Topic: Tag Implication: koopie_koo -> paper_mario

Posted under Tag Alias and Implication Suggestions

UnusualParadox said:
Implicating koopie_koo → paper_mario
Link to implication


Character from the Paper Mario franchise (specifically "the Thousand Year Door" for for GameCube).


Related implications

Related aliases

Updated by anonymous

DiceLovesBeingBlown said:

Related Tag Implication Suggestions

Have those suggestions already been submitted or should I do it?

Updated by anonymous

UnusualParadox said:
Have those suggestions already been submitted or should I do it?

Usually really closely related alias/implication suggestion should be kept in one thread like this and preferabely in first posts to keep things clear.

So yeah, don't create 10 new implications because of this. What dice did is pretty good.

Updated by anonymous

DiceLovesBeingBlown said:


Already implicated.

DiceLovesBeingBlown said:


Those two tags were never used before, hence I am not sure if those aliases are necessary.

About the other suggestions (the main one included) I prefer not to opine, my knowledge regarding the subject matter is quite limited.

UnusualParadox said:
Have those suggestions already been submitted or should I do it?

There is no need of submitting suggestions for those, since they already are here and (probably) will be noticed by the moderator/administrator who decides analyzing the main suggestion; if they were forgotten after the referred analysis, then you may do it (but not individually).

Updated by anonymous

O16 said:
Those two tags were never used before, hence I am not sure if those aliases are necessary.

maybe reverse and alias yoshi_kid and mini_yoshi to the_great_gonzales_jr instead? well, if they ever get used that is.

Updated by anonymous

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