Topic: Sex toys and ratings

Posted under Tag/Wiki Projects and Questions

So, I've just got neutral for incorrectly tagging ratings. While the last one was my obvious mistake caused by mass uploading I have doubts about how sex toys should be tagged with rating.
I tagged
post #1216628
post #1216629
with questionable rating and this is apparently wrong.
In rating rules it is written that:

Any image where the pussy, penis, anus, or other genitalia (sheath, cloaca, etc.) are exposed. This also includes depictions of sex, masturbation, and gore.

Nothing about sex toys.
There's also nothing written about that in sex_toy wiki. With forum search I only managed to find this post.
On pics male cub is undressing/dressed and is not really using dildos. On second pictures dildos are lying on side. I'm aware that that forum post is 2 years old, but I can't find anything more recent with forum search.

What are the rules when it comes to adding rating to posts with sex toys?

Updated by NotMeNotYou

i would've thought it'd be obvious that that would be explicit.

just so you know. those dildos in the 2nd pic are penis shaped and as such, they count as explicit.

same hoes for the first pic too now that i stop and look at it.

a penis is a penis, even if it's not attached to anyone.

Updated by anonymous

treos said:
a penis is a penis, even if it's not attached to anyone.

But dildo is not penis.

Basically if the dildo is clearly used for something explicit or in suggestive manner, it falls under explicit. However if it's just as object somewhere in the image, it usually falls under questionable.

Updated by anonymous

treos said:
i would've thought it'd be obvious that that would be explicit.

just so you know. those dildos in the 2nd pic are penis shaped and as such, they count as explicit.

same hoes for the first pic too now that i stop and look at it.

a penis is a penis, even if it's not attached to anyone.

dont assume the obvious,
if the wiki is unclear to anyone at all then it should be updated and clarified as needed.

in that regard dildos, sextoys and other imitations of real genitalia should be explicitly specified on the wiki

Updated by anonymous

treos said:
i would've thought it'd be obvious that that would be explicit.

just so you know. those dildos in the 2nd pic are penis shaped and as such, they count as explicit.

same hoes for the first pic too now that i stop and look at it.

a penis is a penis, even if it's not attached to anyone.

But dildo is not penis. Dildo is an object. To me dildos (that are not near genitals) are not more explicit than naked breasts or suggestively sucking a banana, which are questionable. And what about Atretochoana eiselti?

There are also pics
post #858827
post #885508
where there's actual penis (with its shape) visible under clothes and they are getting questionable rating. Real penis, not just dildo.

Updated by anonymous

Granberia said:
But dildo is not penis. Dildo is an object. To me dildos (that are not near genitals) are not more explicit than naked breasts or suggestively sucking a banana, which are questionable. And what about Atretochoana eiselti?

true, but it is an object that is shaped, and looks, like a penis. banana, cucumber, and other plants might have a similar shape in some ways but they don't actually look like a penis. when you see a dildo, it is very clear what it was designed to imitate. the same can't be said of the plants.

to further illustrate my point:



wait...what? they actually make balls like that? i mean, i know i've seen one in a pic here before but...a large pink rubber ball with a dildo near the is with this world?

anyway...of the 2 objects, which is more explicit? banana or dildo?

O_O whaaat...? does that...does that have a...a squirtle shell on the side am i looking at?! enough! getting off that google images page now. i can only imagine that that one might have to do with a vore fetish of some kind given the size.

and i thought i had seen some weird stuff on this site...

Updated by anonymous

I'm pretty sure there are BALLS in the second image.
But yes, the rules need to be revised to clarify that.

Updated by anonymous

treos said:
true, but it is an object that is shaped, and looks, like a penis. banana, cucumber, and other plants might have a similar shape in some ways but they don't actually look like a penis. when you see a dildo, it is very clear what it was designed to imitate. the same can't be said of the plants.

Peter Pepper

Updated by anonymous

i do understand having a sex toy in an image doesn't make it porn, though it seems to me a rating between explicit and questionable will create some minor tagging problems, as is images with bulge too often having safe ratings.

i agree that it would be simple to make a sex toy questionable, and any explicit actions with it, explicit.

Updated by anonymous

BlueDingo said:
Peter Pepper

o_O wtf? looks like a canine dick...minus the knot.

but why are you guys so intent on disproving my point? i fail to see how a sex toy couldn't be explicit. or are such things exclusively explicit to situations when someone is using them? that's about as dumb as the female nipple thing. or what about those that squirt stuff out like cum-lube? are those too non-explicit until they're being used?

Updated by anonymous

treos said:
o_O wtf? looks like a canine dick...minus the knot.

Proof that Mother Nature is a slut. There are other phallic plants.

treos said:
but why are you guys so intent on disproving my point? i fail to see how a sex toy couldn't be explicit. or are such things exclusively explicit to situations when someone is using them? that's about as dumb as the female nipple thing. or what about those that squirt stuff out like cum-lube? are those too non-explicit until they're being used?

It should depend on what the sex toy looks like. If a dildo looks like a giant veiny penis, explicit. If a dildo looks like a rounded cylinder, questionable. Anal beads are just a row of beads attached to a rod, nothing particularly explicit about that.

Updated by anonymous

treos said:
are those too non-explicit until they're being used?

if one can see the cum, then it is clearly being used.

Updated by anonymous

fewrahuxo said:
if one can see the cum, then it is clearly being used.

Not necessarily. Does giving yourself a handie and blowing your load onto a dormant sex toy count as using it? Does taking a beaker full of cum and pouring it onto a sex toy count as using it?

Updated by anonymous

BlueDingo said:

i shouldn't have to mention that cum is explicit, at which point the status of the sex toy does not matter.

Updated by anonymous

If an object in a picture looks like a penis, vagina, nipple, anus or anything else like that they will be treated as their anatomical counterparts for rating purposes. In other words if it looks like a penis it will be rated like a penis.

This is also goes for "simplified" penis designs.

Updated by anonymous

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