Implicating phrygian_cap → hat
Link to implication
Phrygian Cap is a type of hat.
I'm trying to wrap my brain around something. According to Wikipedia, Link's hat is a phrygian cap (I keep mispronouncing it as "friggin' cap"). Santa's hat, which looks very similar to Link's hat, is a stocking cap according to google yet wikipedia says stocking cap is type of beanie/knit cap, but Santa's hat is usually sewn, not knitted. Gnomes wear hats like Link's but are just referred to as conical hats or gnome hats. Wikipedia says smurfs wear phrygian caps but others sources say they wear gnome hats. Then there's night caps, which also look similar.
The only thing I know for certain is that smurfs wear phrygian caps (usually, there are a few exceptions). Everything else is mixed up. Is Link's hat a phrygian cap or a stocking cap like Santa's hat? Are phrygian cap and stocking cap the same thing? Does whether it's knitted or not make a difference? Does whether or not it has a pompom on the end matter? Why are all the sources giving me conflicting info?
BlueDingo is confused.
It hurts itself in its confusion.
Updated by Genjar