Topic: Tag Implication: comic_sans -> text

Posted under Tag Alias and Implication Suggestions

Commander_Eggplant said:
do numbers, question marks and such count as text?

Of course numbers count. Counting is what numbers do.[/sub][/spoiler]Technically yes, but should we count them?

Updated by anonymous

BlueDingo said:
And those obvious reasons are...?

The font cannot be featured on a post without any visible text.

Updated by anonymous

sdrawkcaB said:
The font cannot be featured on a post without any visible text.

but the thing is that would we consider for example a single "?" something that would need to be tagged as text? because you can identify font from it, but idk if its something that should get text tag

Updated by anonymous

Alias that away, i dont think we should be tagging for specific text fonts.

At best only general styles are useful like: block_text, calligraphic_text and decorative_text.

Updated by anonymous

Darou said:
Alias that away, i dont think we should be tagging for specific text fonts.

At best only general styles are useful like: block_text, calligraphic_text and decorative_text.

comic sans is a bit of special case because it has sort of meme status and its one of the most hated fonts ever. so it definitely has use for blacklisting and searching purposes.

Updated by anonymous

Commander_Eggplant said:
comic sans is a bit of special case because it has sort of meme status and its one of the most hated fonts ever. so it definitely has use for blacklisting and searching purposes.

This. The rampant fontism it receives is pretty much the only reason the tag and meme exist.

Updated by anonymous

Commander_Eggplant said:
but the thing is that would we consider for example a single "?" something that would need to be tagged as text? because you can identify font from it, but idk if its something that should get text tag

Good point. Nah, whenever I see a question/exclamation mark I never include the text tag.

Commander_Eggplant said:
so it definitely has use for blacklisting and searching purposes.

I wonder if someone really has the tag in their blacklist.

Updated by anonymous

sdrawkcaB said:
I wonder if someone really has the tag in their blacklist.

With how passionately some people hate that font, yes, lol. only one or two people, but I"m sure they exist.

Updated by anonymous

Commander_Eggplant said:
comic sans is a bit of special case because it has sort of meme status and its one of the most hated fonts ever. so it definitely has use for blacklisting and searching purposes.

I dont hate the font and it also isnt the only font by a long shot used for memes so i really dont see were you people go about thinking comic sans is some unique font. Like charrs it is yet another pointless and baseless exception to me.

For the record yes ive skimmed the supposed meme here
but non the less i do not see that as a reason for an exception.

Might i add, more then 2/3rds of the posts under the tag are claerly not even in reference to the meme but rather use the font as a simple happenstance.

Updated by anonymous


Former Staff

sdrawkcaB said:
I wonder if someone really has the tag in their blacklist.

Yep, I remember asking about that at one point, it had been blacklisted by several users.

Dunno how the numbers have changed since the release of undertale.

Updated by anonymous

Darou said:
I dont hate the font and it also isnt the only font by a long shot used for memes so i really dont see were you people go about thinking comic sans is some unique font. Like charrs it is yet another pointless and baseless exception to me.

For the record yes ive skimmed the supposed meme here
but non the less i do not see that as a reason for an exception.

Might i add, more then 2/3rds of the posts under the tag are claerly not even in reference to the meme but rather use the font as a simple happenstance.

no you really dont get it. like massive amount of people are pretty much conditioned to get absolutely furious upon the sight of that font. and people really do get absolutely furious about comic sans. there really are people who use the tag for blacklisting. and these people definitely will bitch and whine about posts containing comic sans if they cant blacklist it.

Updated by anonymous


Former Staff

Commander_Eggplant said:
there really are people who use the tag for blacklisting. and these people definitely will bitch and whine about posts containing comic sans if they cant blacklist it.

Absolutely, that's why the tag was made in the first place. So the admins can tell users to 'just blacklist it', instead of complaining about the font in the comments. Comment threads such as this got tiresome after a while.

Updated by anonymous

Commander_Eggplant said:
no you really dont get it. like massive amount of people are pretty much conditioned to get absolutely furious upon the sight of that font. and people really do get absolutely furious about comic sans. there really are people who use the tag for blacklisting. and these people definitely will bitch and whine about posts containing comic sans if they cant blacklist it.

Massive amount would imply i should understand this and be conditioned to hate it as well as you say. As far as so called complaining, i dont see it as serious fury but rather just playing character in support of the meme and tradition. I consider it in the same light as chain letters in comments as just being spam that should be reported, not supported.

ps: You say i dont get it well that is the point at the end of my last reply, people are tagging for the font they believe is comic sans, they are not tagging for the meme. Adding also that just around 340 posts does not paint the picture of the massively known meme you make it out to be.

I think your being clouded by personal favoritism and not thinking objectively.

Updated by anonymous

Darou said:
Massive amount would imply i should understand this and be conditioned to hate it as well as you say.

okay, this of it this way.

You know things. Some things you know very well. Somethings you know, and you have a broad range of knowledge that you kinda sorta know.

The more you know something, the more you can feel about it.

There is SOMETHING in your life that annoys you because you understand it while many others don't. Maybe it's people who draw rabbits with paw pads (they don't have pawpads). Maybe it's people who think that wolves eat a diet of 100% meat (they don't, most carnivores eat a relatively balanced diet. There are only a few animals that eat more than 70% meat (a hypercarnivore) and wolves are not one of them.) or people who make their characters vicious grizzly bears because they want an insatiable voring machine. (grizzly bears, while big, only eat like 10% meat). People who think male lions are the kings of the pride, and all shall bow before him. (A pride can have several adult males, and are kinda tolerated by the females)... I could literally go on for pages about this sort of thing.

The people who hate comic sans tend to be the people who know and understand fonts and font choices. Graphic designers. People who've gained knowledge about the topic. And there are plenty of people who are oblivious.

But you know what? It's okay if you don't get it. The point of tags is to tag things that people might want to seek out or exclude specifically. If a group of people find comic sans disruptive to their viewing experience, then it should be tagged so people can avoid it as they wish.

Updated by anonymous

From what ive seen its people from 4chan not graphic designers in general that say they hate this snowwolf, and snowwolf just as many people you say hate comic sans i know for a fact hate equally massively common fonts like "arial" or "times of roman" or any type of font for that matter non the less we dont have tags for those. Do we have tags for every single thing someone hates? Of cource not that would be too much effort for lil benefit, and this tag is one of those as well as being inconsistent, We dont have tags for every single meme there is in the world for the same reason.

Your supporting this because of a meme but again the posts in this tag show clearly that it is not being tagged for the meme and almost no one actually understands what the meme is(A font that doesnt take its self seriously being used in intellectual and other serious and/or formal commentary/notices/statements).

Updated by anonymous

Darou said:
From what ive seen its people from 4chan not graphic designers in general that say they hate this snowwolf, and snowwolf just as many people you say hate comic sans i know for a fact hate equally massively common fonts like "arial" or "times of roman" or any type of font for that matter non the less we dont have tags for those.

Uh... okay.

I... know several graphic designers and they hate comic sans. I am pretty sure none of them go to 4chan.

Here, have some links actually talking about why people dislike comic sans. People who are graphic designers. the short version is that it is used inappropriately--like on ambulances.

Do we have tags for every single thing someone hates? Of cource not that would be too much effort for lil benefit, and this tag is one of those as well as being inconsistent, We dont have tags for every single meme there is in the world for the same reason.

I didn't say hated, I said disrupted their viewing experience. Also, we do tag things that people dislike. Having a tag there that *you* don't use doesn't mean it's useless and 'for little benefit". I think the tighty_whities tag is pointless. But that's some people's fetish. I also know at least one person who HATES how that kind of underwear looks on males. Clearly, despite my personal lack of use, this tag is of benefit to some.

Your supporting this because of a meme

Actually I'm not really familiar with the meme. I'm old. I keep up with Doggos, Puppers and sneks, but not much else, unless it's hard to miss. I don't get your trombone-oven-slamming. I don't understand what the comic sans meme is. The only meme font I know is impact font. Because Lolcats.

What I understand is that there is dislike for this font, and if people who dislike that font and to make sure it's tagged, then they can.

but again the posts in this tag show clearly that it is not being tagged for the meme and almost no one actually understands what the meme is(A font that doesn't take its self seriously being used in intellectual and other serious and/or formal commentary/notices/statements).

actually most people who do any sort of serious level of artistic design know that comic sans is a poor font choice, and is likely to result in people rejecting or criticizing their artwork. So they don't.

As far as I know, E621's stance has been 'blacklist it if you don't like it" for most of it's existence. Especially if people are being noisy in their dislike of that thing. It's kinda part of the basic rules.

If you don't like it, blacklist it.
If you notice a tag is missing an important tag, add it, don't just whine about it.

So, I guess my tl;dr - this isn't just about the meme. It tags the meme, yes, but it also tags a certain type of content that some people blacklist.

Updated by anonymous