Topic: Tag Alias: whiteboard -> markerboard

Posted under Tag Alias and Implication Suggestions

Some chalkboards are green, but AFAIK, all marker boards are white.

Updated by anonymous

Sincerely, I also prefer both of them inverted. "blackboard" is more commonly used than "chalkboard", the same can be said for "whiteboard" and "markerboard". Although, it would work either ways.

So... + ½?

Updated by anonymous

Furrin_Gok said:
Some chalkboards are green, but AFAIK, all marker boards are white.

In that case, the name isn't 100% accurate, but was established due usage (like horseshoe crabs, which actually aren't crabs).

Updated by anonymous

Furrin_Gok said:
Some chalkboards are green, but AFAIK, all marker boards are white.

So? A dark green blackboard is still a blackboard, and there are many other things named after colors that aren't the color they're named after (black people are usually brown, black box flight recorders are usually orange, black cherries are dark reddish-purple, etc.).

Like I said, I only suggested it that way to be consistent with a related preexisting alias. If that alias wasn't there, I would have suggested both as medium -> color.

Edit: Also, the reason why it's called a blackboard is because they originally were black. The green ones aren't made of the same materials as the original black ones.

Updated by anonymous


Markerboard may be technically accurate, but it's just not a thing people say. I have NEVER in my life heard anyone refer to a whiteboard as a markerboard.

Here is a website that tracks words used on Reddit..."whiteboard" appears, but the instances of "markerboard" (and I'll even throw in "marker board") are so low it doesn't even have any data on it:

Tags should be based off natural while I applaud your desire to make similar tags "sync up" so to speak...I just can't support it in this case.

Updated by anonymous