Topic: Tag Implication: cephalopod -> mollusk

Posted under Tag Alias and Implication Suggestions

Implicating cephalopod → mollusk
Link to implication


Cephalopoda is a mollusk class.

Related implications:
Related aliases:

¹ "Shellfish" may refer to almost any aquatic invertebrate that have visible shell or exoskeleton.

For more information see forum #213618.


BlueDingo said:
Either the top one needs clam changed to bivalve to the bottom one needs to be flipped. You should never implicate and alias the same tag.

Sorry, but I can't see where exactly is the problem.
With the alias clambivalve, either implications (clammollusk or bivalvemollusk) wuold have the same efect: if someone tag a post with "clam" the resulting tags would be "bivalve" and "mollusk".

Updated by anonymous

O16 said:
Sorry, but I can't see where exactly is the problem.
With the alias clambivalve, either implications (clammollusk or bivalvemollusk) wuold have the same efect: if someone tag a post with "clam" the resulting tags would be "bivalve" and "mollusk".

If the alias happens first, clam A-> bivalve will change clam to bivalve but then clam I-> mollusk won't take place because clam is no longer in the list. And what if someone tags bivalve instead of clam? Same problem, no clam to implicate.

Remember that computing operations are never simultaneous. One must happen before the other and you should always try to avoid the possibility of something going wrong.

Updated by anonymous

BlueDingo said:
If the alias happens first, clam A-> bivalve will change clam to bivalve but then clam I-> mollusk won't take place because clam is no longer in the list. And what if someone tags bivalve instead of clam? Same problem, no clam to implicate.

Remember that computing operations are never simultaneous. One must happen before the other and you should always try to avoid the possibility of something going wrong.

Thank you for this information. The proper changes will be made.

Updated by anonymous

I am bumping this, the reason is to state some changes in the suggestions. Some species have been added, but the most important change is that the original request for aliasing 'clam' to 'bivalve' was changed to an implication request.

Explanation :

The term 'clam' can be used to basically any bivalve, but it is mostly directed to the conjunct of species with smooth shells which usually dig in sand or mud. Due to this I landed to the conclusion that would be better to adapt the tag according this usage and implicate it instead of aliasing.

Some wiki changes related to this subject are underway (probably they will be done later today, I only need to take care of some other things first).

Updated by anonymous

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