Topic: Tag Alias: engagement_ring -> wedding_ring

Posted under Tag Alias and Implication Suggestions

At the risk of piling-on, -1 for aliasing engagement ring to wedding ring. One may lead to the other, but they're not the same object, and not all engagements ultimately result in marriage.

Updated by anonymous

Oxbridge said:
No they're not.

BlueDingo said:
The wedding_ring is usually just a gold band while the engagement_ring has the big shiny rock on it.

I don't know abbout your culture, but where I live they are exactly the same object used in different hands.

Either alias both to ring, or leave it as it is.

Since they simbolize a strong romantic relationship, I don't believe alias both to ring would be a good idea. However I don't see any necesity of keep distinct tags for wedding and engagement rings (if not alias one to the other, maybe alias both to compromise_ring).

Updated by anonymous

O16 said:
I don't know abbout your culture, but where I live they are exactly the same object used in different hands.

I don't know where you live, but at the least the United States and United Kingdom the two rings are different. I'd imagine the traditions would be the same for most of Europe as well.

The engagement ring, which usually has a gem on it, is given during the proposal. This stays on the ring finger of the left hand until marriage when the wedding ring, usually a gold band, will replace the engagement ring on the left ring finger. The engagement ring will then either not be worn any more or moved onto the right ring finger.

Updated by anonymous