Implicating casual_nudity → nude
Link to implication
Casual nudity is being nude. Additonally, tasteful_nudity and casual_nudity appear to be very similar tags. Nudist could maybe be aliased to one too?
Updated by Knotty Curls
Posted under Tag Alias and Implication Suggestions
Implicating casual_nudity → nude
Link to implication
Casual nudity is being nude. Additonally, tasteful_nudity and casual_nudity appear to be very similar tags. Nudist could maybe be aliased to one too?
Updated by Knotty Curls
Something I've noticed is that several explicitly sexual posts have been tagged with tasteful_nudity. We have some cleaning to do, but I do agree with the tag implication. +1
Updated by anonymous
Knotty_Curls said:
Something I've noticed is that several explicitly sexual posts have been tagged with tasteful_nudity.
Which is why I was against that tag. It's far too subjective to be useful.
...and it also implies that explicit nudity isn't 'tasteful'. Pffft.
Casual_nudity seems better. I'd suggest keeping that, and aliasing tasteful_nudity away to nude.
Updated by anonymous
Genjar said:
Which is why I was against that tag. It's far too subjective to be useful.
...and it also implies that explicit nudity isn't 'tasteful'. Pffft.Casual_nudity seems better. I'd suggest keeping that, and aliasing tasteful_nudity away to nude.
I concur on the subjectivity of the tag, but why not an alias to casual_nudity? Everything that should fall under tasteful nudity should (at least by definition) also be casual nudity.
If we go the route of aliasing away tasteful_nudity, aliasing nudist to casual_nudity might be a good solution to prevent having so many tags for the same thing.
Updated by anonymous
Tuvalu said:
I concur on the subjectivity of the tag, but why not an alias to casual_nudity?
Because it's so subjective. While most of it would fit, it's also frequently tagged for posts that wouldn't fit under casual_nudity. Such as pinups and various types of presenting. So I'd prefer it to be aliased to nude, to avoid future mistags.
Updated by anonymous
-1 from me. As it's right now casual nudity includes both nude and half dressed characters. Just try searching casual_nudity bottomless or casual_nudity topless
Updated by anonymous
Denied, tag it case-by-case.
Updated by anonymous