Hello, I've never done any forum posting before so please be patient with me.
Anyways my recent uploads have been getting downvoted and it makes me feel bad cause when I uploaded them I was proud of them but now I'm not sure what I did wrong.
I also don't know how to show pictures on this thing so I'm going to just post links....
Here's this one I uploaded 2 days ago: post #1138182
I can kinda see what's wrong, I think the angle that I drew the faceless male in made his dick look kinda weird.
This one I posted yesterday: post #1140296
I get it that this isnt some people's thing but I know some people DO like this kinda stuff, but it doesn't even have any faves. At least the one before this one had some faves.
And this one I posted today: post #1140918
I honestly didn't think this was going to get and upvotes or downvotes cause it's not really sexy nor is it offensive in anyway. I thought this was harmless.
I may sound like a bit of a crybaby, but I don't get a lot of constructive criticism on any of the sites I upload my art on, usually people saying "looks good!" or no comments at all.
I just wan't someone to point out something that I need to work on and maybe give me some advice.
Keep in mind that I draw with a mouse, I use FireAlpaca and I'm probably not going to get a drawing tablet in a pretty long time, cause I'm pretty darn broke.
Please help me out here.
P.S: I also drew this picture of Pearl from Steven Universe getting fingered by the Mystery Girl and it was on here for a couple months and just got deleted because it was "Irrelvent to the site." which I think is kinda dumb cause people liked the image and there's a lot of HumanXGem porn on here.
Here's what it looks like BTW: https://d.facdn.net/art/ginae/1473623179/1473623179.ginae_pearl_x_mystery_girl.png
I know it's not an amazing picture, I just thought the reason was kinda silly.