Topic: [Feature] Change letter X (x) in post size to dimension sign (×)

Posted under Site Bug Reports & Feature Requests

Requested feature overview description.

Under "statistics" in the "size" section on a post, the method of denoting dimensions is the informal "x" instead of the semantically-correct "×". Example: 1000x1000 instead of 1000×1000. The proposal is to change the "x" to "×".

Why would it be useful?

In the first place, it's more correct to use the dimension sign, because the letter x isn't meant for this purpose. This means that situations where a computer needs to read the screen won't misread the dimension symbol as "echs", which would be the case with a lowercase x.

DeviantART realises this, so they use × instead of x, for instance 608×566 instead of "600x566". Other websites don't. We could be one of the first.

(and for what it's worth, section 5.2.6 of "The Elements of Typographic Style", considered the typography bible, says explicitly to "use a dimension sign (×) instead of the letter x when dimensions are given", a statement echoed by Butterick's Practical Typography)

What part(s) of the site page(s) are affected?

All image posts


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