Topic: Video upload problem / or me being idiotic

Posted under Art Talk

Trying to upload a number of videos, but the site does not seem to take the vids in a MP4 format.
The videos are not on a url but rather on my computer

What am I doing wrong or what format do I need to change them to, in order for the site to take them

I've never done videos before so excuse my noobness


DeservantHurricane said:
Trying to upload a number of videos, but the site does not seem to take the vids in a MP4 format.
The videos are not on a url but rather on my computer

What am I doing wrong or what format do I need to change them to, in order for the site to take them

I've never done videos before so excuse my noobness

Convert the video(s) into the WEBM format, then try re-uploading.

Updated by anonymous

Site accepts WebM files only right now, so they need to be converted to that. Either VP8 or VP9 codec inside WebM container.

I have big wall of text on my profile bio if it helps even a bit. (Converting, video->video)

Updated by anonymous

Mario69 said:
Site accepts WebM files only right now, so they need to be converted to that. Either VP8 or VP9 codec inside WebM container.

I have big wall of text on my profile bio if it helps even a bit. (Converting, video->video)

Had to download a few things, but I've got them converting as I write, converting them to VP8 of WebM.

I'll upload one and write back here incase the video ended up corrupting or the quality faultered or something

Updated by anonymous

Well, bugger my attempt, sound is completely gone, I wont bother uploading it right now, I'll convert it again but fiddle with a number of options to see if that changes anything

Updated by anonymous

DeservantHurricane said:
Well, bugger my attempt, sound is completely gone, I wont bother uploading it right now, I'll convert it again but fiddle with a number of options to see if that changes anything

Some WebM dedicated converters do this by default as they were designed to create content similar to gif files which are meant to be small and loop, meaning audio will add slight stutter on loop.

Just try to familiarize yourself what the settings actually do when you fiddle them.

Updated by anonymous

Mario69 said:
Some WebM dedicated converters do this by default as they were designed to create content similar to gif files which are meant to be small and loop, meaning audio will add slight stutter on loop.

Just try to familiarize yourself what the settings actually do when you fiddle them.

Ok, managed to get it to a much higher quality, but the sound just completely goes. I cant seem to find an option so may have to upload soundless.

Would I be able to link you to the video when I upload it here? Just to get a third-party view on it, if it worked correctly and up to the needed standard and such?

Updated by anonymous

For reference, you should target VP9 if possible, the quality for bitrate is better than VP8, which results in a smaller file size, and better quality.

Updated by anonymous

KiraNoot said:
For reference, you should target VP9 if possible, the quality for bitrate is better than VP8, which results in a smaller file size, and better quality.

This. Only reason to use VP8 is compatibility, however almost all software supporting webm formats, as long as they are up to date, also support VP9 anyway.
I think only exception being IE plugin. Edge advertised to support VP9, but apparently requires Media Source Extensions as well.

DeservantHurricane said:
First video managed to upload -

Turns out, there is sound... I don't know how, there wasn't anything for me or when I converted it. But meh, luckly

I think the framing is a little off with this video though... I'll try to fix

What I can say the conversion itself seems fine.

However the biggest issue is that the file seems to be converted over and over again, making it have clearly visible compression from other codecs, meaning compression that shouldn't be visible when using WebM. Metadata actually confirms this, "naga.avi.MP4" as movie name.

That also seems to be actual screencap from the game. If that's the situation, you should record lossless footage from the game itself and then convert with really high quality settings directly to WebM. This way pixels should stay sharp, instead of turning into round and blurry mess which pulsates of blurriness every couple seconds.

Updated by anonymous

Mario69 said:
However the biggest issue is that the file seems to be converted over and over again, making it have clearly visible compression from other codecs, meaning compression that shouldn't be visible when using WebM. Metadata actually confirms this, "naga.avi.MP4" as movie name.

That also seems to be actual screencap from the game. If that's the situation, you should record lossless footage from the game itself and then convert with really high quality settings directly to WebM. This way pixels should stay sharp, instead of turning into round and blurry mess which pulsates of blurriness every couple seconds.

I didn't reconvert the video after each attempt, I deleted it and retried - what may be the cause if the original video may be altered, or my conversion affecting quality.

With the game footage, there isn't any gallery or other way that I know of - as the game isn't in English and I have no way to properly translate the options - to remove the hud, and so the exterior hud. Only way I see around it is either breaking down the game and hiding the hud, which I have no idea how to do - or zoom the image in, which may affect quality.


I'll leave the videos alone for the moment, the ones I uploaded, and see if I can record footage myself. I do have my own recording software and know the system, but nothing about conversions, and how this wasn't my video, so explains my ineptness.
I'll try again with trying to keep the pixels from blurring, for me, they don't seem too bad but still somewhat noticeable.

But seriously, thanks for your help, non the less :)

Updated by anonymous

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