Topic: Tag Alias: penis_toward_viewer -> penis_towards_viewer

Posted under Tag Alias and Implication Suggestions

Other way around. Without the s is more standard, and the "from" in the alias ceases to exist. If the also okay but somewhat less so version does actually get used a lot, better to just point it at the slightly more right one.

Updated by anonymous

Isn't this more a singular/plural thing? "towards" used for singular and "toward" used for plural?

She points the gun towards him.
She points the guns toward him.

Updated by anonymous

Naw, it's more of an English/American thing. Brits usually use the s, Americans usually don't. Style guides consider them identical, but the s seems weird... I say with an American eye, I guess.

Updated by anonymous

Either way, it doesn't matter which way it goes if they're both correct.

Updated by anonymous

Does it really matter? This just seems like another one of those little things that's just going to sit in the admin's to-do list for a while while they do more important things.

Updated by anonymous

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