Topic: Tag Implication: casual_nudity -> nude

Posted under Tag Alias and Implication Suggestions

Something I've noticed is that several explicitly sexual posts have been tagged with tasteful_nudity. We have some cleaning to do, but I do agree with the tag implication. +1

Updated by anonymous


Former Staff

Knotty_Curls said:
Something I've noticed is that several explicitly sexual posts have been tagged with tasteful_nudity.

Which is why I was against that tag. It's far too subjective to be useful.
...and it also implies that explicit nudity isn't 'tasteful'. Pffft.

Casual_nudity seems better. I'd suggest keeping that, and aliasing tasteful_nudity away to nude.

Updated by anonymous

Genjar said:
Which is why I was against that tag. It's far too subjective to be useful.
...and it also implies that explicit nudity isn't 'tasteful'. Pffft.

Casual_nudity seems better. I'd suggest keeping that, and aliasing tasteful_nudity away to nude.

I concur on the subjectivity of the tag, but why not an alias to casual_nudity? Everything that should fall under tasteful nudity should (at least by definition) also be casual nudity.

If we go the route of aliasing away tasteful_nudity, aliasing nudist to casual_nudity might be a good solution to prevent having so many tags for the same thing.

Updated by anonymous


Former Staff

Tuvalu said:
I concur on the subjectivity of the tag, but why not an alias to casual_nudity?

Because it's so subjective. While most of it would fit, it's also frequently tagged for posts that wouldn't fit under casual_nudity. Such as pinups and various types of presenting. So I'd prefer it to be aliased to nude, to avoid future mistags.

Updated by anonymous