Requested feature overview description.
Please support wmode='direct' on swfs, the param is currently being ignored and cause swfs attempting to create gpu contexts to crash.
Please add the tag following tag: <param name="wmode" value="direct"> before the <embed> tag. This is a mostly unused tag that allows the swf to be transparent on the page, fill a popup window, or other odd things. Setting it to 'direct' allows the swf to render directly on the screen instead of trying to overlay html elements on of top/behind it.
Why would it be useful?
The default wmode prevents gpu rendering, so please set it to "direct" or "gpu". It offers big power savings and better graphic performance by using the gpu if it's available. There are no relevant downsides as swfs that do not attempt to create 3d contexts aren't affected.
What part(s) of the site page(s) are affected?
The /post/show page with swfs.
Let me know if I can be more clear, I'd really like to create a performant game and this tag really hurts.