Topic: Fixing tags on shiny Pokemon

Posted under Tag/Wiki Projects and Questions

Very often, people tag shiny on an image with a shiny_pokemon, so I'm going through that to change any incorrect tags.

However, I also have a question. There are images tagged with such tags as shiny_eevee, shiny_mew and the like. Should these tags be removed, or are they allowed? for example, shiny_pokemon vaporeon will return post #1177879 which is a shiny umbreon with a non-shiny vaporeon, so that kind of tag might actually be useful to have.

If I know what the policy on that is, it'll be helpful when fixing mistagged posts.


Should only be shiny_pokemon and then the pokemon's species on a separate, not shiny tag.

Updated by anonymous

Thanks. On a related note, shiny states that "The property of an object or material, where it's surface is remarkably reflective." Not all images that I run into that are tagged shiny (Even with other tags being correct) I would call "remarkably reflective". Is there a good metric to go off of for what's shiny and what isn't?

Updated by anonymous

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