Hornjob bugs me and the recent tail* implication threads popping up made me wonder if it would be interesting to actually make the tag more sensible (my vivid imagination pictures someone twisting their prehensile horn around someone's penis...). It's one of few (only?) *job-tags which does not involve a penis.
Also I'm aware of the slight naming problem concerning *_penetration tags, e.g. horn_penetration and tail_penetration compared to vaginal/anal/oral-_penetration.
So your thoughts about:
- hornjob (124) -> horn_play (1)/hornplay (3) (due to it's current usage)
- grabbing_horn (0), horn_grabbing (0) -> horn_grab (191)
- licking_horn (0), horn_licking (0) -> horn_lick (0)
- sucking_horn (0), horn_sucking (2) -> horn_suck (1)
- rubbing_horn (0), horn_rubbing (0) -> horn_rub (3) (handjob for your horn?)
- horn_penetration (0) -> horn_sex (31) (see tail_penetration -> tail_sex alias)
Have a bunch of horngasm (40), but not sure how if it fits...
Not sure about whether antlers should be included or separate (probably not).
Updated by EarthFurst2