Topic: Who's Making These Ads...?

Posted under Art Talk

I've been seeing a lot of annoying shitty ads lately. You know, those extremely ugly and crappy animated ones that appear at the top of the screen sometimes? Who the heck is making those? Any names?

Updated by Siral Exan

Those ads are from FurFling, a furry hookup site. You can disable those ads through the use of an ad blocker, that has been kindly provided to you by the user above me.

But beside from that, I don't really know who is making them.

Updated by anonymous


Former Staff

DelurC said:
If we all block the ads, who will support our site?

¯\_(ツ)_/¯ I don't need to see a bunch of crap I otherwise blacklist.

Updated by anonymous

DelurC said:
If we all block the ads, who will support our site?

Varka? lol he owns this, bad dragon, and F-List iirc. or did i forget one?

Updated by anonymous

DelurC said:
If we all block the ads, who will support our site?


Updated by anonymous

I too have been getting annoyed by those ugly ads, unfortunately I usually browse e6 on my ps4 so nothing I can do about that.

Updated by anonymous

Ideally, the ads should be relevant and not too intrusive. Ads that annoy people end up working against the network and people block them. Sure, they pay the bills, and it would be great if you would whitelist the domain and let them show, but there is a line between supporting something you like, and putting up with undesirable ads.

Providing feedback on which ads are good and which ads push your buttons enough to block them might be helpful to shape the network.

Updated by anonymous

KiraNoot said:
Ideally, the ads should be relevant and not too intrusive. Ads that annoy people end up working against the network and people block them. Sure, they pay the bills, and it would be great if you would whitelist the domain and let them show, but there is a line between supporting something you like, and putting up with undesirable ads.

Actually the advertisements here are the least intrusive compared to many other sites. There are no pop up ads, nothing that tries to open new windows and the ads are confined to the top of the page where they are easy to ignore plus as far as I'm aware they are all legitimate advertisements. I just wanted to take this opportunity to complain about those specific ads which I find annoying.

The ones I'm talking about are the ones that say "catch your mouse" or "go for a ride" I don't know why I think they're particularly ugly and annoying and I don't even know what they're for also I can't remember any other ad being around for this long.

Updated by anonymous

Doomguy666 said:
The ones I'm talking about are the ones that say "catch your mouse" or "go for a ride" I don't know why I think they're particularly ugly and annoying and I don't even know what they're for also I can't remember any other ad being around for this long.

I must admit though, the mouse ad is kind of funny.

Updated by anonymous

Ads are the truest form of evil in this world. Look deep into the pixels of an ad and you will see a thousand screaming, roiling souls, tortured infinitely, before your own soul is ripped out to join them.

Satan, in an interview, was asked if he was responsible for advertisements, and his response was "I know I'm a devil, but I'm not ad evil".

Updated by anonymous

Clawdragons said:
...before your own soul is ripped out to join them.

What if you never had one in the first place?

Updated by anonymous

I'd rather the ads be something that wouldn't make the fact that I'm searching rating:s irrelevant. Leave the genitals for those who actually click the link. Not all of us are here to use those.

Updated by anonymous

kamimatsu said:
I'd rather the ads be something that wouldn't make the fact that I'm searching rating:s irrelevant. Leave the genitals for those who actually click the link. Not all of us are here to use those.

I'm fairly certain that has different ads which are adjusted for the forced rating:s.

Updated by anonymous

KiraNoot said:
I'm fairly certain that has different ads which are adjusted for the forced rating:s.

I forgot about that site. Thanks.

Updated by anonymous

Doomguy666 said:
The ones I'm talking about are the ones that say "catch your mouse" or "go for a ride" I don't know why I think they're particularly ugly and annoying and I don't even know what they're for also I can't remember any other ad being around for this long.

Yeah, I agree. I don't know who FurFling hires to do their ads, but they are really done poorly

Updated by anonymous

Clawdragons said:
Satan, in an interview, was asked if he was responsible for advertisements, and his response was "I know I'm a devil, but I'm not ad evil".

you should be taken out behind the shed for that pun

Updated by anonymous

Munkelzahn said:
you should be taken out behind the shed for that pun

I apologize for nothing. I regret nothing! But you're right.

Updated by anonymous

KiraNoot said:
Ideally, the ads should be relevant and not too intrusive. Ads that annoy people end up working against the network and people block them. Sure, they pay the bills, and it would be great if you would whitelist the domain and let them show, but there is a line between supporting something you like, and putting up with undesirable ads.

Providing feedback on which ads are good and which ads push your buttons enough to block them might be helpful to shape the network.

For me the worst thing about advertising is the size of the .gif files. I and some others have volume tariffs and the advertising eats some of the data that is available to us. After its consumption we can only with max. 50 kb / s to the Internet. It would be good if you would find an intermediate solution and alternatively advertising in the form of single images in the profile can adjust. This would have the advantage that e621 does not have to forgo revenue and e621 remains also at 50 kb / s functional.

German - Deutsch

Für mich ist das schlimmste an der Werbung die Größe der .gif Dateien. Ich und einige andere haben Volumen Tarife und die Werbung frisst einen teil der Datenmenge welche uns zur Verfügung steht. Nach dessen verbrauch können wir nur noch mit max. 50 kb/s ins Internet. Es wäre gut wenn man eine Zwischenlösung finden würde und alternativ Werbung in Form von Einzelbildern im Profil einstellen kann. Das hätte den Vorteil das e621 nicht auf einnahmen verzichten muss und e621 bleibt auch bei 50 kb/s Funktionsfähig.

Updated by anonymous

Clawdragons said:
Satan, in an interview, was asked if he was responsible for advertisements, and his response was "I know I'm a devil, but I'm not ad evil".

hm? ... o.O ... lol

Updated by anonymous

Some of them definitely annoying, but I'd never use an Adblocker. I'd like to support a site that I love.

Updated by anonymous

HsTheBraixen said:
Some of them definitely annoying, but I'd never use an Adblocker. I'd like to support a site that I love.

I agree, to an extent. When I started seeing those awful 'catch your mouse' ads too often I re-blocked it. Whoever created those needs to have their hands taken away.

Updated by anonymous

MissChu said:
I agree, to an extent. When I started seeing those awful 'catch your mouse' ads too often I re-blocked it. Whoever created those needs to have their hands taken away.

I'm genuinely curious now what the "catch your mouse" ads are. I tried turning off my adblocker momentarily (what blasphemy, I know!), but I didn't see anything matching that description no matter how many times I reloaded.

Updated by anonymous

I clicked on one of the ads once, what I discovered left me speechless.

Updated by anonymous

Clawdragons said:
I'm genuinely curious now what the "catch your mouse" ads are. I tried turning off my adblocker momentarily (what blasphemy, I know!), but I didn't see anything matching that description no matter how many times I reloaded.

It was bizarre, I was getting bombarded with them at first, then through the next 20-30 clicks it was all Bad Dragon or something less stupid/ugly. Then back to the ugly ads. I'll turn my adblocker off and check about to see if I can find it to show you.

EDIT: Here it is in all of its horrific glory:

Updated by anonymous

MissChu said:
It was bizarre, I was getting bombarded with them at first, then through the next 20-30 clicks it was all Bad Dragon or something less stupid/ugly. Then back to the ugly ads. I'll turn my adblocker off and check about to see if I can find it to show you.

EDIT: Here it is in all of its horrific glory:

BadDragon is the "Default" ad. They have a few "Paid slots" that will show up in the meantime, but once all paid slots run out it's purely just the ads from sites sharing the same owner as e621. These slots refresh daily, I believe.

Updated by anonymous

BlueDingo said:
That is the worst running animation I've ever seen.

'I'll run breasts forward so if I fall they'll cushion my landing!'

Updated by anonymous

MissChu said:
'I'll run breasts forward so if I fall they'll cushion my landing!'

well...if something's big and squishy/soft...

Updated by anonymous

treos said:
well...if something's big and squishy/soft...

It'll hurt no matter how big or small.

Updated by anonymous

Clawdragons said:
Ads are the truest form of evil in this world. Look deep into the pixels of an ad and you will see a thousand screaming, roiling souls, tortured infinitely, before your own soul is ripped out to join them.

Satan, in an interview, was asked if he was responsible for advertisements, and his response was "I know I'm a devil, but I'm not ad evil".

Dude... LOL! 😂

Updated by anonymous

kamimatsu said:
The mouse or the cat thing?

Both. They both run like spastics. Even the girly run (I am yet to meet anyone who actually runs like that) isn't this bad.

Updated by anonymous

kamimatsu said:
The mouse or the cat thing?

cat? O.o

mouse? o.O

why can't we have both?

Updated by anonymous

treos said:
cat? O.o

mouse? o.O

why can't we have both?

Looking at the ad, I don't really want either. One looks rabid and the other looks like she's having an epileptic seizure. I get that the fandom is diverse, but there can't be a big market for seizures and rabies.

Updated by anonymous

kamimatsu said:
Looking at the ad, I don't really want either. One looks rabid and the other looks like she's having an epileptic seizure. I get that the fandom is diverse, but there can't be a big market for seizures and rabies.

lol not quite what i meant.

Updated by anonymous

Well, uh. I just experienced what appears to be a heavily JPEG'd series of traditional medias condensed further into a limited palette of 255 max colors in the form of an animated gif.
This Zacky M ad is really blurry as a result.

Updated by anonymous

Furrin_Gok said:
Well, uh. I just experienced what appears to be a heavily JPEG'd series of traditional medias condensed further into a limited palette of 255 max colors in the form of an animated gif.
This Zacky M ad is really blurry as a result.

low quality but still better animation than that cat & mouse one.

Updated by anonymous

treos said:
low quality but still better animation than that cat & mouse one.

... than any of those ones,

Updated by anonymous

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