Topic: [Feature] Notification for when a user replies to your comment

Posted under Site Bug Reports & Feature Requests

~Originally posted by Mindkiller

Requested feature overview description.
Notification for whenever a user replies to a comment you have made.

Why would it be useful?
If a user makes a lot of comments throughout the website, especially if those comments are questions, it would be nice if the user was notified of an answer instead of constantly searching through the website for posts they've commented on in search of an answer.

What part(s) of the site page(s) are affected?

Updated by Sanctioned13

Scrydan said:
~Originally posted by Mindkiller

Requested feature overview description.
Notification for whenever a user replies to a comment you have made.

Why would it be useful?
If a user makes a lot of comments throughout the website, especially if those comments are questions, it would be nice if the user was notified of an answer instead of constantly searching through the website for posts they've commented on in search of an answer.

What part(s) of the site page(s) are affected?

YES!!!, just a general notification of getting comments would be a huge help like a little 1 on the top right or something, or for uploaders a notice for when there is comment made on their uploads would a great addition! I'd just like to see a 1 or a number for how many notifications are made somewhere if that makes any sense.

Updated by anonymous