let alone power and propulsion, and laying out the interior.

Updated by anonymous

Just about any Ultra Greatsword i.e.
Mister Strife's Buster, or the Greatsword from Dark Souls~ 💗

Updated by anonymous

RJDodger said:
"We are teh spehss mahreens! WE ARE TEH EMPRAHS FUREH!"

On an unrelated note, I've always been a fan of Ace Combat's airborne battleships, the Aigaion in particular. It's one of these things I want to recreate in Space Engineers, but it's so huge and compLex that it would take me months to just build the hull, let alone power and propulsion, and laying out the interior.

Just make an airship

Updated by anonymous

I still want mechs/power armour to become reality tho

I mean if they became a reality i'd transform into a total nerd about them (and probably go to extreme lengths to use/own a mech or suit of power armour)

same goes with affordable everyday spacecraft if they ever become a reality in my lifetime

Updated by anonymous

I started with "That's easy! Mine is-" and then I just dropped right off the edge and thoroughly nerd-sniped myself. Really, I have a lot that I like. Honorable mentions are:

Lancer MK 2 (Gears of War): cut down a tree, bisect a locust, it's all the same.
MACs (Halo): let me put it this way: if humans had shields, the Covenant would have lost the war.
Judge Dredd's gun (obvs): thing rocks. Seriously.
Love Machine (Summer Wars): yeah, it's a weaponized AI. Still counts.
Nazi tungsten rod launcher (Atomic Robo): pure, unadulterated death packed into a tin can and shot into orbit. Can't get much better than that.
Avaunt bodies (Transcendent Humanity): things are like 8" of solid power armor and technology, built like a tank and controlled by an Uploaded. I love them. SO MUCH.
X-01 power armor (Fallout 4): look like a tank, sound like a tank, have armor like a tank, hit like a tank, move like infantry. See your enemies flee before you.

Updated by anonymous

Metal slug tank

Actual every single thing from metal slug

Top tier designs m8

Updated by anonymous

Fenrick said:
Just make an airship

Have you ever played Space Engineers, or seen some of the stuff people make? Even if I didn't do a 1-1 scale replica of the Aigaion, building a large-scale assault carrier, especially one thats rated for atmospheric flight, is a huge undertaking. I'll probably build something similar to it at some point, but like I said, it'll take awhile. I specialize in weapons design rather than ship architecture.

Updated by anonymous

RJDodger said:
Have you ever played Space Engineers, or seen some of the stuff people make? Even if I didn't do a 1-1 scale replica of the Aigaion, building a large-scale assault carrier, especially one thats rated for atmospheric flight, is a huge undertaking. I'll probably build something similar to it at some point, but like I said, it'll take awhile. I specialize in weapons design rather than ship architecture.

Meant a realistic one, like a Zeppelin

Updated by anonymous

Fenrick said:
Meant a realistic one, like a Zeppelin

Space Engineers doesn't really have that sort of capability. Closest to realistic you can get is something akin to the Avengers' helicarrier. But I got bored today and started work on it anyways.

Updated by anonymous

A good one is the Fusion Pistol in Marathon. It's like the fusion rifles in Destiny (and it's their inspiration; they're cool weapons, too— the weapon was also the basis for the plasma pistol in Halo!), but you can fire it uncharged for a weak but rapid attack, so it's way better.

Highly effective against cybernetic or otherwise mechanical targets, and if you overcharge it, the weapon will instantly kill absolutely anything in close proximity to you– even somebody with invincibility and 3x health.

Of course, that includes the wielder...

Most importantly, you can flip switches with it!
It can even fire underwater! (not recommended)

Updated by anonymous

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