Topic: Tag Implication: electrode_(pokemon) -> pokémon

Posted under Tag Alias and Implication Suggestions

Implicating electrode_(pokemon) → pokémon
Link to implication

Unimplicating electrode → pokémon
Link to implication


An electrode is a common device used in electrostimulation, among other uses such as with EEG machines. As a general term, it shouldn't be used exclusively for a pokemon.

I suggest that electrode_(pokemon) be used to specifically refer to the pokemon, while electrode is reserved for the electrical apparatus. It should be noted that electrodes has been used for such a purpose already, though I would think that the singular form would be preferred.

Updated by O16

+½. Actually the name change seems reasonable, but the implicated tag should be '[[electrode_(pokémon)|electrode_(pokémon)]]' instead; also 'electrode_(pokemon)' should be aliased to it, like happens with 'golem_(pokémon)'.

A curious thing that happens with the first generation is the fact of some pokémon english names be actual words, example:

Updated by anonymous

Clawdragons said:
That one is actually spelled "Onyx".

'Onix' is an uncommon variation of the word, similarly to 'mollusk' and 'mollusc'.

Updated by anonymous