Topic: bow_(disambiguation)

Posted under Tag Alias and Implication Suggestions

+1, but what should bow (the ribbon/etc) be called now then? bow_(knot)?

Just to add some less often used that are not in the wiki:

For slightly less ambiguity I'd favor bow_on_*/bow_in_* over *_bow.

There are also some implications that could be made concerning the current bow tags and it's children.

Speaking of bows we also have a problem with quiver being used for both the arrow/dart/bolt container and the trembling motion.

Updated by anonymous

I wish I could disambiguate this one. Unfortunately the tag is huge right now and without an obvious place to move the tag to I'm hesitant to approve it at this point.

Placeholder made

Updated by anonymous

I vote "Bow_and_arrow" because parenthesis suck, although an arrow might not necessarily be visible, so...

Updated by anonymous


Former Staff

Fenrick said:
I vote "Bow_and_arrow" because parenthesis suck, although an arrow might not necessarily be visible, so...

It doesn't hurt having bow_(weapon) and arrow as separate tags. Who knows when an image has only one of each...

Updated by anonymous


Former Staff

parasprite said:
I wish I could disambiguate this one. Unfortunately the tag is huge right now and without an obvious place to move the tag to I'm hesitant to approve it at this point.

Over 9000? Ugh.
...I'll start chipping away at it, little by little.

There's also bow_(stringed_instrument). (We could probably rename that to something shorter, such as bow_(music).)

Updated by anonymous


Former Staff

Two months later, down to 7500 posts.
This is going slowly. It's not relevant to my interests, and I have more important projects. Could use a few more hands on this, it's unlikely to be finished anytime soon otherwise.

Updated by anonymous

Genjar said:
Two months later, down to 7500 posts.
This is going slowly. It's not relevant to my interests, and I have more important projects. Could use a few more hands on this, it's unlikely to be finished anytime soon otherwise.

Mind telling me what you'd need to disambiguate? Or, more importantly, what I'd need to do? I can start taking out chunks of bow if you want.

Updated by anonymous

Genjar said:
A bunch of links to bow pages!

So then, on bows that are on the head, but do not have hair (say they are a scalie or an animatronic), do I tag it Hair_Bow or Ribbon? I've been doing hair_bow for them, and it auto-associates hair with it. So, in extension, should we get rid of that association, if hair_bow also applies to characters without hair?

Updated by anonymous

Siral_Exan said:
So then, on bows that are on the head, but do not have hair (say they are a scalie or an animatronic), do I tag it Hair_Bow or Ribbon? I've been doing hair_bow for them, and it auto-associates hair with it. So, in extension, should we get rid of that association, if hair_bow also applies to characters without hair?


is not implied by hair_bow. The order of implications is hair_bow -> hair_ribbon1 -> ribbons.
1Because you can have ribbons without tying them into a bow, I guess? We need a wiki page for that one

Updated by anonymous

Furrin_Gok said:
Hair is not implied by hair_bow. The order of implications is hair_bow -> hair_ribbon1 -> ribbons.
1Because you can have ribbons without tying them into a bow, I guess? We need a wiki page for that one

Alright, it was pure coincidence: I did not notice the hair tag before tagging hair_bow. Just tried it out now, so you're right.

On the hair ribbons part, yes you can, but no artist'd do it. Just do a normal knot, not a butterfly or ribbon knot, and both ends hang out without the loops. So, if there are images of ribbons knotted like that, despite being on the hair or etc., it'd be tagged ribbon and not bow.

Or so I see. Bows should only apply to the butterfly knots, I think. We do need a definition on *area* ribbons.

Also, new tag? Horn_bow ? Or keep it as ribbon?

Updated by anonymous

Oh, great. It also seems that I may have made a new tag: Neck_Bow. Unlike bow_ties, which are always on the front, neck bows are to the side or on the back of the neck. I've always called 'em neck_bows as such. New tag and associate them, or change to bow_tie?

*edit* actually, it seems more that we'll need some association: Ear_Bow also doesn't get associated with ribbon. Neither does Bow_Tie...

I think we can fix it like this:
Head_ribbon would replace hair_ribbon

Updated by anonymous