Topic: Disambiguation: pouch

Posted under Tag/Wiki Projects and Questions

Currently, the pouch tag refers to two different things.

- A small leather or cloth bag, often strapped to the waist or thigh. (Image 1)
- The flap of skin that kangaroos and other marsupials hold their young in until a certain age. (Image 2)

post #1048087 post #67850

How should we split these definitions? The second one is also known as a marsupium so tagging it as such is a possibility.


Tuvalu said:
I've never heard of it being called a marsupium before. My phone doesn't even seem to recognise it as a word.

Something like pouch_(anatomy) or pouch_(marsupial) might work better.

Not surprising. It was originally a latin word and is rarely used. Some dictionaries have it, some don't.

pouch_(marsupial) makes it sound like it only applies to marsupials (leaving out transformations, hybrids, those who have a pouch for absolutely no reason, etc.) so pouch_(anatomy) would be more versatile.

What about the other one? pouch_(container)? pouch_(bag)? pouch_(object)?

Updated by anonymous

If this disambiguation is accepted, here's some implications worth considering:

pouch_piercing -> pouch_(anatomy) (de-implicate from pouch first.)
pouch_play -> pouch_(anatomy)
pouch_purse -> pouch_(anatomy)
pouch_zipper -> pouch_(anatomy) (de-implicate from pouch first.)
cum_in_pouch -> pouch_(anatomy)
cum_in_pouch -> cum
pouch_vore -> pouch_(anatomy) (This is a thing, apparently.)
pouch_vore -> vore

Also alias pouch -> pouch_(disambiguation).

I can't find a tag for when a (most likely baby) character is riding in a pouch. I'll tag it as in_pouch for now.

Some pouch images contain a fanny_pack and similar. Should fanny_pack be implicated to pouch_(bag)? And should the similar one be tagged as fanny_pack?

Several instances of shoulder bags are tagged as pouch. This will need to be cleared up and possibly implicated to bag. The bag tag also needs to be trawled for untagged shoulder bags.

Updated by anonymous

Furrin_Gok said:
At a glance, I thought those would have referred to the bag, not the anatomy.

So did I.

Furrin_Gok said:
-1 here. You can have cum in a belt pouch.

True, but those ones might end up being tagged cum_in_container instead.

Updated by anonymous

I like pouch_(anatomy) and pouch_(container) as the umbrella tags, but I wouldn't be against pouch_(bag).


should be aliased to object_in_pouch.

A cum_in_pouch -> pouch_(anatomy) implication is fine. No one is going to tag cum_in_pouch to refer to the container.

Updated by anonymous

Maxpizzle said:
I like pouch_(anatomy) and pouch_(container) as the umbrella tags, but I wouldn't be against pouch_(bag).

Of the three, I prefer pouch_(object) more but any one is fine, really. pouch_(anatomy) seems unanimous right now.


should be aliased to object_in_pouch.

Not a bad idea. As long as people don't confuse this with this, we're fine. What should we tag the latter?

Updated by anonymous

Most instances of pouch_(anatomy) are now tagged as such. I just need the implications changed over so I can fix the remaining ones.

Updated by anonymous

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