Topic: Anyone know any good great art forums for help on both traditional and Lewd art?

Posted under Art Talk

A question I've been meaning to ask a peep for a looong~ time

I'm sure you guys hear the spiel about being in artist and all a ton so I'll cut to the chase. ╹‿╹)
Let's see uh-

Aspiring artist-
Low key brag about my art but not to the point
were someone can call me out on it-
Got a ton of ideas but not sure how to doodle them out-
Insert a I wanna be the very best somewhere in all that
because it really get my point across on where I wanna be someday-

Ah screw it!
Look, all my shenanigans aside I really really REALLY want to improve as an artist. Getting feedback and tips on whatever randomness that came to mind this time will help me get better a whole lot faster then working alone. So the question I have is just does anyone know of a good place/forum to talk to other creative peeps for general art help?


Notkastar said:
A question I've been meaning to ask a peep for a looong~ time

I'm sure you guys hear the spiel about being in artist and all a ton so I'll cut to the chase. ╹‿╹)
Let's see uh-

Aspiring artist-
Low key brag about my art but not to the point
were someone can call me out on it-
Got a ton of ideas but not sure how to doodle them out-
Insert a I wanna be the very best somewhere in all that
because it really get my point across on where I wanna be someday-

Ah screw it!
Look, all my shenanigans aside I really really REALLY want to improve as an artist. Getting feedback and tips on whatever randomness that came to mind this time will help me get better a whole lot faster then working alone. So the question I have is just does anyone know of a good place/forum to talk to other creative peeps for general art help? is a pretty good site for both SFW and NSFW works. You can upload anything from 3D images to Traditional art, and almost anything inbetween and get Feedback from other artists. There's also plenty of forums to just talk with other artists about ideas. Be forewarnd ALOT of them are brutally honest if they don't like your work. is also good from a forum standpoint, but for the most part it's pretty difficult to get noticed when it comes to getting artwork out there. is another one. I haven't used it myself, but from what I here They tend to be for more experienced artists. Still you can get feedback from experienced artists. IDK how they are with NSFW content though.

Updated by anonymous

Lycan_Jedi said: is a pretty good site for both SFW and NSFW works. You can upload anything from 3D images to Traditional art, and almost anything inbetween and get Feedback from other artists. There's also plenty of forums to just talk with other artists about ideas. Be forewarnd ALOT of them are brutally honest if they don't like your work. is also good from a forum standpoint, but for the most part it's pretty difficult to get noticed when it comes to getting artwork out there. is another one. I haven't used it myself, but from what I here They tend to be for more experienced artists. Still you can get feedback from experienced artists. IDK how they are with NSFW content though.

Thanks for the response,
For a minute there I thought I might of went into this with to much energy for anyone to answer me. n_n;
Also thank you for the recommendations too. sounds like what I was looks for the most to be honest.
Though the hyper criticism does sound pretty off putting; I have to get better one way or another. As long as I don't pull a digital homicide I think I'll be fine. (I hope)

Completely forgot DA had an art forum and it sounds like it's really worth checking out while I'm at this. Though like you said: "for the most part it's pretty difficult to get noticed when it comes to getting artwork out there."
So I'll still keep and in mind. ╹‿╹)

Speaking of, It sounds like another great one worth checking out. Though I would need to lay off the NSFW until I hear/see otherwise. Getting help from experienced artists could be really great for me. ◠‿◠)

Updated by anonymous

Notkastar said:
As long as I don't pull a digital homicide I think I'll be fine. (I hope)

Jim Sterling VS Digital Homicide! (people probably won't like you much if you go that route.)

Updated by anonymous

Notkastar said:
Thanks for the response,
For a minute there I thought I might of went into this with to much energy for anyone to answer me. n_n;
Also thank you for the recommendations too. sounds like what I was looks for the most to be honest.
Though the hyper criticism does sound pretty off putting; I have to get better one way or another. As long as I don't pull a digital homicide I think I'll be fine. (I hope)

Completely forgot DA had an art forum and it sounds like it's really worth checking out while I'm at this. Though like you said: "for the most part it's pretty difficult to get noticed when it comes to getting artwork out there."
So I'll still keep and in mind. ╹‿╹)

Speaking of, It sounds like another great one worth checking out. Though I would need to lay off the NSFW until I hear/see otherwise. Getting help from experienced artists could be really great for me. ◠‿◠)

Glad to help!

Updated by anonymous

treos said:
Jim Sterling VS Digital Homicide! (people probably won't like you much if you go that route.)

Yup, Criticism won't always sound the best but it's blunt info on were you need to improve in something. The dood should just look at the actual martial there instead of how it's packaged. Who knows if he did that we might have had a completely different Digital Homicide and maybe their name wouldn't so ironic lolz.

Updated by anonymous

Notkastar said:
Yup, Criticism won't always sound the best but it's blunt info on were you need to improve in something. The dood should just look at the actual martial there instead of how it's packaged. Who knows if he did that we might have had a completely different Digital Homicide and maybe their name wouldn't so ironic lolz.

yep and there was also another dev who tried to fight criticism too. don't remember the names but the game was called Fur Fun, was a ripoff of yooka-laylee, and even had banjo kazooie assets (music) used in it which weren't even renamed in the games files. oh and they were trying to sell it for $.

lol just goes to show that while you may not like any criticism you may get, fighting back and silencing it will always come to bite you in the ass.

i suppose this is kinda off topic but video games can be seen as art too.

still, if you can tough it out and not destroy your future like those people then you probably stand to improve a lot over time.

Updated by anonymous

treos said:
yep and there was also another dev who tried to fight criticism too. don't remember the names but the game was called Fur Fun, was a ripoff of yooka-laylee, and even had banjo kazooie assets (music) used in it which weren't even renamed in the games files. oh and they were trying to sell it for $.

lol just goes to show that while you may not like any criticism you may get, fighting back and silencing it will always come to bite you in the ass.

i suppose this is kinda off topic but video games can be seen as art too.

still, if you can tough it out and not destroy your future like those people then you probably stand to improve a lot over time.

Oh yeah,
That a thing wasn't it. The guy use to be a youtube who took over the project and close to the end of his little tirade he tried pulling the "It was just a prank!" card right? Yeah, peep should at least come clean himself once things reached that level of 'What?!'-itude.

Dude I breath 'off topic', It's k T w T)
I'd say games are art too. I mean I don't know how to describe game like
Journey ,Night in The Woods ,Shadow of the colossus And Child of Light
Without the word ╹‿╹)

And thanks for the encouragement!
Been on the receiving end of some pretty harsh criticism myself.
Doubt there's anything they can say that I haven't herd already.
If so then I'd be impressed more then anything lolz ◠‿◠)

Updated by anonymous

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