Since I joined this site, I've always wanted a "random" button.
Set up similar to how Rule 34 has it, the "Random" button would be a button located next to the "Next" button on the page list. This button when pressed would go to a random page number, instead of going in numerical order. I'd like this feature, for just at a click of a button I can go to a random page that may contain images I've never seen before, for they are located deep within the pages. I personally would like this button for my favorites too, so I can go to a random page in my favorites and look at random images I have added over the years. Right now I go to the URL bar and change the page number myself, it would be easier just to have a button to generate a random number for me.
I think it'd be useful for users to explore art that has not been uploaded within the last couple of days.
Parts of the site that I would see implementing this to would be the "Posts" section, as that encompasses the art section, may it be favorites, artists, tags or just random art. If it is easier to script it to the entire list bar for the site then that could be an option.