Topic: New tags: male solo, and female solo

Posted under General

I propose 2 new tags, male solo, and female solo. The current solo tag isn't ever used, and these are improvements for the tag to be more specific and people should use these new ones.

Right now if a straight male blacklists the gay tag, they will still see posts that are solo male. This works under the logic that the solo male in the art may not be gay in sexual orientation, gay in this case isn't about the viewer's sexual orientation, who would not want to view a male solo post. Basically, if someone blacklists gay, they will still see art that is for gays.

But right now there is no tag for straight males to use to blacklist male solo pictures. These new tags will fix this.

This is just one specific example of the use of this tag.

Basically, this is useful for people who want to search for solo pics of a specific gender, or want to avoid solo pics of a specific gender.

Updated by NevanNedall

There are exactly 119012 images tagged solo as of this post, so saying that solo 'isn't ever used' is a little erroneous.

I don't see the benefit of a tag like this. male solo and female solo take up exactly 0 characters less space on your blacklist than male solo and female solo. It's a superfluous tag, and not needed.

Additionally, if you see an image with a solo character in it that's not tagged solo, then it's not tagged correctly. If you see a user consistently not tagging solo on solo images, then either politely inform them that they need to tag it, or submit a ticket and let the administration handle it. I cannot speak for anyone else, but I always make certain to tag solo on images I upload that qualify for the tag.

Renard_Queenston said:
I find this thread slightly homophobic.

post #249240

Updated by anonymous

Solo male equals gay? So...what does that make straight women?

Updated by anonymous

Foobaria said:
Solo male equals gay? So...what does that make straight women?

I think it is more based at that there is no sort of "-male (unless straight)" function
Also how does not fapping to something automatically say that you hate the people and what they stand for,
You fraggin' bigot.

Updated by anonymous

(Jayfeather) said:
I think it is more based at that there is no sort of "-male (unless straight)" function
Also how does not fapping to something automatically say that you hate the people and what they stand for,
You fraggin' bigot.

The fuck did that come from? Are you even replying to the right person?

Updated by anonymous

(Jayfeather) said:
I think it is more based at that there is no sort of "-male (unless straight)" function

Blacklist: male -straight

Updated by anonymous

xeronix said:
The current solo tag isn't ever used

Sorry, but I stopped reading after that. I think you need to see some solo images

Updated by anonymous

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