Topic: Think I found an incorrect tag on a series

Posted under Tag/Wiki Projects and Questions

Hey everbody, I was browsing through all the "Underworld"(The vampire movie)images that were posted on here and I noticed that almost everyone em has a "Undertale" tag. I know about Undertale and I dont think any of em have anything to do with that game.I tried to edit it and remove em(I know anybody can add tags,wasnt sure if the same goes for removing em) and couldnt. I Tried to look for help on how to fix incorrect tags on the wiki and it said to make forum post to see if the tag in question belongs.I dont how to create links to images on here, so I cant include an example of these Underworld pics with an outta nowhere Undertale tag with this post.Could someone here who knows about Undertale please go check these images out and see if this tag really does apply? If it doesnt, could someone who knows how then remove these wrong tags? Thanks everybody!❤ P.S. sorry for any spelling errors/typos.

Updated by Furrin Gok

Is that actually true or is that due to the earlier "under (x)" implication sweep about a week or so ago

Updated by anonymous

kamimatsu said:
If you just mean the setting, it's the Underground.

Wait, where did Underworld get implicated then?

Updated by anonymous

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