Aliasing aikega → eigaka
Link to alias
This artist seems to have switched to and is primarily using the name "eigaka" rather than "aikega"'s the name on his tumblr and pivix accounts which is where he primarily posts nowadays.
Sorry I got pulled away from my PC before I could really finish this. Here are the links to his current accounts:
To me it seems he has fully re-branded himself as Eigaka...and thus an alias from his old name (Aikega) to this new one is in order.
Also suggesting:
Aliasing efrejok → eigaka
This is an even older name he used to go under. It's hard to believe because his art style has evolved so much, but it's him as well. If you look at his DA page:
It says he is moving to Eigaka. It's the same guy.
Updated by Azula Arktandr