Topic: I'm a journalist and I have some questions for you all!

Posted under Off Topic

Hi, guys and girls! I'm a journalist and illustrator and I have an idea of some comic report about the "Furry Porn and his consequences on the cultural industry". Yep, that's right. Difficult, uhn?

So, i will be glad if you help me answering these questions:

1- Have you ever played a game or saw a movie/anime/serie after seeing some character in e621 or some sites alike?
2- Which do you prefer? Porn with famous characters or artists' originals?
3- What is your opinion about sexualizing characters? Isn't it copyright crime?
4- Why do you think the Furry community has a bad repputation in the game community (as seen in the Undertale discussions or Zootopia)?
5- Which game character, movie character and serie character are your favorites?
6- Try to explain why do you think it's sexy to sexualize characters.

That's it! Help me get that to the Vice! Hahaha
Thanks for your attention!

Updated by Lance Armstrong

Lolisfernan said:
So, i will be glad if you help me answering these questions:
1- Have you ever played a game or saw a movie/anime/serie after seeing some character in e621 or some sites alike?
2- Which do you prefer? Porn with famous characters or artists' originals?
3- What is your opinion about sexualizing characters? Isn't it copyright crime?
4- Why do you think the Furry community has a bad repputation in the game community (as seen in the Undertale discussions or Zootopia)?
5- Which game character, movie character and serie character are your favorites?
6- Try to explain why do you think it's sexy to sexualize characters.

1. Yes. Mass Effect, actually. I saw Tali'Zorah in some source filmmaker animations, thought she looked attractive, did some more research on her, found out she could be romanced in the game, and the rest is history. That said, I didn't really enjoy Mass Effect all that much. I prefer fantasy-themed RPGs or platformers. I've also watched a couple episodes of some cartoons after discovering some obscure characters on this site.

2. Given my favorites, I can go either way. When I'm actually looking for porn, rather than just simply browsing, I tend to look for actual characters from professional studios like Pokémon, Sonic the Hedgehog, Star Fox, etc.

3. Not really. It's no more a crime than fanfiction or generic fan art. It's just another way to express affection and admiration for certain characters... with a bit of lust thrown in for good measure.

4. To a point. In general, yes, it's easy to look from the outside and label a sub-group with a blanket stereotype (I myself am guilty of this from time to time). As the saying goes: "One bad apple spoils the bunch." In this case, that "one bad apple" equates to practically a third of the group.

5. Depends on my mood. Recurring characters in my search history includes: Sally Acorn (Sonic the Hedgehog franchise), Maid Marian (Disney's Robin Hood), Braixen (Pokémon), khajiit (the Elder Scrolls series), and a few others.

6. Everyone has basic instincts and urges (well, most people anyways) and some people feel the need to express these feelings publicly. That's where artists and commissioners come from. More laidback people, such as myself, get all hot and bothered when we see a character that resonates with us. Sally, for example, is attractive to me because she's intelligent, strong-willed, and a bit of a tomboy, factors I find attractive in a potential mate. Those sorts of traits tend to be hard to define with real people in day-to-day life, but are often more pronounced in fictional characters, hence why my attraction to that character is more strongly felt. Of course, those characters don't exist in a physical sense, so I'm left to fantasize what could be. Pornographic art feeds my lustful side, while stuff like fanfiction and fan art feed the platonic side of it. That's for me anyways. Other people may just get a sexual thrill out seeing childhood memories (or equally innocent characters) participate in debauchery. It sort of brings those characters down to earth, in a way. I don't know. I just know I like furry characters and I cannot lie.

Updated by anonymous

Why do I get the feeling that the data collected here is going to be used to make us look bad?

Updated by anonymous


Former Staff

1- No.

2- Originals, though I don't like mature images regardless of their source. That being said, I like fanart when it's well done, but I rarely find "good" fanart of the things I like the most.

3- It's a crime if you go against the wishes of the IP holder. Thoughtcrime isn't a real crime. Most companies see it as a grey area and don't care.

4- Take a look at the comments section on here and you tell me.

5- The first one isn't an anthro, the second one is Justin from The Secret of NIMH, and I don't really have one for the third. I don't really watch tv. This is just in general as I don't like adult content.

6- I don't. I think it's disgusting, especially if the character is made in a way that isn't meant to be sexualized. If it's your own character I really couldn't care less.

Updated by anonymous

When it comes to actual games, I actually think I would rather not see characters from those sexualized at all, especially if I enjoy the game. Because I actually play the games and get to know the characters trough gameplay and story and most of the time, seeing porn of them feels out of context. I'm pretty sure this is at least one of the reasons why those who actually play the games hate furries because of this ruining aspect.

Also this topic seems kinda fishy on the way that questions are formed.

Updated by anonymous

Ratte said:
6- I don't. I think it's disgusting, especially if the character is made in a way that isn't meant to be sexualized. If it's your own character I really couldn't care less.

I should've known you would've shown up here. I modeled my answer when I thought of you, Ratte. Still doesn't really make much sense to me, but you're alright in my book!

Updated by anonymous

1. Not usually, no, the only times that happens is if I see a cool looking screenshot.

2. Hmm, tough question. A good chunk of OC's have some manor of repulsive designs, but art of licensed characters hardly ever stay "on model" (in the sense that the character isn't "aged up", stretched out to match grown human proportions, etc) and vary wildly. So for that I think I have to give the edge to artist originals, good ones are hard to find, but are pretty nice.

3. It's really no different than having a dirty thought about something and talking about it, this just has a image to go along with it. I'm not a fan of the idea of thought policing, so I'm ok with it. As for whether or not it's a crime, again, it's basically a dirty thought in drawing form, nothing about that warrants any form of legal action.

4. Probably because most focus less on the story, personality, and overall heart of the product, and instead just drool over the characters and want to see all manor of porn of them. Then it spirals into laughably bad self insert OC's, fanfictions, disregarding character's personalities and turning them into emo, pretty boy anime protagonists cough Sans cough,in undertale's case, alternate universes..., etc. It all just dilutes and bastardizes the idea of the game/movie/etc that you can't think about it without also thinking about all the dumb stuff that spawned as a result. Course this is petty as all hell, but an explanation none the less.

5. Game: Hard tie between Balthier from FF12, and Jade from Tales of the Abyss. Movie: Not too sure. Series: Kurama from Yu Yu Hakusho.

6. This one YouTuber, shoeonhead, put it best,( when explaining the appeal of lesbians) you take one thing you like, and another thing you like, you put them together and boom you get something you like even more. It's pretty much hardwired into every human's brain to like things they find sexy, so it would make sense that making other things they like sexy, would make that person like it even more

Updated by anonymous

BlueDingo said:
Why do I get the feeling that the data collected here is going to be used to make us look bad?

You are right to be kinda suspicious. I don't blame you.
But I tell you I don't pretend to do that.

Peace! ;D

Mario69 said:
Also this topic seems kinda fishy on the way that questions are formed.

I really didn't want to sound "fishy". I wrote the questions in a logic way (the main question leading to dissertative and individual questions and finalizing with a "thoughfull" question)

Updated by anonymous

1. Yes. Never heard of Digimon until after seeing Renamon on here
2. Geez, this is tough. I guess famous characters since there's a familiarity to it.
3. I'm all for freedom of expression. I would consider it "copyright crime" if an artist is making money off of someone else's character without permission.
4. Probably because mainstream media portrays furries as weird sexual deviants and nothing more. The general public bought into it and there you go.
5. Sonic as fav game character, Napoleon Dynomite as fav movie character, and Huey Freeman as fav series character.
6. I don't know, I just developed a thing for it. Just like how other peeps got their own interests and likes. I won't knock on them for enjoying what they enjoy, NSFW or not.

Updated by anonymous

1- Have you ever played a game or saw a movie/anime/serie after seeing some character in e621 or some sites alike?

Yep. Not exactly proud of it but quite a few series I first discovered on this site. Although I often browse the "safe" version of this too, so I don't know exactly which ones I first saw in porn. I do believe that this is where I first saw Ori (Ori and the Blind Forest) and "One Stormy Night," for instance.

2- Which do you prefer? Porn with famous characters or artists' originals?

Probably originals. Especially comics that involve any kind of original story. Some artists are just terrible at dialogue in general and it only gets worse when they try to use pre-established characters.

3- What is your opinion about sexualizing characters? Isn't it copyright crime?

I don't have any problem with it, though I understand completely why people are opposed to seeing them in that light. Unfortunately, I'm too perverted to really say anything about it. As far as copyright crimes go, it isn't to my knowledge the way artists do it (Disney would be all over that), but I won't pretend to know much about that aspect.
There are some characters that I do prefer not to see in that light,

4- Why do you think the Furry community has a bad repputation in the game community (as seen in the Undertale discussions or Zootopia)?

Because a lot of furries are just really obnoxious people. Don't get me wrong, they're probably some of the most upfront people on the internet and are rarely mean-spirited. In fact, they're usually very nice to an extent that is a bit jarring considering how venomous most people are online. But furries have an unfortunate tendency to be too upfront. No, guys, you probably shouldn't talk about what you want to do to Nick Wilde unless someone asks. And we don't need to hear about all the people you banged at conventions, either. Damn, guys.
The "furry hive mind" is also pretty insufferable, demonizing any content creators that dare to try and profit from their work.
Anyway, that's not to say that I think furries deserve their reputation, but we aren't entirely blameless. My guess is that the root of this problem is that furries feel safe being open with each other on various taboo subjects and a lot of them are naïve enough to think that this is acceptable in other situations.
And also, some people feel an attachment to fictional characters, and when they find furries doing their thing, it upsets them. I would say that's on them, but furries are pretty careless about how their stuff gets exposed, sometimes deliberately pushing it on people who had no intention of seeing it. This site is absolutely not to blame, since there's a nice blacklist system.

5- Which game character, movie character and serie character are your favorites?

I'd go with Okami's Amaterasu and Zelda's Wolf Link. Just very nice designs.

6- Try to explain why do you think it's sexy to sexualize characters.

Taking two things I like, porn and a certain character I'm fond of, and putting them together. All there is to it.

Updated by anonymous

1- If you mean specifically targeting the media after being exposed to a character, because of said exposure, no.
2- idgaf
3- No
4- because it's a very well earned one. Ninety+ percent of the fandom acts autistic and 99% take themselves to seriously to comprehend other people not personally liking their hobbies; or not being magically exempt from poor taste jokes and slander. They're the perfect troll bait, I've seen more awareness from children eating paste. The collective needs a metric ton of self respect and self esteem, and to show active disapproval towards their members who act poorly.
5- Why would you ask?
6- I don't care for characters themselves at all. If it gives boner, I like. Characters have absolutely nothing to do with it.

Updated by anonymous

1. Not after. Usually I come here after realizing a fandom exists.

2. Neither.

3. No more a crime than anything else with that character.

4. It's a case of a vocal minority. People see a few perverts and assume everyone must be. Since this is the internet, it's going to be sexualized, and people assume that's the norm because that was the first thing they saw. The thing about being polite and quiet is nobody knows you exist.

5. Asriel Dreemurr from Undertale, as seen in my avatar.

6. I don't.

Updated by anonymous


Former Staff

UnusualParadox said:
I should've known you would've shown up here. I modeled my answer when I thought of you, Ratte. Still doesn't really make much sense to me, but you're alright in my book!

Well that's probably the nicest anyone's ever been about it. Thanks.

Updated by anonymous

1- Nope.

2- Originals.

3- Sexualization of characters is typically done for its own sake and is boring. Unless it stays true to the characters' personalities, is well-drawn and has a comedic twist, I don't pay much attention to it.


Fandoms get a bad reputation because their most outspoken members are the ones who think they're representative of the community. They use words like "we" or "us." They're quick to defend their crowd - "Oh, we're not all bad."

Truth be told, they are absolutely representative of the majority of their fandom, just not in the good way that they would like to believe. Most find it difficult to separate the fandom from themselves. Furries, for a fandom that's meant to be a celebration of the self, tend to not show the depth of their character unless it's one of their orifices.

Oh, and we're extremely cliquey. I'm guilty of it myself.

tl;dr - mindless white knighting to defend the only thing that makes them remotely interesting, mindless conformity, mindless sexualization.

5- Anivia from League of Legends is cool, along with the Hat from Labyrinth. Big Bird is alright in my book.

6- I don't.

Updated by anonymous

1- No.
2 - I think I prefer originals.
3 - No if we would consider this a copyright issue we could also consider all non porn art a copyright issue. Characters shoudn't be copyrighted and cannot be copyrighted properly.
4 - Well it's quite obvious some people just can't stand that furries are sexualising almost everything.
5 - I love feral Pokemons, Trico from the last guardian, and Renamon.
6 - Well I got here by trying to find the tabus in cartoons... sex. So I searched for the lion king and other stuff where happened something which they didn't show in the movies, so sexualising in these case is just drawing the truth.
The other stuff is that, sometimes I had a feeling in my childhood when I saw certain charachters, I didn't know what that feeling was, but now I realised that, every charachter which triggered this feeling was made into porn in high quantities. So it's a porn predictor like feeling which I still can't name, and I'm happy to see porn about characters which are triggered this mysterious feeling. Most of the pokemon trigger this, but keep in mind that I don't like anthro characters except a few I'm into ferals mostly.(I hope I was understandable.)

Btw. Why don't you use google forms?

Updated by anonymous

BlueDingo said:
Why do I get the feeling that the data collected here is going to be used to make us look bad?

Who cares? It will not effect your life in anyway that's why I love taking surveys. Everyone thinks that we are bad anyway. :D

Updated by anonymous

Ratte said:
Well that's probably the nicest anyone's ever been about it. Thanks.

Really? What about all this talk of "love and tolerance"?


Wait. Wrong fandom and hardly descriptive of the fanbase I'm thinking of.

Anyways, different strokes for different people. It's part of what makes life and communities more vibrant in my opinion.

Updated by anonymous

1. No, I don't game often.
2. No preference, as long as it's attractive; however, there's a tiny boost of appeal in knowing that the famous character is fully fleshed out (hard to explain)
3. I believe it is, technically, but the chance of a character owner such as me submitting a takedown is astronomically higher than a company doing so.
4. Speaking specifically, Undertale is a kids' game. The consequent obsessions with characters are taken to ridiculous levels, as par with all games. Zootopia... I swear, Disney/Pixar must have been fully aware of the fandom's capabilities from the get-go. Months before the movie itself was released, searching Zootopia in google images spoonfed furry porn to those whose luck was not theirs that day.
Generally, furries latch onto everything, like a spider. Within a demographic of such size, there will be members whose antics and/or attitude are an embarrassment to us sensible, respectable members.
5. Assuming implication of animal characters only: Krystal (never played any iteration of Star Fox but she's damn attractive if drawn well); the canine man from one Ghibli animation I can't remember the name of (my movie tastes lean more towards horror, thriller and documentary rather than animation where anthro characters are prevalent); and Mordecai from Regular Show, simply because I used to watch the show and my TV taste is minimal. On that last point, another favourite character of mine is Mr Cat from a French kids/teens' animated comedy show Kaeloo - not for sexual purposes, purely the humour of his narcissistic, sensible attitude in contrast to the other characters.
6. Sexual attraction is human nature, and as humans are nowadays we fulfil the requirements to attain our desires, however nonconformitive they may be.

Updated by anonymous

Lolisfernan said:
1- Have you ever played a game or saw a movie/anime/serie after seeing some character in e621 or some sites alike?

Not that I can recall.

2- Which do you prefer? Porn with famous characters or artists' originals?

That's all over the place for me. I'm a very picky fan of Krystal from Star Fox, and I can only like an artist if they've never drawn out-of-character art of her and never will. If they haven't done that, then its possible for me to like their art if I happen to like it.

3- What is your opinion about sexualizing characters? Isn't it copyright crime?

Technically, no. Porn is consider a parody, which is fair use. Sure, some of it can be considered disrespectful (to the character and the IP holders), but it can't really be stopped. People have tried and failed.

4- Why do you think the Furry community has a bad repputation in the game community (as seen in the Undertale discussions or Zootopia)?

The way I see it, I believe the bad rep mostly comes from the fact that so many members of the furry community like to, pardon my language, "bastardize" so many characters by disregarding any applicable canon and disregard who the characters really are just to try to live a fantasy that will never happen. Example: The fandom of Krystal from Star Fox.

5- Which game character, movie character and serie character are your favorites?

Krystal and Fox McCloud from Star Fox (obviously), Delphox, and Trevor Phillips from GTA V.

6- Try to explain why do you think it's sexy to sexualize characters.

That's a case-by-case scenario that also has a sense of subjectiveness. The definition of "sexy" varies from person to person, so I can't speak for any major group on the subject. The only input I can give on this mainly falls on Krystal (because that's all I ever really got on me), the only Krystal art I can find sexy is art that upholds the canon as much as possible, AND was made by an artist who has not, and never will, draw out-of-character art of her. This pretty much slides a huge amount of art of her off the table for me.

Updated by anonymous

1- Have you ever played a game or saw a movie/anime/serie after seeing some character in e621 or some sites alike?
Yes, once or twice. Saw a character from a game I used to play when I was young and I was like "OH SHIT I USED TO PLAY THAT GAME" and I downlo-- found my old disk and popped it into my windows 98 VM to relive nostalgia.

2- Which do you prefer? Porn with famous characters or artists' originals?
If you mean famous characters like "popufur"(popular furry character), eh. If you mean famous as in from video games, eh. I don't really care if the art is good I'm fine with it. I just like hyenas and eat trash.

3- What is your opinion about sexualizing characters? Isn't it copyright crime?
Again, eh. People tried to stop it before, didn't work due to the fair use law(ref 17 U.S.C. § 107), more specifically parodying. Porn counts as parodying, but I do feel slightly bad for those who created a character for a video game/show when they find out and go "oh.. oh no."

4- Why do you think the Furry community has a bad repputation in the game community (as seen in the Undertale discussions or Zootopia)?
Because drama, sexualization of characters, and "i AM goat mom!"(Not a quote from anyone or me it's just an example). While not all furries(No idea on the percentage), there are those who will cause drama, those who will sexualize characters, and those who will somehow go nuts and think "i am this character i made this character"(its true, someone got banned on e621 for this, it was kek)

5- Which game character, movie character and serie character are your favorites?
I generally like furry/anthro like characters(not for sexual reasons, mostly because I absolutely love animals(not in a sexual way, more as "HOLY FUCK ITS SO CUTE I WANT TO HUG IT BUT DONT WANT TO BE EATEN")), I'd say Sly from the Sly series, ratchet from ratchet and clank, and bubsy from the bubsy series.
As for movies, honestly I don't know because the last time I have watched a movie with a character I liked was like MONTHS ago.

6- Try to explain why do you think it's sexy to sexualize characters.
For other people's characters, not my cup of tea BUT consider this, lots of non-furry related movies have porn parodies of them, such as snow white. For my characters, idk I just like nudity, not for the sexual part(ok maybe just a bit for sexual part) but because realism and what not. Best example would be on Second Life, each and every one of my characters has a dong or vagoo just because I can put one on it.

If you want to just ask random additional questions, you are more than welcome to send me a dmail, I don't mind.

Updated by anonymous

1. Yes. I have made many wiki pages for copyright tags to help myself and others discover movies or comics we hadn't seen. I think I played Corruption of Champions and saw Hotel Transylvania after seeing it on here. There is no escaping that I have seen Zootopia on e621 first, although I still haven't watched that movie yet.

2. Don't care. I judge each individual work on its own merits. Many artists draw both.

3. I consider it fair use in one way or another, such as the work being considered transformative or fan porn being broadly considered a parody. Even if fan porn eventually fails in an actual court case, I would support additional fair use protections to overwrite the precedent. I have little respect for many aspects of copyright... for example, I believe all paywalled science papers should be liberated.

4. The magic trio: fursuiters, rule 34, and bestiality, are all applied broadly to so-called "furries" regardless of whether or not "furries" engage in or even think about one or all three. All are viewed negatively by many people. Fursuiting will always be seen as perverted even if the people involved are asexual or whatever. Bestiality will always have detractors arguing from legal, ethical, moral, and religious standpoints. Rule 34 is seen as an attempt to corrupt everything. Then you have cub as a subset of rule 34 which gets extra hate (whatcha lookin' at, lolisfernan?). Finally, you have the cringeworthiness of people in the community who are vocal about experiencing species dysphoria or whatever you want to call it, or act like special snowflakes in general. That makes them easy targets for ridicule.

Addressing the specific question, crossover fiction and art probably cause some fans of the original (Undertale) or other properties to fear being slapped with the same labels or painted with the same perverted brush.

5. I'll try this search. Assuming the question is about PORN, I would say Freya Crescent, Gazelle, Coco Bandicoot, Lapis, Isabelle, Dixie? The answer for #2 applies here.

6. Why is water wet? Why would anyone want to grab someone by the pussy (or dick)? It isn't just sexy to sexualize characters, sexualized characters are simply sexy by definition. Risqué and sexualized art has existed for centuries, or millennia if you count certain interspecies cave paintings. Hit my profile, look at my ultra favorites and take the "don't get aroused" challenge.

Here's a question for you: How hard have you lurked for the last 6 years?

Good luck getting on I think the chances of them publishing it are close to 100%.

Updated by anonymous

I wouldn't really consider myself a "furry", but I do enjoy furry porn, so if the only criteria is a love of furry porn I suppose I still qualify.

1- It definitely makes me aware of new series well before any traditional news source. Artists usually jump on new characters as soon as they are revealed, sometimes before they even have a name! But I generally wait for more official reviews before I invest my time in a movie/show/game.
2- I like famous characters. I've always thought about it like this...usually when you find a pornstar that looks like some girl you know irl you're more attracted to that pornstar because you project the person you know onto her, and feel like you know something about her. Well you can know a hell of a lot about popular characters, and that increases the enjoyment.
3- It's just fun...copyrights need to just get out of the way. They haven't stopped it so far, and at this point they aren't going to stop it...they need to just give up. It's annoying to go to an artist's Tumblr and find it shut down cause Nintendo complained about them using their characters.
4- Because furries are cringy af. Real furries. The type of people who want to BECOME a dog/fox/cat/dragon/whatever. It's a sign of weakness that you want to retreat so far from reality that you literally wish to leave your own species and become another. If furry stuff was literally just like "hey, here's a man, but he's a rabbit-man. The end" people wouldn't hate on it so much. Nobody has a problem with Bugs Bunny. Instead it's like "I want to BECOME a rabbit-man...that would be AWESOME." That's where the cringe comes in.
5- I'll assume you mean furry charactes and in a sexual way...Game character - Blaziken (Pokemon). Movie Character - Lola Bunny (Space Jam). Series character - Peg Pete (Goof Troop)
6- I think I kind of already did in my answer to's fun to give sex a context, and popular characters give sex a context. They bring along with them everything you know about them...their relationships, personalities, their baggage. Also sometimes you just see two characters and you want to see them fuck, because usually it's only implied in the show/movie they're in. I guess a third thing is it's just fun to have control. As a child you'd play with your action figures...decide who wins, who loses, what the story is. Now, as an adult, it's like doing the same thing, but it has a sexual nature to it.

Updated by anonymous

Disclaimer: Don't really think of myself as a furry, and perceive those who do as mostly 'grasping for a group to belong to', like sports fans and many other 'tribally focused' persons.

Lolisfernan said:
1- Have you ever played a game or saw a movie/anime/serie after seeing some character in e621 or some sites alike?

Nah, not that I can think of. I tend to avoid games since they are huge timesinks.

That said, it has made me aware of the *existence* of some games/series -- Undertale, LoL, WoW, etc.

2- Which do you prefer? Porn with famous characters or artists' originals?

Whichever is less stupid, which tends to have to be judged on a case-by-case basis. [1]

Of course there tends to be a lot more media of famous characters, so Sturgeon's Law is more on your side (with the help of e6's voting/fav system) if you're looking for something actually good quality of famous characters.

But it's also true that more media -> conceptual inertia (new media tends to conform to ideas established by previous media on the same topic, so while the execution may be better, the imaginative element may be lacking)

[1] With an occasional exemption for things that are so unapologetically stupid it flips over to awesome -- eg Gurran Lagann, Panty and Stocking With Garterbelt. (neither of those are really relevant to the furry fandom FWIW)

3- What is your opinion about sexualizing characters? Isn't it copyright crime?

What is your opinion on nonsensical questions?

(copyright infringement is copyright infringement, to the best of my knowledge 'sexualization' is beside the point. If the owners particularly hate sexualization of their character, their legal recourse is AFAICS the same as for unsexualized portrayals -- "They're infringing my copyright!".

Now, if you get into *trademark* law, trademark law does deal with diluting and changing the perception of a brand, so sexualization could be relevant there. But the conditions under which trademark law applies are far more specific than the conditions under which copyright law applies, and in general if it isn't reasonably obvious that a trademark is involved, then trademark law probably isn't involved)

There is also a question of exactly what kind /level of similarity is important. Copyright law is about protecting specific concrete expressions, so while an attempt to closely match the original character design may clearly infringe, a looser interpretation may not. Whereas trademark law protects a company's ability to effectively trade, so the question is instead whether a person might reasonably mistake this mark for that mark; the same reinterpretation which was OK under copyright law might be illegal under trademark law.

So the short answer, which is really the answer that applies any time you get into legal questions, is "It depends. Until a given case is brought to court, the answer remains undefined."

On the question of whether it *should* be.: probably not. I'm with Lance on this one: Copyright law (and IP law in general) is a bit of an ineffective mess that doesn't really achieve its stated goal very well.

4- Why do you think the Furry community has a bad repputation in the game community (as seen in the Undertale discussions or Zootopia)?

a. Geek Social Fallacies in operation in both Furry and game communities. Note these tend to be self-reinforcing -- those who don't buy in tend to be marginalized (ironically) and slowly leave.[2]
b. People finding things about sexualized portrayals icky, and/or themselves being icky about the fact that they find such portrayals icky. Also denial that they don't find them icky; sometimes simultaneously.
c. Poorly socialized people leaving icky RP comments (see a).
d. Moronic generalizations, seemingly motivated by a complete unwillingness to realize that your fantasies and what you do in reality are different things. Lance went into more detail on this.
e. 'muh headcanon' -- "X would never do Y!". Obviously this is silly, possibly even if you are the creator of the character, but it doesn't stop people from having the conviction that their interpretation is the correct one.

Some people would add "otherkin" somewhere here; but IME most communities have people who are disturbingly out of touch with reality, so the real problem comes under a) IMO [excessive/misapplied tolerance]

5- Which game character, movie character and serie character are your favorites?

I don't really? I'm not sure whether singular favorites are a social fiction, or something else, but I've generally felt that having them is a problem.
The closest I could say is that quirky is good; a really well drawn bland character is still bland. That preference is probably heavily informed by my artistic focus.

6- Try to explain why do you think it's sexy to sexualize characters.

It isn't (specifically) sexy to sexualize characters, it just adds a dimension to them. It's a subset of anthropomorphization (reading humanlike emotions, motives, and features into things), which every human being does constantly and reflexively. If you think of something as if it's a person, obviously there are many questions you could ask about interacting with that "person", and 'what would it be like to have sex with them?' is one of them.

One that people tend to be overly preoccupied by, but still, basically, "filling out their backstory/ adding to their character sheet".

[2] Huh, I see Knotty Curls got to that point before me. Cool.

Updated by anonymous

1- Have you ever played a game or saw a movie/anime/serie after seeing some character in e621 or some sites alike?

Yes - multiple times, in fact. Puzzle and Dragons is one that I recall. I'm also thinking of taking a look at this book if I can find it:

post #1102851

2- Which do you prefer? Porn with famous characters or artists' originals?

Difficult question to answer, because one of my main interest is in Pokemon... in which case a character might be a famous character and an artists' original. After all, Pokemon are species, not individual characters (at least, in most cases). So there's nothing stopping a character from being both - and that's not uncommon either.

I'm not a huge fan of established characters in porn. I like established species, but not characters as much, though that's not a hard rule. It's a weak preference, I suppose.

3- What is your opinion about sexualizing characters? Isn't it copyright crime?

There are two issues here - what is ethical, and what is legal. It's usually not legal (unless you have permission from the copyright holder, of course), but I would say it's usually not unethical either. I think we can all agree there is a distinction between the two concepts.

4- Why do you think the Furry community has a bad repputation in the game community (as seen in the Undertale discussions or Zootopia)?

Well, for one, the porn. People are uncomfortable with non-human porn in general, so if it is connected in some manner to something they enjoy, those making the pornography will be seen negatively.

5- Which game character, movie character and serie character are your favorites?

As stated, Pokemon. Favorite species would be Suicune.

6- Try to explain why do you think it's sexy to sexualize characters.

This question is worded in a confusing manner. The three ways I see that it can be taken each have issues.

6a) Explain why porn is sexy.

That's one way to take it. But the answer seems obvious. It is literally sex. It's practically a tautology.

6b) Explain why certain characters are made sexy.

This has the cause-and-effect reversed. There is erotic art made of the characters because they are sexy. They are not sexy because erotic art is made of them. That's why you don't see much Probopass porn - just not appealing in that way.

6c) Explain why the act of sexualizing a character is sexy.

Why assume that it is? I don't see any reason to suggest that most furries specifically find the act of sexualizing a character to be appealing in and of itself. You are begging the question here.

Maybe there's some other way to interpret this question, but again, all the meanings I could see that it has are flawed in one way or another.

For the record, do note I don't really consider myself primarily a furry, but rather, a zoophile. I still probably fit whatever definition you're using - I look at anthropomorphic art and whatnot (though I prefer "ferals"). But I wanted to make that clear all the same.

Updated by anonymous

Dyrone said:
Instead it's like "I want to BECOME a rabbit-man...that would be AWESOME."

There's a difference between that and already thinking you are a rabbit-man or dragon, also known as species dysphoria or otherkin. On the contrary, a gene therapy that could alter your genome and cause physical changes is potentially viable, although maybe not for many decades.

Clawdragons said:
This has the cause-and-effect reversed. There is erotic art made of the characters because they are sexy. They are not sexy because erotic art is made of them. That's why you don't see much Probopass porn - just not appealing in that way.

Yet there are at least 2 sexy images of Probopass:

post #985872 post #993658

That's the whole point of rule 34. Everything must be sexualized, no exceptions.

(Don't take it too seriously. I made almost the same point above.)

Updated by anonymous

Had never heard of "" before, so I looked it up. All I can say is, I have a bad feeling about all of this.

Updated by anonymous

HsTheBraixen said:
Had never heard of "" before, so I looked it up. All I can say is, I have a bad feeling about all of this.

Is the feeling:

1. Oh no, the media is gonna make fun of furries again!


2. Damn, the Vice crowd do a lot of drugs.

Updated by anonymous

HsTheBraixen said:
Had never heard of "" before, so I looked it up. All I can say is, I have a bad feeling about all of this.

Furries are still the internet's punching bag - what else is new? Seriously, it doesn't matter. Nobody cares about the dumb shit we do in private.

Anyways, seeing as OP has had his account on here since 2011 and would have difficulty being unbiased, safe to say none of this will go anywhere.

I had fun answering the questions though

Updated by anonymous

Knotty_Curls said:
Furries are still the internet's punching bag - what else is new? Seriously, it doesn't matter. Nobody cares about the dumb shit we do in private.

Anyways, seeing as OP has had his account on here since 2011 and would have difficulty being unbiased, safe to say none of this will go anywhere.

I had fun answering the questions though

Seriously don't understand why I had to make a big deal about this. As you said, this is normal. And yes, it really doesn't matter. If we're okay with who we are, what other groups think of us shouldn't matter.

Updated by anonymous

HsTheBraixen said:
Had never heard of "" before, so I looked it up. All I can say is, I have a bad feeling about all of this.

Believe it or not, Vice is actually pretty open when it comes to interests and hobbies. They've actually posted a lot of articles about furries and they are pretty norm about it. Here's one

Updated by anonymous

ptcpt said:
1- Have you ever played a game or saw a movie/anime/serie after seeing some character in e621 or some sites alike?
2- Which do you prefer? Porn with famous characters or artists' originals?
3- What is your opinion about sexualizing characters? Isn't it copyright crime?
4- Why do you think the Furry community has a bad repputation in the game community (as seen in the Undertale discussions or Zootopia)?
5- Which game character, movie character and serie character are your favorites?
6- Try to explain why do you think it's sexy to sexualize characters.

1- No, not really.

2- I would say artists' originals, seeing the same character everywhere can sometimes be repetitive.

3- I feel sexualizing (copyrighted) characters can be of sorts... a creative & transformative use or representation of fanart. Of course, it would be a copyright infringement(because all fanart is), but I wouldn't call it exactly a crime unless it hurts the copyright holder's reputation or commercially.

4- Misconception. Failure to understand one's culture. You only want to see THAT side of the picture but not the other. If you google right now "furries", there's bound to be a result with the word "sex" on it. The outdated idea that furries are just sex-crazed creeps that yiff in fursuits is just wrong . But unfortunately when the porn outshines the rest of the community, it becomes the definition.

5- I don't have any favorites, as I prefer original or generic characters rather than known (famous) ones.

6- Humans are a creatively minded species ever since the dawn of time. You see porn. You see a character you like. You get creative. Rule 34. The Internet.

Updated by anonymous

TheHuskyK9 said:
Believe it or not, Vice is actually pretty open when it comes to interests and hobbies. They've actually posted a lot of articles about furries and they are pretty norm about it. Here's one

Thanks for sharing! Definitely helps me get a better idea for all of this.

Updated by anonymous

ptcpt said:
1- Have you ever played a game or saw a movie/anime/serie after seeing some character in e621 or some sites alike?
2- Which do you prefer? Porn with famous characters or artists' originals?
3- What is your opinion about sexualizing characters? Isn't it copyright crime?
4- Why do you think the Furry community has a bad repputation in the game community (as seen in the Undertale discussions or Zootopia)?
5- Which game character, movie character and serie character are your favorites?
6- Try to explain why do you think it's sexy to sexualize characters.

That's it! Help me get that to the Vice! Hahaha
Thanks for your attention!

1: Nope.
2: I prefer the latter.
3: As long as the artist credits the owner of the copyright character, it shouldn't be that much of an issue.
a. People outside of the fandom think it's odd and more for kids (nonsexual response)
b. There are people that think that furry porn is a hideout for beastiality folks or those that are in the beastiality closet, just like how there are people that think loli porn (anime hentai) is a pedo hideout or leads to pedophilia. These arguments are the equivalent of saying "Violent video games lead to crime" but there was a study that showed that video games have reduced crime...I forgot where I've heard it from though.
5: Miles "Tails" Prower (Sonic series) and Veigar (League of Legends)
6: Some are meant to be out of the grasping range of Rule 34.

Updated by anonymous

1. not particularly, but i do become aware of new IPs due to websites like this. sometimes.
2. typically, copyrighted characters. but it's a close shave.
3. i mean it's just, like, porn, dude.
4. can't say i've noticed.
5. bowser, discord, pepe le pew, rocket raccoon, and a bunch of others.
6. no idea. seems to be so, though.

Updated by anonymous

1 - go away
2 - also go away
3 - get the hell out of here
4 - nobody should know about or care about what other people do in private
5 - go away
6 - no

Updated by anonymous

1. not really, but i did beat it to mass effect sfm and such before i played the games, but the sfm stuff didnt make me want to play it.

2.Honestly, artist originals, as long as they are sparkledog special snowflake retarded tier. still alot of good shit out there with famous characters.

3. not really, though i do find it funny how people sexualize the most innocent of children's show/movie characters

4. Furries "take over" certain games/movies. Undertale for instance, you cant say you like undertale without being associated to some extent to the terrible undertale fanbase. at least thats probably one of many explanations.

5. fox/falco/wolf, Halo elites, argonians, all i can think of off the top of my head.

6. because...its sexy? hollywood and mainstream TV sexualizes just as much. but instead of giving a big dong to a anthromorphic dog. they have female characters with big boobs/asses and the bodies of supermodels(same goes with male characters, btw). all in the name of sex appeal.

Updated by anonymous

ptcpt said:
1- Have you ever played a game or saw a movie/anime/serie after seeing some character in e621 or some sites alike?

I'm watching MLP to keep up with the art. Was curious and it actually isn't as bad as I imagined first

2- Which do you prefer? Porn with famous characters or artists' originals?

Depends more on the content than the characters - but bad designed OCs are a no go

3- What is your opinion about sexualizing characters? Isn't it copyright crime?

Depends of the definition of crime... Non profit content shouldn't be a problem - As trained businessman I would say it's free viral advertizing (See answer #1)

4- Why do you think the Furry community has a bad repputation in the game community (as seen in the Undertale discussions or Zootopia)?

No clue, maybe sexualized game characters? (But I have to say that the jokes about us Furries in Saints Row 4 are genius ^^ )

5- Which game character, movie character and serie character are your favorites?

Safe or explict content ;-)?


MLP characters - excluding Pinkie Pie
Delilah from the Anime "Gate"
Judy Hops; Nick Wilde
Reineke Fuchs/Reynard (Book by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe)


6- Try to explain why do you think it's sexy to sexualize characters.

The emotional bounds, build during watching or playing, to the character can lead to a sexual attraction, like kinda falling in love. Or curiosity could lead to the idea of sexualization of artificial characters, since their creators didn't include nudity as example.

On the other side, some characters are meant to cause body related attention (Lola Bunny in "Space Jam", or Jessica Rabbit in "Who framed Roger Rabit"). And I don't have to mention "Cool World", or? ^^

I would also say that dopamine,endorphin and all the other "happy makers" take a part when seeing certain characters to the point of sexual attraction

Updated by anonymous

1. Yes.
2. The one with better quality(on per image basis, and not talking about image quality here).
3. No. Like who cares, even if you are making money to go by from my character I wouldn't care. However if you were to for say make millions then I would.
4. Because anything related to sex or nudity is taboo (when others are doing it, but when I'm doing it is completely fine, hypocrisy!!!) Haven't seen or looked for anything bad though.
5. You didn't define in what kind of way favorite.
6. Even a rock can be sexy with enough imagination, so I have no answer to this question.

Updated by anonymous

ptcpt said:
Hi, guys and girls! I'm a journalist and illustrator and I have an idea of some comic report about the "Furry Porn and his consequences on the cultural industry". Yep, that's right. Difficult, uhn?

So, i will be glad if you help me answering these questions:

1- Have you ever played a game or saw a movie/anime/serie after seeing some character in e621 or some sites alike?
2- Which do you prefer? Porn with famous characters or artists' originals?
3- What is your opinion about sexualizing characters? Isn't it copyright crime?
4- Why do you think the Furry community has a bad reputation in the game community (as seen in the Undertale discussions or Zootopia)?
5- Which game character, movie character and serie character are your favorites?
6- Try to explain why do you think it's sexy to sexualize characters.

That's it! Help me get that to the Vice! Hahaha
Thanks for your attention!

In responds to number 4, there are simply two answers that I know of from gamers so far. They are offended by the sexualization of their favorite characters...OR NO FUCKING REASON. In the case of the first one its understandable, but the second is just hard to wrap your head around despite it being seemingly simple. Why hate something you likely have no experience with, hence leading to it being for literally, no reason. Though, in the case of that, its probably just the idea of sexualized ANIMALS, instead of humans. I mean, I didn't know I was a furry 100% of the time, I actually was against furries myselft at one point. AND LOOK AT ME NOW. Not to mention stereotypes and the more closed minded part of the population.

Oh yeah, and number 6 as well. The idea of sexualizing characters, isn't shared by everyone here. Some people mostly like it for the art aspect, while others like it for the pleasure they can get from it. Wait...this is actually off topic from the question...

Idk man, human sex gets boring after a while I guess.

Updated by anonymous

1 Actually the other way around
2 mixed
3 I don't mind, as my username implies
4 Fur and Loathing misrepresenting the mainstream furry fanbase for ratings, and I've seen innocent children get pulled and lumped into the common misinterpretation of furries (see:Miiverse)
5 they're not furry, and it's not all exactly sexual, but I'll say so anyways. Inazuma (Kantai Collection), Azuma (Sekai Oni), Dio Brando (Jojo's Bizarre Adventures), Josuke Higashikata(Jojo's Bizarre Adventures), Kira Yoshikage (JoJo), Gyro Zeppeli (Jojo), Johnny Joestar (JoJo), Verniy (Kantai Collection), glaceon (Pokémon), snivy (Pokémon), servine (Pokémon), Megumin (KonoSuba)
And cause porn is porn

Updated by anonymous

ptcpt said:
1- Have you ever played a game or saw a movie/anime/serie after seeing some character in e621 or some sites alike?

Not sure, but I don't think so.

2- Which do you prefer? Porn with famous characters or artists' originals?

I like both equally usually, provided I like the art.

3- What is your opinion about sexualizing characters? Isn't it copyright crime?

IIRC, it technically is a copyright violation, but so is fanfiction, fan films, and so on. At the end of the day, what matters is whether or not the company that owns the character is going to clamp down on such things or not.

Personally, I think sexualizing characters is generally a good thing. I think it humanizes them, perhaps makes them feel more "real" to the people viewing the porn, especially if it's decently done porn.

4- Why do you think the Furry community has a bad repputation in the game community (as seen in the Undertale discussions or Zootopia)?

I think most people are drawn to drama, and as a result they tend to see drama much more vividly than non-drama situations. Also, furries are different, and when you're different than everyone else around you, people zero in on those differences and subject you to a lot more scrutiny than they would if you were normal.

5- Which game character, movie character and serie character are your favorites?

A few of mine include:
Games: Krystal from the Star Fox franchise
Movies: Judy Hopps from Zootopia
TV: Renamon, Exveemon, and Sora from Digimon

6- Try to explain why do you think it's sexy to sexualize characters.

I don't know. I just do.

Updated by anonymous

1. Yes examples include Dust an Elysian Tail, Bearnuts, and Bambi 2.

2. Tough Question but I'd have to go with famous characters.

3. As long as nobody is making money off of it besides the host site ads.

4. The Porn and the extremists and having furries as our avatars.

5. Tails, Judy Hopps, Gatomon, Pikachu, it mostly depends on mood.

6. I've always been a furry and during my teen years I discovered webcomics which lead to furry comics which lead to furry porn. I found it a lot more appealing than real porn mostly due to the fantasy aspect and me putting myself in those situations and worlds. I think it's hotter because it's not real and very detailed but I still obviously like real porn and what not I just like Furry better.

Updated by anonymous

One thing i find funny is how people seem to judge furry as being mostly porn,when other fandoms like Anime,star trek,star wars have porn. Rule 34,if it exists,there is porn of it, no exceptions. Like how on the internet you can find rule 34 of Kirk/Picard slash fiction ranging from G to XXX,and one anime con,someone was selling Hentai under folders and one time someone mentioned rule 34 of Star wars one time at a panel i was at. I even one time stumbled upon Rule 34 of LOTR. I have even seen some sexualised cosplay at cons,yet somehow we furries are the freaks.

Updated by anonymous

Sorry, but i'll answer only the first one:

1- Have you ever played a game or saw a movie/anime/serie after seeing some character in e621 or some sites alike?

Yes, i do that a lot. Examples: Pokemon, Guild Wars 2, All Dogs Go To Heaven 2, Eragon, Legend Of The Guardians, etc. A lot of them.

In fact i often use e621 to find new things with cute characters.

Updated by anonymous

1. Not quite yet, I think. Closest I got was when someone recently posted a lot of artwork based on a game(?) called Tokyo After School Summoners. I looked it up, but ended up not really being interested in it.

2. I mostly just care about asthetic appeal. There are some characters from franchises I like for such reasons, and some original characters I prefer. It doesn't really play a factor for me (unless it's a character I may have fantasized about in the past~).

3. I suppose I could understand how complications could arise when people are selling artwork portraying trademarked characters, but as far as I'm aware, most concept owners tend to turn a blind eye to porn (the reason being up to interpretation).

4. Yeah I suppose, and to be honest I can entirely understand the reason for the bad reputation. Although I do think most of the dislike of furries in most communities comes from a vocal minority, as most people either don't care, or just get a good laugh out of the concept.

5. I'm going to assume you mean which we prefer in porn, given that's the focus of this site. I suppose Riolu/Lucario and Buizel/Floatzel from Pokemon, Red Savarin from the Little Tail Bronx series, and Gideon and Clawhauser from Zootopia are what immediately come to mind.

6. I suppose it's not much different from sexualizing characters from live-action media, or actors. I mean, fetishes aside, most of the time it comes from seeing a character and thinking that they're cute, or suave, or just attractive, and then taking that to the bedroom or, more accurately, the computer chair.


To be honest, I'm interested in the article you're going to write, whether it's negative, positive, or objective. The concept of furries, and how they inadvertently, or maybe even intentionally, influence the media is an interesting topic, and worth exploring with films like Zootopia being made which appeal to what is largely considered a niche market.

Updated by anonymous

ptcpt said:
1- Have you ever played a game or saw a movie/anime/serie after seeing some character in e621 or some sites alike?
2- Which do you prefer? Porn with famous characters or artists' originals?
3- What is your opinion about sexualizing characters? Isn't it copyright crime?
4- Why do you think the Furry community has a bad repputation in the game community (as seen in the Undertale discussions or Zootopia)?
5- Which game character, movie character and serie character are your favorites?
6- Try to explain why do you think it's sexy to sexualize characters.

1: Yes, there are several actually that I found through sites like this. But I for the life of me cannot remember them at the moment.

2: This one varies, some artist originals are excellent characters (Like JollyJack's Cloe who's got more brains than she lets on) in general and some famous characters are excellent too. It depends on the character.

3: I don't think it is a copyright crime if the artist isn't making any money off of it. Most artist begin by emulating other artists or get inspired to draw their favorite characters and eventually create derivatives of their own that evolve into completely original characters. Now if an artist claims that it is their own work when it clearly isn't, that's a whole different story.

4: I guess it has to do with the fact that most people get uncomfortable around something or someone different, So they feel threatened. I know I was semi-guilty of that at several points in my life. The furry community is a very fun community to be a part of, even when you remove the sexualized side of things, it's an amazingly open and happy community that loves to have fun.
Same with gaming, yet no one in today's world would admit to its military origins and helping hand in the medical community. It usually comes down to those who just hate different, if it isn't their way it's evil!

5: This is a pretty big list; Sans from undertale, Razor from SWATKATS (Easily my life's inspiration), Merveille million from Solatorobo, Princess Celestia and Sunset Shimmer and Twilight Sparkle from My Little Pony, Coco Bandicoot and Dr. Neo Cortex from Crash Bandicoot, Bugs Bunny from Looney Toons, Megaman X from Megaman X, and Kirby from the Kirby games. If you couldn't guess from this list, I'm a fan of intelligence.

6: I think this one is on a per-person basis, but my reasons vary, some characters I just can't stomach seeing sexualized, it just won't make sense or even be worth it, like the characters from happy happy clover. but others work out nicely, Like princess Celestia who isn't human in her original series, yet she sounds like she would be very beautiful if she was a human, so it's nice to see how others interpret her as a human. In most cases, it's just how artists "see" a character. This has been like this throughout history, I mean doing a little bit of homework will find that even the Egyptians were into porn; Just what we see as "sexy" changes with the generations (can't say time since it's different from person to person, but seems to resonate with generations more).
Admittedly, I follow the furry community for the Art and Music (Seriously, have you heard furry music? It's fast, it's fun, it's very weird!), it's unfortunate that a ton of the artists draw some of their best work as porn.

Updated by anonymous

1. Maybe.

2. Is not so important. It is somewhat more complex.

3. I think sometimes legal is, of course, problematic. However, it is something other than creep copies. In the drawings the work is paid, if it happens at all on payment. The publication itself is free. In addition, I have read the fanfict of such producers are always tolerated. Why do they tolerate it? Maybe because of point 1, it's free advertising.

4. I do not know about this. I know only the public opinion about Furrys.

5. Does not give the one.

6. Male, Female, Hermaphrodite and so on. The world does not consist of sexless individuals. This should also be seen in the case of public films (films and films like Zootopia), genitalia if they were visible. I'm not talking about giant penis or genitals, but they should not be tabooed. This has nothing to do with Sexy, but with simple anatomical correctness. Would children grow up with the man and woman are not sexless characters, then a few problems less and genitals would not be something special.

German - Deutsch

1. Vielleicht.

2. Ist nicht so wichtig. Es etwas komplexer.

3. Ich denke mal Rechtlich ist es natürlich problematisch. Jedoch ist es etwas anderes als Raupkopien. Bei den Zeichnungen wird die Arbeit bezahlt, wnn es überhaupt auf bezahlung passiert. Die veröffendlichung selbst ist Kostenlos. Zudem habe ich gelesen das solche Fanfict von Produzenten auch immer wieder geduldet werden. Warum dulden sie es? vielleicht wegen Punkt 1, es ist Kostenlose Werbung.

4. Davon weiß ich nichts. Ich kenne nur die Öffendliche Meinung über Furrys.

5. Gibt nicht den einen.

6. Männlich, Weiblich, Hermaphrodit und so weiter. Die Welt besteht nicht aus Geschlechtslosen Individuen. Dashalb sollte man auch bei Öffendlichen Filmen (Zeichentrick Filme und Filme wie Zootopia), genitalien zeigen wenn sie sichtbar wären. Ich rede nicht davon das man Riesen penise oder Genitalien presentieren soll, sondern, sie sollen nicht tabuisiert werden. Das hat nichts mit Sexy zu tun, sonder mit schlichter Anatomischer korrektheit. Würden Kinder damit aufwachsen das Mann und Frau nicht mit Geschlechtslose Charactere sind, dann wären ein paar probleme weniger und Genitalien nicht so was besonderes.

Updated by anonymous

ptcpt said:
1- Have you ever played a game or saw a movie/anime/serie after seeing some character in e621 or some sites alike?
2- Which do you prefer? Porn with famous characters or artists' originals?
3- What is your opinion about sexualizing characters? Isn't it copyright crime?
4- Why do you think the Furry community has a bad repputation in the game community (as seen in the Undertale discussions or Zootopia)?
5- Which game character, movie character and serie character are your favorites?
6- Try to explain why do you think it's sexy to sexualize characters.

1- Yes.
2- Generally I prefer original characters, because (by my perception) artists are not always good writers and thus will depict canon characters doing things that goes against canon or my headcanon. I don't have a problem with such pictures, I merely prefer those that don't have such issues. That said, sometimes an artist nails the character, and I enjoy those as well.
3- I don't know and don't much care about the legality of it (thank you internet). In my opinion, if you aren't competing with a copyright holder or reducing the value of their copyright, its fair use. Sexualizing character to appeal to an audience is fine, in my mind, unless the company is publishing their own rule 34 material.
4- Because sexuality is still a taboo and because artists are not always good writers (as above) and people's fantasies will disrupt eachother's headcanon. Part of the Undertale fanbase can't imagine Toriel as a sexual figure, others can, they'll get into disagreements about it. Repeat that for decades over multiple copyrights and you've got a reputation.
5- I don't have favorite characters. I like horses.
6- That question, no offense, seems idiotic. The meaning of "sexualize" is "to make sexy". If the result wasn't sexy, then the character wasn't sexualized. There's no why involved, the two words are of the same lexeme.

Updated by anonymous

1. No, can't say I have.
2. I prefer original characters.
3. I don't see any problems as long as the artists don't try to claim ownership of the characters.
4. I'd have to say it's because our society tends to be very intolerant of anyone who dares to go against it's norms, if you don't live how society says you should, you can expect to be ridiculed incessantly for it.
5. Just to name a few:
-Krystal (Star Fox franchise)
-Carmelita Fox (Sly Cooper franchise)
-Neera Li (Freedom Planet)
-Ninetales (Pokemon)
Al of those are just in general, btw.
6. Human beings are sexual creatures, plain and simple.

Updated by anonymous

2. is
3. hot
4. garbage
5. and
6. clickbait

EDIT: I'm serious, if this is legit, prepare to get smeared, furries.

Updated by anonymous


Former Staff

If you have nothing of value to add to the topic, don't post.

Updated by anonymous

Ratte said:
If you have nothing of value to add to the topic, don't post.

Warning people that VICE is a lousy excuse for a journalistic outlet and prone to writing outrage-based crapola for clicks is "nothing of value". Gotcha.

Updated by anonymous

TychoNotMeen said:
Warning people that VICE is a lousy excuse for a journalistic outlet and prone to writing outrage-based crapola for clicks is "nothing of value". Gotcha.

if that comment is in any way related to political preferences then it can likely be ignored. just saying.

Updated by anonymous

treos said:
if that comment is in any way related to political preferences then it can likely be ignored. just saying.

Bad journalism is bad journalism and you shouldn't embrace it just because it happens to jive with whatever you're feeling at the moment.

Updated by anonymous

This is not a thread about whether or not the Vice is a reputable source of news.

Drop the topic or there will be records.

Updated by anonymous

1. Well, I watched Pokemon after seeing r34 of the show, but it wasn't because of the porn.
2. Original characters. There's more ways to tell a story with an original character.
3.No. I think it's fair use. Making porn out of a SFW intellectual property is changing it enough that it isn't infringing copyright.
4. It might come across as weird for someone to obsess over anthropomorphic animals. It's not something considered as normal.
5. Judy Hopps from Zootopia because of an inside joke, but also because it's hot.
6. Humans like sex. If anything is made sexy, then it's all good to me.

Updated by anonymous

Munkelzahn said:

pirate copy

Google translator, if you write correctly it does not translate it correctly and you write it wrong the same.

Updated by anonymous

I hope I'm not answering too late, but I wanted to put my two cents in.

ptcpt said:
1- Have you ever played a game or saw a movie/anime/serie after seeing some character in e621 or some sites alike?

Yeah, actually that's the way I've found most of the stuff I like, to the point of having it be hard to just think of a specific thing.

2- Which do you prefer? Porn with famous characters or artists' originals?

Depends on what I want in the moment; but because most of the time I'm more attracted to the specifics of the situation and pose, it tends to be more artists' characters.

3- What is your opinion about sexualizing characters? Isn't it copyright crime?

I support rule 34'ing all the way. Copyright law as it exists now is ridiculous and broken; many a good and creative fan project have been shot down over it and I think that's unfair. My opinion is that a fan work is a way of showing affection, or springboarding an idea. Sexualizing a character is an extension of that, albeit in a way that is 'odd'and 'unnecessary' to some people . But then, it's not really for those people, is it?.

4- Why do you think the Furry community has a bad [reputation] in the game community (as seen in the Undertale discussions or Zootopia)?

Furries have always bad stigma around them, probably just because it's easy to make fun of us. I don't think it's just the game community, more like the internet as a whole tends to be that way. As for the reputation in the zootopia and undertale fandoms, I think it's just a large influx of stupid kids dragging down the image of us as a whole.

5- Which game character, movie character and serie character are your favorites?

Cant really decide. I like the stereotypical favorites (Renamon, Krystal, Toriel, etc) as well as others.

6- Try to explain why do you think it's sexy to sexualize characters

Sometimes, you just see a character and are just attracted to them; only logical next step is to search for porn of them, or draw it yourself.

Hope I was able to give answers that made sense.

Updated by anonymous

ptcpt said:
Hi, guys and girls! I'm a journalist and illustrator and I have an idea of some comic report about the "Furry Porn and his consequences on the cultural industry". Yep, that's right. Difficult, uhn?

So, i will be glad if you help me answering these questions:

1- Have you ever played a game or saw a movie/anime/serie after seeing some character in e621 or some sites alike?
2- Which do you prefer? Porn with famous characters or artists' originals?
3- What is your opinion about sexualizing characters? Isn't it copyright crime?
4- Why do you think the Furry community has a bad repputation in the game community (as seen in the Undertale discussions or Zootopia)?
5- Which game character, movie character and serie character are your favorites?
6- Try to explain why do you think it's sexy to sexualize characters.

That's it! Help me get that to the Vice! Hahaha
Thanks for your attention!

Probably a little late here, but 1: The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess I'd seen it on Sofurry, E621, Rule 34, and FA. I wasn't a big Zelda fan, but I thought the wolf looked cool.

2: A little of both. Personally I love using more known characters, but I love seeing People's creativity when they create their own.

3: I enjoy it. It's like getting to see beyond the "Hapilly ever after" story. Should it be considered copyright crime? No. It's fanart. That's like saying any fanfic, drawing or anything else a child might draw or write a story about is a copyright crime regardless of how good it is.

4.IDK, Seems like the furry community has a bad rep in general. I think alot of it has to do with it isn't seen as a fandom of anthro art, but of sick sexual deviants who have sex with animals. What people fail to realize is we just really enjoy the anthro art style, and if you like TMNT, Loony Toons, Disney, Werewolves, Pokémon, or any other anthro based cartoon, you might enjoy what the furry community is about. Sure there's animals having sex out there. But isn't that all art stuff? I've seen Rule 34 stuff of Disney Princes and Princesses having sex to Hiccup and Astrid, to even Popeye and Olive Oyle. But there's just as much safe stuff out there. I've seen everything from Pokémon, to Bugs Bunny, to even anthro Lion King stuff and beyond that's just awesome, and none of it has anything to do with nudity or sex.

5.Game character: I don't normally go for video game stuff, but I guess if I had to pick one I'd say Simba from the Lion King. Simply because he was in Kingdom Hearts, The Lion King video game, and probably a couple others. Movie: Toothless. I can't get enough of the night fury.
Series: Lucario/Lycanroc They're by far my favorite Pokémon, in adult or safe stuff.

6:Hmm,I really don't know why I think it's sexy. As I said earlier there's a bunch of sexualized fanstuff out there that isn't anthro art, so why is it sexy? I think alot of it is the taboo of taking this family freindly thing that we all know and putting it in an adult situation. But for me it depends on what I like in adult stuff that plays a part in it too.

Updated by anonymous

So... has anything been done with all this data yet or what?

Updated by anonymous

BlueDingo said:
So... has anything been done with all this data yet or what?

@lolisfernan is probably busy submitting the data to ebaumsworld or 4chan

Updated by anonymous

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