Topic: Blacklisting artists: Artists don't show up in blacklist.

Posted under General

Did a search before I posted this, So if I missed a relevant topic covering this I apologize but on adding several (Cough) artists to my blacklist, They don't list in my blacklist and still show up on the thumbnails pages.

Tried deleting the history and cookies and relogging in, But the artists added still refuse to be blocked.

Updated by NotMeNotYou

Hm, your blacklist appears to be in working order (though I removed all the invalid_tag tags since they'll just fuck things up for you). If you want you could write me a dmail, list me the artists you want to block and I'll can give you some better help.

Other than that artist tags are "normal" tags, so adding something like wolfynail should be enough to work properly.

Updated by anonymous

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