Topic: Tag Aliases/Implications: Warhammer Cleanup

Posted under Tag Alias and Implication Suggestions

Unaliasing war_hammer -> warhammer
Unaliasing warhammer -> hammer

Aliasing warhammer_(weapon) -> war_hammer
Implicating war_hammer -> hammer
Implicating war_hammer -> weapon
Implicating war_hammer -> melee_weapon


First off, I assume the warhammer_(franchise) tag exists to differentiate it from the real life weapon. That differentiation doesn't need to exist. A warhammer is not a real thing, a war hammer (with a space) is. Both Wikipedia and the Oxford English Dictionary spell it with a space!

So to make things clear...a war_hammer is a real life medieval weapon, and warhammer is a copyright...we should make wiki articles clarifying this as well.

Many further aliases are required to untangle this gordian knot:

Unaliasing warhammer_40k -> warhammer_(franchise)
Unaliasing wh40k -> warhammer_(franchise)

These should not be aliased together. That's almost like combining Starcraft and Warcraft into a single tag. But mostly this is in preparation to nuke the unnecessary warhammer_(franchise) tag.

Aliasing warhammer_(franchise) -> warhammer
Aliasing warhammer_fantasy -> warhammer
Aliasing warhammer_fantasy_battle -> warhammer

Aliasing wh40k -> warhammer_40k
Aliasing warhammer40k -> warhammer_40k
Aliasing warhammer_40000 -> warhammer_40k

Finally...both games should implicate Games Workshop which is the company that created the Warhammer universe. This can serve as a catch-all tag for everything Warhammer-related.

Implicating warhammer -> games_workshop
Implicating warhammer_40k -> games_workshop

Updated by Random

Dyrone said:
These should not be aliased together. That's like combining Starcraft and Warcraft into a single tag. But mostly this is in preparation to nuke the unnecessary "warhammer_(franchise)" tag.

Not exactly. Starcraft and Warcraft are two different franchises, while Warhammer 40000 is part of Warhammer. I agree that they shouldn't be aliased, though.

Updated by anonymous

Please take a look at this logo for Warhammer.

It prominently features a warhammer in its logo.

That is because Warhammer is obviously named after the weapon, which was used in the (albeit mythical) time that Warhammer Fantasy Battles is based on and whose name may be spelled with or without a space. Not one single person will distinguish between the phrase with or without a space - I myself have never seen "warhammer" spelled with a space in any modern usage.

You recognize that Warhammer is a single continuity with two subseries taking place in the same universe 40,000 years apart: Warhammer Fantasy Battles and Warhammer 40,000. Indeed this means 40k should not alias to Warhammer, but these tags logically must therefore both implicate the Warhammer series. Your insistence that only 40k make this implication is without grounding. What if further Warhammer series based on the colonial era or the Stone Age are introduced?

In summary:

  • separating warhammer vs. war hammer: -1
  • Unaliasing subseries to superseries: +1
  • Implicating 40k to Warhammer: +1, but implicate Warhammer Fantasy Battles too
  • 40k styling aliases: +1 with formatting errors fixed
  • aliases simplifying to warhammer: -1

Updated by anonymous

FibS said:
Please take a look at this logo for Warhammer.

It prominently features a warhammer in its logo.

Have you ever thought maybe they removed the space specifically so it doesn't conflict with the actual weapon?

FibS said:
I myself have never seen "warhammer" spelled with a space in any modern usage.

You literally just saw one because I linked to a Wikipedia article that spells the real weapon's name as "war hammer"

Here is the Oxford English Dictionary spelling it "war hammer". I now have two sources. You have nothing.

FibS said:
You recognize that Warhammer is a single continuity with two subseries taking place in the same universe 40,000 years apart fact I literally said "Ultimately the games do occupy the same universe" in my OP.

FibS said:
but these tags logically must therefore both implicate the Warhammer series. Your insistence that only 40k make this implication is without grounding.

I already dealth with this when I said: "If you want to see only images from the original game a simple search of "warhammer -warhammer_40k" will work."

EDIT: To expand why I think only 40k implicate Warhammer and not the other way is out of simplicity AND that the 40k game came after the initial Warhammer game. It's almost like a sequel set in a different time period.

Updated by anonymous

Oh god, I'm arguing with my fifteen-year-old self.

Sorry kid, I'm not getting into a passive-aggressive dick-fence over a fanboy's delusions.

Updated by anonymous

FibS said:
Sorry kid, I'm not getting into a passive-aggressive dick-fence over a fanboy's delusions.

At what point did I become passive-aggressive? I'm not trying to be.

I mean...I admit that I'm a little annoyed that you didn't seem to fully read my OP, but honestly I'm trying to have a real argument here. Don't flip up the chessboard and call me a 15-year-old cause you're losing.

Updated by anonymous

"Warhammer" and "War Hammer" are the exact same thing. People don't always know to add a space.

Updated by anonymous

Furrin_Gok said:
"Warhammer" and "War Hammer" are the exact same thing. People don't always know to add a space.

Well the correct spelling is apparently "war hammer", and I don't see why such a large franchise should move over for what is basically a spelling error for another much less popular tag.

To compare the two...warhammer_(franchise) has 318 tags right now...warhammer only has 60...the Warhammer franchise is literally 5x more popular than the weapon.

People will adapt to the weapon being changed to "war_hammer", and a greater number of people will probably be pleased that you can type "warhammer" and get actual Warhammer stuff.

Updated by anonymous

Dyrone said:
Well the correct spelling is apparently "war hammer", and I don't see why such a large franchise should move over for what is basically a spelling error for another much less popular tag.

To compare the two...warhammer_(franchise) has 318 tags right now...warhammer only has 60...the Warhammer franchise is literally 5x more popular than the weapon.

People will adapt to the weapon being changed to "war_hammer", and a greater number of people will probably be pleased that you can type "warhammer" and get actual Warhammer stuff.

"Hey, hundreds of our people have been lost in this war, but the enemy has lost thousands! Clearly this war is perfectly safe for our soldiers."
Mmm, nah, I don't think it works that way.

Updated by anonymous

Dyrone said:
At what point did I become passive-aggressive? I'm not trying to be.

Dyrone said:
Have you ever thought maybe they removed the space specifically so it doesn't conflict with the actual weapon?


I now have two sources. You have nothing.

Here. fact I literally said "Ultimately the games do occupy the same universe" in my OP.

I already dealth with this when I said--

Here. Also, typo.

It's almost like a sequel set in a different time period.


Any further questions?

Updated by anonymous

kamimatsu said:
Question: Do you know what passive-aggression is? I don't think you do.

As a matter of fact I do.
What I don't know is what you thought you'd accomplish here.

Updated by anonymous

Furrin_Gok said:
"Hey, hundreds of our people have been lost in this war, but the enemy has lost thousands! Clearly this war is perfectly safe for our soldiers."
Mmm, nah, I don't think it works that way.

That is probably the most mystifying analogy I've ever heard. How does that pertain to what I said at all?

Updated by anonymous

Warhammer Fantasy and Warhammer 40,000 are not set in the same universe. Games Workshop has gone out of their way in the past to make this clear.

Updated by anonymous

Dyrone said:
That is probably the most mystifying analogy I've ever heard. How does that pertain to what I said at all?

Dyrone said:
To compare the two...warhammer_(franchise) has 318 tags right now...warhammer only has 60...the Warhammer franchise is literally 5x more popular than the weapon.


Updated by anonymous

Furrin_Gok said:

Oh, great. Thanks for clearing that up with your one-word response.

No, seriously, I understand WHAT you are referencing I just don't understand HOW that analogy fits at all.

In battle soldiers die, but neither tag is being deleted here, just moved. Furthermore, if your reference to safety is meant to imply there will be tag mix-ups...well those already occur A LOT the way things are now. In fact I found 5 images in the warhammer tag (which is only 60 tags strong mind you) that were images from the Warhammer franchise (with no actual war hammers present). I have since corrected these, which was extra-annoying considering every time warhammer is added hammer and tools is also added, so those had to be removed as well.

Also, you should note that the warhammer tag is currently a copyright tag. You might think perhaps I changed it to prove a point, but that was not me, that's been like that since I started looking at it...probably done by a person who is assuming the tag is referencing the franchise.

Mix-ups will happen no matter how the tags are presented, we should just chose the MOST CORRECT forms for each tag and deal with the mix-ups as they occur, and because the weapon is tagged much less frequently then logically there will be fewer mix-ups to deal with if the warhammer tag is given to the larger tag group, which is the franchise.

Updated by anonymous

EightyNine said:
As a matter of fact I do.
What I don't know is what you thought you'd accomplish here.

I figured if you actually saw what passive-aggression looked like compared to Dyrone's arguments, you'd be able to figure out that Dyrone is clearly not being passive-aggressive. And it looks like I was mistaken, and I'm sorry for that.

Updated by anonymous

Dyrone said:
In fact I found 5 images in the warhammer tag (which is only 60 tags strong mind you) that were images from the Warhammer franchise (with no actual war hammers present). I have since corrected these, which was extra-annoying considering every time warhammer is added hammer and tools is also added, so those had to be removed as well.

Evidence that "Warhammer" is used for "War Hammer," which proves you wrong.

Also, you should note that the warhammer tag is currently a copyright tag. You might think perhaps I changed it to prove a point, but that was not me, that's been like that since I started looking at it...probably done by a person who is assuming the tag is referencing the franchise.

Mix-ups will happen no matter how the tags are presented, we should just chose the MOST CORRECT forms for each tag and deal with the mix-ups as they occur,franchise.

The most correct forms: War hammer = Warhammer.
We could alternatively pester our admins and give them more work disambiguating to have solely warhammer_(Franchise), warhammer_(weapon), and warhammer_(disambiguation), aliasing the two unsuffixed forms to the disambiguation tag, but let's first see how it handles.

Updated by anonymous

kamimatsu said:
I figured if you actually saw what passive-aggression looked like compared to Dyrone's arguments

Let me come back to this topic to cut you off right there?

I don't know whether the person you're talking to has experience with passive-aggression, but I do. I not only have over fifteen years of experience dealing with assholes on Internet message boards like Dyrone, but was one myself for at least ten of them.

Passive-aggression is the consistent (passive) showing of bad faith, disrespect, and contrarianism or uncooperation (aggression) to your fellows. It is especially marked by the use of constant excuses to dismiss and disqualify every petty, tiny little thing someone has to say, as though it were a direct attack on you.

Dyrone has all of these traits in spades. He is not psychologically capable of holding a discussion where any argument other than the one he initially presented is allowed to remain.

I know exactly how he thinks because I used to be him, and that is why I will from this point on ignore every single post he makes until he grows up.

Everyone else who fails to do the same is essentially feeding a troll. You're shooting yourselves in the foot and the only one who benefits is Dyrone's "pay attention to meeee" complex.

Updated by anonymous

FibS said:
Let me come back to this topic to cut you off right there?

I don't know whether the person you're talking to has experience with passive-aggression, but I do. I not only have over fifteen years of experience dealing with assholes on Internet message boards like Dyrone, but was one myself for at least ten of them.

Passive-aggression is the consistent (passive) showing of bad faith, disrespect, and contrarianism or uncooperation (aggression) to your fellows. It is especially marked by the use of constant excuses to dismiss and disqualify every petty, tiny little thing someone has to say, as though it were a direct attack on you.

Dyrone has all of these traits in spades. He is not psychologically capable of holding a discussion where any argument other than the one he initially presented is allowed to remain.

I know exactly how he thinks because I used to be him, and that is why I will from this point on ignore every single post he makes until he grows up.

Everyone else who fails to do the same is essentially feeding a troll. You're shooting yourselves in the foot and the only one who benefits is Dyrone's "pay attention to meeee" complex.

Well happy tenth anniversary then. At least when I did it I was showing what it actually looked like. Nice job actively declaring a passive-aggressive dick-fence in the same sentence you said you weren't having one, by the way.

Updated by anonymous

Dyrone said:
Bump. Maybe the new admin will see this >.>

After 21 days? don't you think it is a little too early?

Updated by anonymous

O16 said:
After 21 days? don't you think it is a little too early?

Not even a full day after Knotty was admin'd. Give him time, man. He's going to see this thread last, now, because he's probably doing older ones first.

Updated by anonymous

Furrin_Gok said:
Not even a full day after Knotty was admin'd. Give him time, man. He's going to see this thread last, now, because he's probably doing older ones first.

Eh... Is that really directed to me? I just said that three weeks is too early for a bump.

Updated by anonymous

+1 for warhammer_(disambiguation)
And for TC's sake: warhammer_(weapon) -> war_hammer_(weapon)
The space is inconsequential.

I'll be over here laughing at the pedantery.

Updated by anonymous

O16 said:
Eh... Is that really directed to me? I just said that three weeks is too early for a bump.

Mostly at Dyrone, but I was saying that it's more important the bump came only about 23 hours after we even got our new admin, rather than three weeks after the last post, and he's already trying to call him in.

Updated by anonymous