The panels I'm most sure of are: one panel with the dragoness (mostly white scales, only her head visible) looking shocked at the gryphon (also just a head, kinda average tan/white colors/markings) purring, leaning in and making eyes at her; next panel he licks her face, much to her shock/disgust; then she's wet with slobber and fuming with anger while he's happy and saying- "Want to procreate!"; her reaction is to blast him in the face with fire, his shocked expression is visible in the fire; final panel, dragoness is gone and gryphon is singed, he says something along the lines of "So that's a maybe." or something to that effect. So five, maybe six, panels (if there was an establishing shot of just the dragoness, seems like there was). It was old, early 2000's or late 90's I think. Little rough/sketchy and the artist went on to improve a lot over the years (I think), but it was a color comic. Can't recall if there were any backgrounds, maybe silhouettes in the first panel and nothing after? I almost think it was some early Amocin art but there's nothing similar to that style on her FA and she doesn't appear to have had a VCL page. I searched on here for dragon+gryphon+comic and didn't see it, any help is appreciated!
Updated by ImpidiDinkaDoo