Topic: Rewording for "excessive" tags

Posted under General

We have a handful of tags that start with the word excessive. A few just don't make any sense and should be un-tagged. But the most often used ones, which generally do make sense, mostly deal with fluids. It would be better if we switched the word to copious or something like that. Takes away that subjectivity. The only one that has a wiki is cum, where it says "An image depicting a overly large amount of semen, usually more than necessary." How much is necessary, and for what, such that this tag gets applied when there's more?

Updated by Furrin Gok

Excessive means "more than is necessary, normal, or desirable." and that's how it's generally used.

Here is the list of excessive tags. Some of them are synonymous (eg. excessive_cum/excessive_semen) and probably should be aliased together.

Updated by anonymous

What makes it subjective is all of those things. How much do each of two randomly selected users deem necessary or normal or desirable? What, for example, is cum necessary for in a picture? Are we talking about the amount necessary to cause a pregnancy? One cell. Enough to show that an orgasm has happened? Any at all. So basically cum and excessive_cum would be the same thing. And for some people who don't like to see it, any at all is more than is desirable. And the word normal doesn't even apply in this realm.

Updated by anonymous

notnobody said:
So basically cum and excessive_cum would be the same thing. And for some people who don't like to see it, any at all is more than is desirable. And the word normal doesn't even apply in this realm.

Any man who has ever had an orgasm will know the difference (along with any partners, but that's neither here nor there).

Updated by anonymous

i think people should just be a little less enthusiastic in using the excessive_cum tag

Updated by anonymous

llithixz said:
i think people should just be a little less enthusiastic in using the excessive_cum tag

Well people usually draw porn to live out some sort of fantasy, and a fantasy usually isn't going to involve a typical cumshot. You want to draw a massive cumshot to imply that the character is having a massive orgasm cause IT WAS JUST SOOOO GOOD. HRRRRRRRGGGGGGHHHHHHHH.

So when you compare most drawn-porn cumshots to real cumshots they are just going to be bigger 99% of the time. So I don't really think comparing them to the average real cumshot is really that useful. What I tend to do is think...would that amount of cum even be possible or probable irl? Like I just compare it to the biggest, most ridiculous cumshots I've ever seen...if it's bigger than THOSE then I tag excessive_cum.

That's why I'm also really careful adding the tag to bukkake images...because normally if a character is completely covered head-to-toe in cum I'd say, yeah, that's excessive cum right there, but if there are like 14 dicks surrounding might not be considering it had so many sources. It's a judgement call in the end.

Honestly I think there needs to be another level higher than "excessive" because sometimes we have characters that are cumming like...more than their own body weight in cum...I mean this character has filled MULTIPLE condoms that are bigger than he is!

post #1000262

It seems stupid to just say..."oh that's a bit excessive"...we have gone way beyond "excessive" at that point.

Updated by anonymous

llithixz said:
i think people should just be a little less enthusiastic in using the excessive_cum tag

if you see it applied on images where it doesnt belong, remove it.

Updated by anonymous

Dyrone - still not sure after both of those posts if you exactly got or totally missed what I was saying initially.

My point is, take any of those example images, and one user could look at post #1109822 and say "Geez, that's a bit excessive..." Another could look at post #864214 and say "There's nothing excessive about that at all. That's exactly the amount of cum I like." And because the term is totally subjective in this context, nobody could say either one was wrong. But what you can't deny, at least reasonably, is that only one of those two pictures has a whole lot of it. That's why copious came to mind.

We do have hyper_cum for a level beyond excessive, incidentally. I think it's good to have that level below hyper like we do, but same with the others that use that word, I think it's too subjective for anyone to reliably use it properly. Just leaves room for tag wars.

Updated by anonymous

notnobody said:
Dyrone - still not sure after both of those posts if you exactly got or totally missed what I was saying initially.

My point is, take any of those example images, and one user could look at post #1109822 and say "Geez, that's a bit excessive..." Another could look at post #864214 and say "There's nothing excessive about that at all. That's exactly the amount of cum I like." And because the term is totally subjective in this context, nobody could say either one was wrong. But what you can't deny, at least reasonably, is that only one of those two pictures has a whole lot of it. That's why copious came to mind.

We do have hyper_cum for a level beyond excessive, incidentally. I think it's good to have that level below hyper like we do, but same with the others that use that word, I think it's too subjective for anyone to reliably use it properly. Just leaves room for tag wars.

I actually had to look up what the word "copious" means, I have never heard that word before while "excessive" I have.

Are you seriously suggesting that full bodys amount of cum, that is essentially physical impossibility is in someones eyes the same amount that regular mammal produces during orgasm?

I would say it doesn't need rewording, but simply wiki page to have some examples and better explatation of the amount that is needed for the tag. For example it could say that from couple liters to full bodys amount of cum and then hyper is when it pools even more than that.

Updated by anonymous

It's tagged based on how much semen can be reasonably generated by a character. It's not as subjective as it seems; the excessive variant tends to be tagged on images with cartoonish amounts of semen.

example: post #238074

I doubt rewording it will remove any degree of subjectivity.

Updated by anonymous

notnobody said:
"There's nothing excessive about that at all. That's exactly the amount of cum I like."

Definition of "excessive":

"more than is necessary, normal, or desirable"

You're focusing a bit too much on the "desirable" part...whereas I think most people look at it from the "normal" part. Excessive cum just means "more cum than normal".

Also, I think it is possible for something to be both desirable and excessive. I would probably want to eat a 77 course meal (like from Game of Thrones). That is desirable...yet to pretend that isn't excessive is just...insane.

Updated by anonymous

"Excessive" frequently carries the connotation that the excess is a mildly bad thing, or that less would be ideal. Essentially it implies gluttony or vice; absolutely the glutton thinks it's "desirable", but it's distasteful or even harmful and the glutton is effectively in denial. Crooks think that crime is "desirable" and yet it is still treated as objectively "wrong" - "excessive" is the same concept.

Despite this mild implication, it's clear to me in context that this is not intended, and I see no plausible alternative. If there was a better tag I would support it, but I see no pressing need to attack this one at this time.

Updated by anonymous

FibS said:
"Excessive" frequently carries the connotation that the excess is a mildly bad thing, or that less would be ideal. Essentially it implies gluttony or vice; absolutely the glutton thinks it's "desirable", but it's distasteful or even harmful and the glutton is effectively in denial. Crooks think that crime is "desirable" and yet it is still treated as objectively "wrong" - "excessive" is the same concept.

Despite this mild implication, it's clear to me in context that this is not intended, and I see no plausible alternative. If there was a better tag I would support it, but I see no pressing need to attack this one at this time.

I never read it as "Bad" or "Not-ideal" myself. Excessive literally just means more than normal.

Updated by anonymous

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