Topic: The tags "sexy" and "cute"

Posted under Tag Alias and Implication Suggestions

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I just randomly noticed the tags "sexy" and "cute" on something I really would not consider any of the two. It kept me thinking for a bit, so I want to ask:

"sexy" and "cute" are two very, very subjective attributes, so do you guys really think they make any sense as tags?
You could tag almost everything with it, because somebody will think it's sexy or cute. Searching for any of the two tags makes no sense at all to me, because it will bring up a ton of results which some person or the other would consider sexy or cute - it makes more sense to me to just click through all the posts and pick sexy and cute things by what I myself consider that.

I think the tags "sexy" and "cute" should be abolished.

Updated by Nicky/Nikki

I concur, to a degree. Sexy definitely has no place, as what one person might call sexy, someone else might not. I have a feeling cute can be useful, though, if it was only used to describe 'cute moments'... those universal "d'awwww" moments.

Updated by anonymous

I agree if "cute" is actually used like that. I had a bit of a wtf moment when I saw "cute" used on a drawing by Gideon of a gigantic herm tiger that, to me, looked about as cute as a battle tank.

Updated by anonymous

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