Request: Textual indicators in post history of changes to tags as a result of aliases and implications. Much like the +/- signs indicating the addition/removal of tags, this would only be shown once in the post history page.
Examples/potential format:
For aliases: anatomically_incorrect->invalid_tag
For implications: disembodied_penis|male and disembodied_penis|penis
For aliases: A typo or lack of knowledge of specific aliases could result in one or more tags being changed to invalid_tag or some other unintended tag with no indicator to the original tagger nor future taggers as to what the intended tags were. This can very easily result in potential valid tags not being added.
For implications: Attempting to remove a tag can be a real pain if a tagger doesn't know what's implying it. When adding tags, a tagger may not realize that one of their chosen tags causes at least one other tag to be added.
Both of these would also save trips to the wiki, alias, and implications pages.
What's affected: A post's tag history.
Updated by Siral Exan