Topic: Tag Implication: long_taur -> taur

Posted under Tag Alias and Implication Suggestions

Implicating long_taur → taur
Link to implication


A group of taurs having a single taur body but marked by having a good dozen legs rather then the standard 4, i propose implication as long_taurs are a form of taur.

As for why not just keep them under multi_taur as they are right now, because people interested in long multilegged taur bodies arnt necessarily interested in also seeing characters with multiple separate taur bodies merged at the waist.

Updated by skunk in scarf

Furrin_Gok said:
Why imply and not alias?

Because they are not the same thing; should we alias hemipenes to penis, should we alias plump_pussy to pussy, should we alias hyper_anus to anus, should we alias anal prolapse to anus and so on? Do you see the point I'm making?

Updated by anonymous

Ruku said:
Because they are not the same thing; should we alias hemipenes to penis, should we alias plump_pussy to pussy, should we alias hyper_anus to anus, should we alias anal prolapse to anus and so on? Do you see the point I'm making?

No, because your reason field is still empty. The reason field is there to explain differences so that people don't get confused and can understand why you're suggesting it the way you are.

Updated by anonymous

Furrin_Gok said:
No, because your reason field is still empty. The reason field is there to explain differences so that people don't get confused and can understand why you're suggesting it the way you are.

You where suggesting that we should alias 2 things that are the same family but not the same type of taur. I edited in the reason but its rather weird your nitpicking at a rather obvious implication with a wiki as well that states what the tags are for while not nitpicking at other implication requests that are less obvious and are missing wikis as well as a reason here by me and others.

Updated by anonymous

Not everybody checks the wikis. Anyways, multi_leg taur should cover it, so why does it need its own tag? multi_leg only applies to Taurs when they have more than the usual four.

Updated by anonymous

Furrin_Gok said:
Not everybody checks the wikis. Anyways, multi_leg taur should cover it, so why does it need its own tag? multi_leg only applies to Taurs when they have more than the usual four.

problem 1: need for 2 different tags that would be resolved to just 1 with this tag.
problem 2: also the fact that normal 4 legged taurs very often get tagged as multilegged as well.

Updated by anonymous