Topic: Can somebody edit this image please?

Posted under Art Talk

post #476256
If somebody can please remove the crotch_titties/udders from this image, it would be greatly appreciated (I'm not a fan of crotch titties but like the image!)

Thank You

ps. tried editing it myself, but had trouble making it look smooth. I'm no artist!

Updated by TheHuskyK9

Have you asked the artist for permission, if that's possible? I think that's the polite thing to do.

Updated by anonymous

Clawdragons said:
Have you asked the artist for permission, if that's possible? I think that's the polite thing to do.

Didn't think of that when I posted. I'll go ask them. Hell, they might even go and do the job!

Updated by anonymous

Quote from artist:

"This picture is pretty old so I'm not sure if I even still have the psd file for it! It's also a commission so I don't usually edit a customer's images without them asking me to. If I happen to talk to them I will ask, however I'm not okay with asking other people to alter my artwork! Please respect that request!"

I guess that's a no then...

Updated by anonymous

Unfortunate, but hey, that's why you ask - better to get a no before doing the work than to do it and find out that it was against their wishes, right?

Updated by anonymous

Clawdragons said:
Unfortunate, but hey, that's why you ask - better to get a no before doing the work than to do it and find out that it was against their wishes, right?

Better to get a "no" rather than having an artist filing a takedown for the rest of their art (this has happened multiple times before)

Updated by anonymous

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