Topic: Help finding a comic

Posted under Art Talk

I could use some help finding a comic I read a long time ago. I don't remember where I found it, but I've looked all over and scoured various tag searches with no luck.

The comic featured a tiger and some kind canine. I think the tiger was a model and I think he had orange-ish hair, at least he had hair that didn't stand out too much from his coat. The canine might have been grey or brown, some sort of subdued earthy color, with longish hair, around shoulder length.

I think the comic opens in some kind of outdoor scenery, like a typical college campus. After the initial meeting, the two of them go to the tiger's apartment and the canine finds a small sex toy, about the size and shape of a hot dog, among his things and proceeds to use it on the tiger. While they're going at it the tiger's mom calls him and the canine answers, telling her that the two of them are playing video games. He gives the phone to the tiger and the tiger confirms the lie, all while the canine is still screwing him. When they're done and the canine goes to leave, he says something or other that makes the tiger mad and he throws some of his stuff at him and the sex toy goes flying with it into the hallway.

Has anyone seen this?


Were they both males, and you sure there was a dildo?

Updated by anonymous

post #326010
@junkystuff if this is the tiger you were talking about, then the comic is "no pain no gain" by powfooo. its hardblush therefore its dnp and pay content so i cannot link it here, but its not very hard to find with a bit of googling.

Updated by anonymous

Mutisija said:
post #326010
@junkystuff if this is the tiger you were talking about, then the comic is "no pain no gain" by powfooo. its hardblush therefore its dnp and pay content so i cannot link it here, but its not very hard to find with a bit of googling.

Since when are we not allowed to link off-site DNPs? I could understand not being allowed to link to, say, a torrent of it, but linking to the official market page should be fine.

Updated by anonymous

Furrin_Gok said:
Since when are we not allowed to link off-site DNPs? I could understand not being allowed to link to, say, a torrent of it, but linking to the official market page should be fine.

hardblush is pay to access to the website, not like pay for individual comic so best i could do is to give link to hardblush front page and thats not very helpful.

Updated by anonymous

Furrin_Gok said:
Since when are we not allowed to link off-site DNPs? I could understand not being allowed to link to, say, a torrent of it, but linking to the official market page should be fine.

Yep, that's the one. Thanks!

Updated by anonymous

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