Please don't lock this thread admins, just hear me out.
I just want to make it clear that, no, this isn't bait, i don't want to start a flamewar or cause drama, i just want to genuinely ask what the people think of this topic, and, no, this thread is not to talk ENTIRELY about feminism, this is more of a talk about MRA and whether or not there are legitimate male rights that need to be addressed. Are the MRAs Claims true, semi-true, over exaggerated, or flat out untrue? Which one is right, Feminism or MRA? Is there such a thing as "female privilege?", Male rape victims? False rape accusations? ETC. I want to hear what this community thinks about this because I’ve seen feminism and MRA talked about both on the forums and in the comment section. Plus, i think this is the most civil place to talk about this.
Again, I like to request that the admins refrain from locking this thread TOO quickly, unless things REALLY get too out of control. And I like to request that everybody to remain civil in this thread.
And one more thing, I know some of you will probably be shy about your opinion about this topic, just don't be afraid to let your voice be heard, just be civil about it.
Thank you.
Updated by treos