Topic: Tag Alias: baring_teeth -> bared_teeth

Posted under Tag Alias and Implication Suggestions

+1 to alias, but the order depends on how you want to look at it.

  • The wolf is baring teeth.
  • The wolf has bared teeth.

Updated by anonymous

BlueDingo said:
+1 to alias, but the order depends on how you want to look at it.

  • The wolf is baring teeth.
  • The wolf has bared its teeth.

I'm sorry, but my inner grammar nazi cried too loud. Also a bit of usage, since it is performing the action.

+1, though, we often don't use present tense terms in tags.

Updated by anonymous

Wouldn't bared_teeth be an example of that? Instead of verbed_noun, shouldn't it be adjective_noun (ie. bare_teeth)?

I've also noticed that teeth are the only thing tagged as "bared". Should we find a more commonly used word?

Updated by anonymous

BlueDingo said:
Wouldn't bared_teeth be an example of that? Instead of verbed_noun, shouldn't it be adjective_noun (ie. bare_teeth)?

I've also noticed that teeth are the only thing tagged as "bared".

It's because it's the action. You are revealing your teeth, with your lips parted wide and brows furrowed, while snarling or growling. When an animal has done that, they have bared their teeth at you.

Baring teeth is as functionally correct, though.

Updated by anonymous

BlueDingo said:
Have bared, are baring, not much difference, really.

Actually, now thinking about it I recognize that cases where we aren't using present tenses is when it's not an action.

+1 to reverse.

Updated by anonymous

Pretty much. Closed (as in closed_eyes eyes_closed) is both a past tense verb and adjective but is only used in tagging as an adjective.

Updated by anonymous