Topic: [Feature] Actual Trending Tags

Posted under Site Bug Reports & Feature Requests

Requested feature overview description.

Adding a blacklist so to speak on what tags can show up in trending.

Why would it be useful?

This is useful because currently whenever myself or anyone else looks at the trending list, it's 90% generalized bull that means nothing. "Female" "Male" "Herm" "Vaginal" "Penis" "Mammal" "Nude" these all seem pretty redundant to have together as a trending list. It'd be nice to see actual new things people haven't ever searched before rather than the same old stuff everyone has already tag searched.

What part(s) of the site page(s) are affected?

Trending Tags area.

Updated by hslugs

Trending tags does work. It will tell you what tags are most common on your current search--though a "bug" prevents it from working when your entire search is using metadata (ie, looking at images you uploaded or favorited)

Updated by anonymous


Former Staff

Yeah, it's more like 'related tags' than actual 'trending tags'.
We used to have a tag cloud feature for daily/monthly trending tags, but that's been gone for a while.

Updated by anonymous

Furrin_Gok said:
Trending tags does work. It will tell you what tags are most common on your current search.

This means some subset of the top 20 or so tags on the site. Mammal, anthro, male, female, solo, hair, etc. It's inevitable, it's how the top tags are used on the site.

I agree it kinda kills the idea of trending tags. "Mammal" has been "trending" since day one and will be. It's not newsworthy.

How to improve it. Well. Let's take a week worth of recently approved posts, get tag ratios among them, compare those to ratios for the whole site, and show the most over-performing tags. This should be enough to bring some new things into the list.

That's if the list is supposed to be "trending". Showing tags within current search results makes sense on its own. It may be even better when it's actually a search, like with a non-empty query. But the counts should be for the resulting set only then.

Updated by anonymous