Topic: Lost an artist's name...

Posted under Art Talk

Hey! I've been dicking around with tags trying to find an artist I ran into on here a while ago to no avail. His "real" art was mostly his character (a jaguar, leopard, I think? some kind of big cat, anyway) committing horrifying acts of dick-eating on other dudes, but he also did a bunch of short comics that I remember being rull charming. The one I remember in particular was some other character saying, "Hey, let's go grab something to eat!" to which the leopard-dude responded "Sure, those dicks I ate should've grown back by now." The other character informs him that dicks don't grow back. There's a beat panel, and then the jaguar says, "I've made a terrible mistake."

Anyone got any idea who I'm fuckin talking about? I can't for the life of me remember his name and I'm SUPER unwilling to browse a bunch of vore images just to find his silly comics again.


Patch said:
Are you thinking of the artist James Howard?

Nooo, not him. The guy I'm thinking of didn't do sexual comics, just sketchy jokey ones. He did standard full-page porn stuff, too, buuut those didn't appeal to me, for reasons of eating cocks.

Updated by anonymous

It sounds familiar. I'll have to look into it and hopefully find it for you.

Updated by anonymous

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