Topic: Tag Implication: hood -> clothing

Posted under Tag Alias and Implication Suggestions

Well... More like part of clothing. How often do you see a hood by itself?

Updated by anonymous

BlueDingo said:
Well... More like part of clothing. How often do you see a hood by itself?

If it is part of a clothing, so exists a clothing, isn't it? In addition, sometimes it appear alone or the clothe to which it is attached isn't shown.

e.g. post #999125

Knotty_Curls said:
I'd rather we disambiguate it.

Case in point:

post #1088631

In this case use "snake_hood".

Updated by anonymous

O16 said:
If it is part of a clothing, so exists a clothing, isn't it? In addition, sometimes it appear alone or the clothe to which it is attached isn't shown.

e.g. post #999125

In this case use "snake_hood".

Fair enough. +1

Updated by anonymous

I mean we're aliasing it. To hood_(disambiguation).

Disambiguations exist to ensure tagging mistakes - such as hood implying clothing on an image of a feral hooded snake (or a nude anthro) - never occur.

So the disambiguation page will include:

Updated by anonymous


Former Staff

Knotty_Curls said:
I'd rather we disambiguate it.

That might be necessary. It gets tagged a lot for that: snake hood. Over seventy posts at the moment, and some have likely been cleaned out.

Knotty_Curls said:

  • + any other pedantic thing we can manage to think of

Prehensile_clitoral_hood. And there's a couple of instances of car hoods.

Updated by anonymous

Knotty_Curls said:

  • + any other pedantic thing we can manage to think of
Me wasting time. Don't read.

> Why can't we call that a bonnet?

< That's a type of hat.

> Then we'll call it a cowl.

< That's a type of hood.

> Exactly, it's a hood.

< No, I mean the other kind.

> You mean the clothing kind?

< Yes.

> Okay, now I'm confused...

> I got it. cowling. That only refers to engine coverings.

< That could work, but no one calls it that.

> We'll make them call it that.

< But we can't force them to-

> Shh, they're looking at us...

The only other hood I can think of is the one on a car.

Updated by anonymous