Topic: Bad Neverland - A sexy new Furry RPG!

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Hey @BadNeverland
The clit is wrong, you know?

Are You Gay? :|

Updated by anonymous

Yes, we all know that now. :) We just got the names mixed up before.

We do have an all-straight writer on the team now, so I'm sure we'll be fine. (And yes, I am pretty gay, but don't worry about it, I'm not all gay)

Updated by anonymous

Just got the new scene with Puck, it's good stuff! It'll be in the next version, which will be released as soon as we have finished the climax of this new quest!

Updated by anonymous

Puck scene is now coded into the game. As soon as the finale for the new quest is in there, you guys can all go check it out!

Updated by anonymous

"There is a ladder here"
>Look ladder
"It goes up into the treehouse"
>Climb Ladder
"I don't think much is to be achieved by that."
Curse you unimaginative phrasing system I don't like typing Up when I can define the method of going up.

Updated by anonymous

Huh. It should actually understand "climb ladder" as up. Maybe that code got deleted somehow, or maybe it's getting confused over the words. I'll try and correct it for the next version.


0k, fixed it for the next release.

Updated by anonymous

BadNeverland said:
Huh. It should actually understand "climb ladder" as up. Maybe that code got deleted somehow, or maybe it's getting confused over the words. I'll try and correct it for the next version.


0k, fixed it for the next release.

o_o I was just complaining for the sake of having something to complain about, I didn't expect that it was intended to be recognized!

Updated by anonymous

>Look self
"You are a boy with black wavy."
Black wavy what? Black wavy what?! Do I have black wavy tentacle cocks?! I must know!
>Look scout
"Which do you mean, 1) Scout boys and girls, the 2) scout shorts or the 3) scout uniform shirt?"
"(the scout shorts)"
What no that's not what I wanted you dumb game.
>Look cookie
Okay fine
>Look cookies
" "

Carrying on a bit
>Look fire
[results of "Look"]
No, no...
>Look campfire
There we go :D
>Look Jackie
"(Jackie the Scout)"
...Thanks, game. Thanks.
>Talk Jackie
""Hello!" says a cute brown-skinned girl..."
""Well" he says
Wait, is this right? A girl given the pronoun of He?
>"What is there to do"
""There's hiking, swimming, climbing and hiking." She says."
Okay so the pronoun is supposed to be She, and she apparently likes hiking so much she says it twice (Is this one intentional? I could see it being intentional).

Edit V2
Scout master seems to lack anything worthwhile. No appearance, no dialogue (Not even "Hey, go find a buddy before you go hiking" and "Good to see you've got a buddy. Enjoy yourselves, but avoid the Bad Wolf place," which is pretty much all you need to start with)

Updated by anonymous

o_o I was just complaining for the sake of having something to complain about, I didn't expect that it was intended to be recognized!

You didn't? :D Well, we try to!

"You are a boy with black wavy."
Black wavy what? Black wavy what?! Do I have black wavy tentacle cocks?! I must know!

I think we may have goofed in the description code. It's black wavy vaginas. I mean, hair. :D


Fixed it!

>Look scout
"Which do you mean, 1) Scout boys and girls, the 2) scout shorts or the 3) scout uniform shirt?"
"(the scout shorts)"

Sorry, I'm not actually sure why it did that, but it is better at recognising the words. For example, 'boys' or 'girls' would have worked. I may change some of the names there to remove the word 'scout'. If anyone else gets this, do say.

Okay fine
>Look cookies
" "

Oh damn, I keep forgetting about that! Fixed it for the new version.

>Look Jackie
"(Jackie the Scout)"
...Thanks, game. Thanks

Fixed for Jackie!

"Hello!" says a cute brown-skinned girl..."
""Well" he says
Wait, is this right? A girl given the pronoun of He?

Sorry, bug! Just went through them, think I got all of them for Jackie. If you see any more, just copy-paste the whole sentence so I can search for it.

(Is this one intentional? I could see it being intentional).

The scouts are about three things. Hiking, knots and hiking. Also Hiking. :D

Scout master seems to lack anything worthwhile. No appearance, no dialogue (Not even "Hey, go find a buddy before you go hiking" and "Good to see you've got a buddy. Enjoy yourselves, but avoid the Bad Wolf place," which is pretty much all you need to start with)

I'll see what I can do, but we didn't really describe them as they are an extreme background character. We do have a few people working on stuff like that now, so if you wanted you could write some stuff for their character and we'll put it in the game.

Updated by anonymous

Oddly enough, "Save" works, but "Load" does not. Is it supposed to automatically load the ONE file with the exact right name, rather than letting us save as and load selectively?

Edit: Whoops! Read the "Help" function and it's apparently Restore, here.

Updated by anonymous

Okay let's play through some more and see what problems there are now.

>Look Jackie
A friendly go-getting scout buddy! Jackie has brown hair and a neat uniform, and a winning attitude! If he can't show you the ropes, nobody can! (mostly because nobody else will bother)
Here we go again with the He's on a she!
>1) "Is it dangerous out there?"
"Nope!" he says. "As long as you go out with your buddy and don't go near the bad Wolf Wood you can't go wrong!"
I thought I already pointed out this instance of He, but something I hadn't noticed before is this improper grammar(?) on Bad Wolf Woods. Bad should be capitalized, and Woods needs to be plural. Otherwise it sounds like you're talking about some company's firewood or something.
>1) "Do I really need a buddy?"
"Well" he says, looking shifty. "You do if you want to get out past Scout Master. There is kind-of another way, but I really shouldn't tell you! But 0k! If you head West from here until you get to the end of the tents, you should be able to find a secret path heading North! But make sure you only follow the arrows, because if you don't you could end up in Wolf Wood!"
Firstly, that "Well" needs a comma at the end (Jumping from dialogue to whatever you call that bit that isn't dialogue). Another instance of forgetting the S on she immediately afterwards. Third, that's... A zero on your "okay" word (Spelling it without the AY is fine, that's a word that works either way)! Finally, another lack of S. This time, the word Bad is excluded, is there supposed to be a Good and Bad side to it? If so, then ignore my previous statement on capitalizing Bad, otherwise we should make sure to add the word in here.
>1) "Wolf Wood?"
This command in itself depends on the answer to the above issue. Is Bad part of the name or not?
"Oh yes, that's where all the Anthro wolves live! You should keep away from there! You'll be fine though as there is only a couple of ways in and there's a big sign saying 'Keep Out'"
This is excusable since it's part of somebody's dialogue, but proper grammar is "Are" for plurals, not "is."
>2) "What is there to do in the camp?"
"There's hiking, swimming, climbing and hiking." he says. "And if you ask, someone might teach you knots. If you are going out of the Camp, though, you'll need a buddy."
1. Are you trying to turn Jackie into a male character? Because her introduction still states she's a girl.
2. There are three solutions to this: One, capitalize "The." Two, remove "The." Three, lowercase "Camp."
An example of where exceptions are allowed with A/The proper nouns would be the desription of Jackie when you first talk to her, saying a Scout, but Camp doesn't have the same force behind it that Scout does.
>3) Is that someone having sex over there?
Missing quotation marks!
Jackie goes completely red and looks very embarrassed. Especially when he sees where you are pointing!
>5) Let's move out
(This time it's less of dialogue and more of a command, so no worries)
"Right be behind you buddy!" he says "Oh, by the way, if we get lost we can just use this to get back!"
Random "Be" wrong pronoun. Again.
>Fuck Jackie
Disappointing lack of anything, considering she's the only buddy, apparently. Given how embarrassed she seems to be at pointing out sex, I would expect a bit of dialogue, but no scene.

Her face goes completely red as you make your advance. "N-no! I- we can't! It's not proper Scout ettiquite!"

>Smell campfire
From the Campfire you smell nothing.
Not even burned wood?
>taste campfire
the Campfire tastes of nothing
Missing capitalization. Wish I could get "Tastes of burned tastebuds" xD


There are quiet wooden houses all around you. Up on a tree house platform you see a soft naked teen fox with another straddling his lap, their fluffy bodies pressed together and shivering with pleasure as his hard wet dick discovers their sweet ass.
North is the seedier part of town. West is the forest.

Exits: north and south to Road to City.

Jackie wanders in behind you.

You can't go that way.

From here, you can go north and south.

Okay why does it say I can go west if I can't go west?

You are armed with: a Walking Stick -- Damage Die: 3d6 -- Parry Bonus: 0

>equip darkness
You are already wielding the Darkness.

Uh, okay, that's odd. Is the Darkness secretly the stick?


You wander in amoung the huts and see a bunch of lion teens playing around.

The three naked Native brothers are bouncing around hapily with the lion kids, who keep brushing their furry bodies up against them and stroking down from their long native hair to their naked cocks and asses, making them blush and squeek. It looks like the lions" games are getting more and more sexual as the big cats" become more and more aroused with every passing moment, their paws cupping between the legs of the brothers as they rub up around them, making their naked chests heave at this strange and exciting contact...

You can also see a Shiny Stone and three Native brothers here.

Exits: north to Lion Huts and south.

Jackie wanders in behind you.

>look brothers
(three Native brothers)

Three Native teen's playing with the horny lion cubs. By the looks of it the lions are about to take them down for a serious mating.

Okay I know for a fact I have shota set to off so why.

Updated by anonymous

Oddly enough, "Save" works, but "Load" does not. Is it supposed to automatically load the ONE file with the exact right name, rather than letting us save as and load selectively?

We can't make it 'load' unfortunately, if we did it would conflict with some other stuff.

A friendly go-getting scout buddy! Jackie has brown hair and a neat uniform, and a winning attitude! If he can't show you the ropes, nobody can! (mostly because nobody else will bother)
Here we go again with the He's on a she!

I checked the code and they are tagged to be a boy there when bisexuality is on. Do you know where the 'she' is?

This command in itself depends on the answer to the above issue. Is Bad part of the name or not?

It can be either, really. We aren't very strict about our grammar.

1. Are you trying to turn Jackie into a male character? Because her introduction still states she's a girl.

Oh, so that's where that is. Ok, fixed. Jackie is now a boy in bisexual mode. If anyone prefers him to be a girl in Bi mode, I guess we can have a vote.

>Fuck Jackie
Disappointing lack of anything, considering she's the only buddy, apparently. Given how embarrassed she seems to be at pointing out sex, I would expect a bit of dialogue, but no scene.

You could write something if you like! It's hard to cover every eventuality.

Okay why does it say I can go west if I can't go west?

There used to be a path there. Fixed.

Uh, okay, that's odd. Is the Darkness secretly the stick?

The Darkness is supposed to be Jackies weapon. The game is getting confused because we forgot to program the NPC equipment stuff.

Okay I know for a fact I have shota set to off so why.

I'll go and fix the 'cubs' part. Originally 'cubs' meant any anthro up to the age of about 20 in the game, but people complained. I guess we didn't fix that instance, sorry.

Updated by anonymous

We've just fixed the XP bug and the potion bug! The new version is now live!

Updated by anonymous

Just a heads up, but furry content is about to go optional! This is a big change for the game but I hope you won't be upset! From now on furry content will be activated like the other fetishes and choosing it will morph the content in the game to make a huge chunk of it furry. This will actually mean that we can make more of the game furry without worrying about what anyone thinks!

Updated by anonymous

So are the scenes hinted at in the achievements in the game? I can't seem to find them anywhere (the party, Jayden, wingman). And the fan made map is no help anymore since people keep fucking it up and not fixing it.

Love the game by the way, the whole tailoring to the way you want to see things is the best!

Updated by anonymous

I'm wondering if there's a way to change the gender/race of NPCs, especially selectively? Like, I enjoy Bi content but prefer Hetero, so any characters I spend a lot of time with (Cough-Jackie-Cough) I would prefer be female, but I also don't think it's worth changing the base gender "Just for me."

Updated by anonymous

Thanks a lot, glad you like it! :D

Wingman is partly in the game already, you can get a point by helping Bobby Buck, but there aren't enough wingman events yet to actually trigger it I'm afraid. Jayden is also off limits at the moment, but I will link to our locked off demo for the party if you want to have a look at them (Note: Jayden's conversation tree just stops at the fetish menu)

Have a look, and suggest whatever you like! (We have reports that the attic room is broken, unfortunately, but have a go and see)

I'm wondering if there's a way to change the gender/race of NPCs, especially selectively? Like, I enjoy Bi content but prefer Hetero, so any characters I spend a lot of time with (Cough-Jackie-Cough) I would prefer be female, but I also don't think it's worth changing the base gender "Just for me."

We're working on it! :D Thanks to one of our best submitters, soon there will be two scout characters, one male one female, and you will be able to romance either! In future we may also do transgender transformation, so everyone should be happy!

Updated by anonymous

Just been cleaning up the map to reflect the next (unreleaced) version. For some reason stuff keeps shunting around.

Updated by anonymous

Fan-made map should be totally fixed and up to date! Check it out!

Updated by anonymous

By the way guys, if anyone started at the Bus Stop, sorry about that! It was a bit of test code that went astray! If you download the new version it is fixed.

Updated by anonymous

Ok game.

Some stuff I noticed:

Plenty of missing hyperlinks for exits. Sometimes the hyperlinks are directions to where there are no exits.

The hyperlinks for directions seem to change places, so even using them is pretty much pointless for anyone playing this. Arrange the direction hyperlinks in the shape of a circle (compass) and just don't enable directions the player can't move into.

You should clear the old text every time the player changes area.

Some hyperlinks contain words like "and" and the game thinks you're trying to combine multiple things when trying to use the hyperlink.

The map is huge but filled with mostly nothing. There should be a picture of the map or you could bring it up from a menu... or just remove areas that have no purpose.

The whole game has like 3 or 5 scenes that you're involved in, rest are all voyerism which seems to be the main focus of this adventure. The few scenes that are there completely ignore the player's choice for gender.

Interacting with NPCs is for the most part not possible and sometimes it is. There is no indication when it is and when it isn't possible. There are no hyperlinks for talking to anyone.

You can attack some of the NPCs by writing the attack command and they have no way to counter your attack. Winning does nothing.

While attacking an enemy, they will simply move elsewhere after a few turns and you're stuck in the battle with no enemy. You have to try and run away from the battle, which sometimes takes a while.

Pointless f-word censoring.

Plenty of ways to get stuck in an infinite loop (game/app hangs) or make the game crash entirely.

No way to start a new game or get to the main menu when you're already in a game.

Some bugs with descriptions. Like the vibrating thing in the rabbit hole or the 3 brothers that you can't see anywhere in the lion camp that you can see there.

Armed with nothing = P31 problem when "look me"

Updated by anonymous

Hi Dreeme, thanks for the feedback! Could you direct us to any instances where you encounter those things and tell us what gender & sexuality you are using? The compass idea sounds really good and I'll see about putting it in.

The whole game has like 3 or 5 scenes that you're involved in, rest are all voyerism which seems to be the main focus of this adventure

If you tell me which three I can direct you to more! There are at least three or four encounters around the Scout Camp, plus a quite a few others and a load of quests.

You can attack some of the NPCs by writing the attack command and they have no way to counter your attack.

Ooops, that's our brand-new combat system fouling up...

While attacking an enemy, they will simply move elsewhere after a few turns and you're stuck in the battle with no enemy.

Ok, that just shouldn't happen! I'm sorry about that. I think I have spotted the bug and I'll get on fixing it.

Pointless f-word censoring.

You can enable swearing on thegame menu or in options but a lot of people have mentioned this so I will switch it on by default.

Plenty of ways to get stuck in an infinite loop (game/app hangs) or make the game crash entirely.

Could you give us some examples?

No way to start a new game or get to the main menu when you're already in a game.

I'll have to look into that, thanks for the idea.

Some bugs with descriptions. Like the vibrating thing in the rabbit hole or the 3 brothers that you can't see anywhere in the lion camp that you can see there.

Thanks for pointing those out! I'll fix them for the next version, though I'm not sure what you mean by the brothers in the lion camp as they are showing up as expected. The text I am getting is: "You can also see three [Jungle brothers here]."

Armed with nothing = P31 problem when "look me"

Fixed that! Thanks for the report! If you can remember the locations of any other errors or screw-ups please don't be afraid to tell me where they are so I can fix them.

Updated by anonymous

I've just updated the game to fix a lot of your issues! I couldn't find any hyperlink bugs, but there's a brand new hyper-horny character in the Palace Harem and I've fixed a lot of stuff. Oh, and the screen now clears between rooms, just like you asked. :)

Updated by anonymous

Just added in a minor update to fix a little problem where the Lusty Tome was an infinite loop. All fixed now!

Updated by anonymous

Ah, this reminds me of how Project Zomboid is still in Early Access.

...And I'm still waiting for vehicles, Indie Stone!

Updated by anonymous

An addition to the nudist beach could be that there are a wide variety of different furries there and the character examines them all. Just imagine: 'You arrive at a private looking nudist beach full of different furries and people. (Choose which person to ogle) Horse ---> Your eyes are instantly drawn to a huge stallion-man who easily towers over the rest of the beach goers standing at least 9 feet tall. His abs appear to be made of steel and muscle is densley packed onto his equine torso. It is then that your eyes are drawn down to his penis. Flaccid, it looks to be well over a foot and a half long and has several rings marking it. Hmm, you wonder how big it would be hard... The horse man catches you staring and grins before confidently walking over to you... "Enjoying the show?" What do you do?
1) Play it cool
2) Act embarrassed
3) Flirt with him
4) Leave
5) Continue staring

I would love to write any other shortish (due to other work) scenes whenever I get the time if you like, preferably with either humans or horse furries. :)

Updated by anonymous

Also, how many scenes are there where the player gets involved? I can't find any encounters or scenes for the player?

Updated by anonymous

Hi Jn! That's a really nice idea that I'd love to put in! If you would like to write some more for that character, I'd love to see it! :) There's quite a lot to do in the game, so you should be able to find it just walking around. There's a lot of stuff in the Scout Woods and the Towm, and if you are still in the beach area there's an abandoned shack West of the nudist camp. Here's a couple of quests and characters you might like too:

To the West of the Beach there is a pair of twins in the Jungle camp and a very lusty encounter in the Jungle Palace's Harem

The Anthro wolves in the forest would love to have directions to the Scout Camp. Or gangbang you!

Bobby Buck in the town park is a stag without a date. (The latest version of the game has a fix for this quest)

East of town there is a park and a hedge garden with some fun sex stuff, including a horse called Puck!

east of the park is a forest with some bunnies who would like to bounce.

The scout camp is full of people who need some sexing.

The Scout forest has a threesome at the Rumpled Rock.

And that's just off the top of my head! I hope you find some stuff you like, and I really hope you do send us in some of your writing! :)

Updated by anonymous

BadNeverland said:
Try 'wear shorts' Equip is only for weapons and armour. You didn't start naked though, you are already wearing a uniform.

Suggested Fix:

Assume x is an article of clothing.
Typing "wear x" works as normal.
Typing "equip x" will ask:

Do you want to WEAR the x, or use it as a weapon like an idiot?

If wear/1: Continue as normal.
If use/equip/2/use it as a weapon like an idiot: Equip the article of clothing as a weapon, and return:

You equip the x to use as a weapon like an idiot.

When attacking in combat:

[attack_message] an idiot.

When unequipping:

You stop being an idiot and unequip the x.

When choosing a different weapon:

You stop being an idiot and unequip the x, trading it for y.

Also would like to see empty bottles be implemented soon, so we can bottle cum. I already see a flagon that could be used as a bottle.

Updated by anonymous

Heh, I like your fix. :D Equiping a shirt in the current release should make you wear it instead now. :) The cum bottles are something we've been meaning to do for a while now but I'll have to talk with my partner about planning for it.

Updated by anonymous

Wormy Path
Your naked body plops out of the huge dick into a cummy pool, you are totally soaked in spooge. nothing gasps and says "Oh, oh! I thought it ate you! Oh you are covered in cum! I can't believe you went in there!"

      • Run-time problem P60: Attempt to set a variable to the wrong kind of object: you wrote 'Now CockWaiter is nothing', which sets the value to nothing - but that doesn't have the kind 'person'.

. From here you could climb back Inside the hard cock. You can also go East and also West.

Updated by anonymous

Also one more, freaky Frank, the potion seller is still a foxin even if furry content is off.

Updated by anonymous

OK, Here are some "hanging" bugs:

1- after defeating The Wild Jungle Boy, it will show the Victory! paragraph, but then the game hangs.

2- When In Harem's changing room, commanding "Take all" will cause the game to hang.

3-After Peeking in the dragon hole you'll see a incomplete sentence, and the game hangs.

& Here are two game bugs:

1- If you save Jackie the scout after being stolen by canines by telling "Hey! Leave him alone" to the canines raping him, no matter wherever you go, if you talk with him you will return to the canine raping scene!

2- "You only can go Upstairs" But if you click on upstairs, it responds with "unknown command"!

Updated by anonymous

Thanks a lot, we've just fixed the first two and the last one and are working on the others!


Updated by anonymous

New lovely bugs:
1- After the Bobby Buck sex scene in Rumpity Park, After they run east, the game hangs.

2- Bus Terminal: "Looks like you just need to buy a ticket from the machine." But clicking on "ticket" will respond with unknown command!!!

3- Balmy Beachfront: "Bust Terminal". Really? "Bust" Terminal? lol.

4- After Jackie The Scout is raped by the canines you can have both Katie and Jackie as your companion at the same time without any problem.

Updated by anonymous

Fixed all of them for the next version, which will be out on the 18th!

Updated by anonymous

I've been getting really tired of the idea and learning curve of text-based MUCKs, and also things like Furtopia being abandoned by most of the community as people age, and nobody even hearing about it. Also Second Life and F-List still have cancerous communities.

Hopefully, I'll meet some pretty okay people on here. If not, then whatever.

Well, I can't get it running in Firefox. It's either taking too long or it won't load. That's a shame.

Best of luck to your project, though!

Updated by anonymous

RubisDrake said:
I've been getting really tired of the idea and learning curve of text-based MUCKs, and also things like Furtopia being abandoned by most of the community as people age, and nobody even hearing about it. Also Second Life and F-List still have cancerous communities.

Hopefully, I'll meet some pretty okay people on here. If not, then whatever.

Well, I can't get it running in Firefox. It's either taking too long or it won't load. That's a shame.

Best of luck to your project, though!

It's taking a while to load for me, too. May be the site got some traffic going. Tried downloading it instead?

Updated by anonymous

So in this RPG, if a human has sex with a furry, they transform? What if the player does not want to transform? Will there be a way to prevent it?

Updated by anonymous

Hey there Rubis! You'll probably be glad to hear it's not a MUCK! We're trying to make the game as easy to control as we can, so most things now you can just click on and it will do it right away. As Furrin says, there is an offline version you can run at home, and its the one we recommend as there is usually no lag or loading. The online version itself should load if you leave it a little while. You can get it over at

So in this RPG, if a human has sex with a furry, they transform? What if the player does not want to transform? Will there be a way to prevent it?

Only if you turn furry mode on! Being able to turn off tainting is a good idea though, so I'm going to add that to the next bugfix release, which should be soon.

Updated by anonymous

Turn based! Well, the point of the game is sex not RPG, and this is still a Beta, so we are still building the RPG elements. But they really aren't the main part of the game, which is based around exploration and sex, but eventually we will have a lot of those elements!

Of course in this game the plan is that you will turn into the dragon and fly around! :)

Updated by anonymous

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