Topic: Tag Implication: sweat -> wet

Posted under Tag Alias and Implication Suggestions

iirc wet shouldn't be for just a single drop of liquid on a character. Considering a lot of sweat is just a single, or two drops of sweat on random places on a characters body, or even worse, when it's just a humorous way to show the character being nervous.

As in post #1130321

or post #1174371


Updated by anonymous

The way the word sweatdrop is usually used, it's that odd, disembodied, comically large droplet that isn't meant to even appear to be actually on someone. Something isn't not we just because it isn't very wet. Probably better to break the link between sweatdrop and sweat, and just tag them like the wiki says where sweat is used for noticeably sweaty characters - that is, sweaty enough that you would actually think to call them wet.

Updated by anonymous

notnobody said:
The way the word sweatdrop is usually used, it's that odd, disembodied, comically large droplet that isn't meant to even appear to be actually on someone.

But it doesn't need to be displayed that way. It can be legitimate sweat rather than an abstraction. So a sweatdrop is meant to indicate sweating whether or not it's displayed as proper sweat. So whether something is sweat is unrelated to whether it's actually the character being wet.

Also, the wet wiki page says that it's for characters being "soaked". Soaked is not a term that's used for being slightly wet. It's certainly possible to be soaked with sweat, but it's not always the case.

So, -1.

Updated by anonymous

It does say soaked. And the sweat tag's wiki says "when the character is noticeably sweaty." I wouldn't count one drop of sweat on a temple any more or less as them being sweaty than I would one drop of non-sweat liquid as them being wet. The way they're written up in the wiki articles, which is the way they're most useful as tags, would imply that sweatdrop should not indicate sweat but sweat should indicate wet. Sweatdrop is explicitly not at all what someone's looking for when they're looking for sweat, and the thing that they are looking for absolutely is a specific kind of wet.

Updated by anonymous